Kalakaua's Semi Final Battle

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Chapter 95

No One POV

At the Hoenn league 2 days had passed as Kalakaua had pretty much breezed through the rounds using his Avalugg and Dragonite which soloed entire teams, but he's not the only one as Astrid,Trip and Remo was apart of that group.

The top 8 rounds was also a breeze for Kala as he only lost one Pokémon which was his Noiverm but again his Dragonite had came in for the last few Pokémon and destroyed them with only one move.

Kalakaua was too strong for the Hoenn league but he knows that Astrid,Remo and Trip are the bigger fish to fry since they author demands it. Kala had made his way onto the semi finals along with of course Trip,Remo and Astrid.

Announcer:now without further ado I will be announcing the semi final opponents as they will be chosen right here and now, so keep your eyes onto the screen.he said into the mic

Everyone there had stared up at the big screen as the 4 cards had started to shuffle until the matches has been made, as both Kalakaua and Astrid has been paired up for the first match of the day and Remo and Trip for the second match.

The author wanted to do a Kala vs Trip but decided not to since there's a reason why he chosen Astrid instead of him.

Announcer:and there you have it folks, tomorrow's matches has been set up as the first match will be Kalakaua vs Astrid and following it up will be Remo vs Trip, first round match ups please be at the arena by 10.he announced as the crowd cheered

Kalakaua:so my semi opponent is her huh, I need to watch out for her Absol it's probably even stronger then mines.he said to himself

Speak of the Devil the said opponent had walked up to him while he was walking away as they just stared at each other for a few seconds somewhat sizing each other up, and well Kala had to admit Astrid is indeed a beautiful girl, but he won't go easy because she's a girl he'll still battle her with everything he's got.

Speak of the Devil the said opponent had walked up to him while he was walking away as they just stared at each other for a few seconds somewhat sizing each other up, and well Kala had to admit Astrid is indeed a beautiful girl, but he won't go ea...

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A/N:Fine ASF+underrated character.

Astrid:well it looks like we're opponents in the next round and I must admit I'm quite excited to battle you.she said to him

Kalakaua:the feeling is mutual, i watched your earlier rounds and you dominated them.he replied

Astrid:not as much as you tho you pretty much destroyed your opponents with only using Avalugg and Dragonite, but not your odd looking Samurott why is that.she replied to him

Kalakaua:*smirks*it's because Samurott is a secret, but who knows you might be able to witness his power if you manage to push me that far.he said back to her

Astrid:*grins*ohh I'll be sure to try my best Kalakaua.she said back to hi

As Astrid had walked ahead of him as she "accidentally" flashed him her lilac colored laced panties which made Kalakaua widened his eyes a bit as he has a small blush across his face as Astrid had glanced back with a small smirk on her face somewhat satisfied.

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