Welcome To Fatherhood

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Chapter 65

No One POV

When Keenan had got the news from Professor Cerise he quickly made his way back toward the lab along with Steven and Takuto which they decided to use their flying type Pokémon since it was easier to do so and of course faster, as Keenan had quickly returned Chairzard back into his ball and made his way into the lab with many questions running through his head.

But when he went into the lab no one was in there as he quickly made his way out of the lab and into the his house that's next to his dome with Takuto and Steven behind them in tow as they ran for a little bit until they finally reached his house as he slammed opened his door. Revealing Chloe on the couch along with Professor Cerise,Ren and Chrysa.

Cerise:*sighs*alright you made it were you close to the city or something.he asked him

Keenan:no I was in the city making my way back toward the lab with Steven and my brother I definitely wasn't expecting something like this that's for sure.he said back to him

Cerise:the same can be said for me I wasn't expecting Chloe to tell me about her suddenly having her babies already and their twins.he told him

As Keenan had made his way over to Chloe as he seen the 2 bundles currently playing with Chrysa's hand as one of them have Chloe's maroon colored hair and purple eyes while the other has Keenan's hair color which is silver with his purple eyes as he went down to their level.

Chloe:quick question Keenan why does this one have silver hair did you originally have silver hair.she asked 

Keenan:*nods*yeah I'm sure you remember my "dad" showing up out of nowhere that's where I get my silver hair from and I dyed my hair of course.he said back to her

Chloe:oh yeah I know what you mean that's someone I don't want to see again.she said back to him

Keenan:yeah and the same goes for me but I do need something from him.he replied thinking of the Nightmare orb

The twins had looked at their father as he glanced back at them and lightly smiled as he gently caressed both of their cheeks as the 2 of them giggled as everyone there found it adorable until Professor Cerise had broke the silence.

Cerise:*looks at Chloe*Chloe dear I'm going to need you to tell me the truth. Exactly how did you give birth right now your not even close to your due date how did all of this happened.he asked her

Keenan and Chloe had looked at each other as even Keenan is thinking about it and well he really wanted to keep this a secret for a while but it looks like fate had other plans for him as he then looked at Takuto and Steven along with Ren and Chrysa as the 2 of them are in the same room as him as he sighed.

Keenan:this is something I wish to discuss with you alone so can't the rest of you leave the room.he said out loud

Steven:I understand cmon Takuto how about I give you some tips while their discussing a few things to each other.he said understanding the situation 

Takuto:*happily*ok.he responded 

Ren:well if you say so me and Chrysa will head back into the lab and make sure the computer's are done updating.he told their boss

As everyone in the room had left them alone as it's just Keenan,Chloe and Professor Cerise as he released a sigh and made his way toward his secret compartment by his bed and opened the drawer revealing the Time Orb and Burning Orb as Professor Cerise was both shocked and interested in those orbs since he never seen anything like it before.

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