The Legendary Battle Finale

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Chapter 80

No One POV

The final parts of the battle between Keenan and Riley are in its final stretch as Keenan is down to his last 2 Pokémon which is his Legendary Pokémon Moltres and his other Pokémon he has yet to reveal as Riley still has 3 Pokémon left, as Keenan's Moltres and Riley's Tornadus are staring down one another.

Riley/Keenan:use Air Slash.they both commanded at the same time

Both Legendary Pokémon had glared at one another as both of their wings has gotten a bright blue glow to them as they flapped their wings sending blades of wind at one another as the attack had clashed in mid air creating a large explosion.

Riley:Tornadus use Brutal Swing.he ordered him

Keenan:dodge it Moltres.he said to him

Riley:don't let it escape chase after It.he told him

As both Pokémon had started to fly around the air with incredible speeds as Tornadus's tail has gotten the eerie purple glow to it as he aimed it at Moltres who spun out of the way diving down toward the arena and battlefield with Tornadus following behind.

Riley:good Tornadus use Hyper-.he was cut off

Keenan:turn around and use Flamethrower while falling.he ordered him

Moltres had did a quick 180 and unleashed the powerful torrent of flames at Tornadus who cried out in pain as Moltres had repositioned itself and soared down toward Keenan landing in front of him, while Tornadus didn't had a very soft landing.

Riley:I knew having a Legendary Pokémon air battle will be exciting wouldn't you agree Tornadus.he asked him

Tornadus:yes of course this is the most fun I've had in awhile.he agreed to him

Keenan:figured your Tornadus can talk.he said back to him

Announcer:*shocked*I DON'T BELIVE IT FOLKS RILEY'S TORNADUS JUST TALKED IT HAS TELEPATHY.he yelled into the mic as everyone is shocked as well

Tobias:you know it isn't much of a shock now is it.he said out loud

Which Keenan's group had to agree with him on that one as Tornadus had looked at Moltres who did the same as they both stared at each other waiting for the next order.

Keenan:well let's not waste anymore time, Moltres use Flamethrower once more.he commanded

Riley:use Hurricane now blow that away.he ordered

As Tornadus had flapped his large wings with a white glow to them completely destroying Moltres's Flamethrower attack as it was nullified so easily as Moltres had screeched out loud and took to the skies once more.

Tornadus made sure or follow since the air is where the more exciting battles will start once again.

Keenan:use Steel Wing now.he ordered him

Riley:Tornadus use your Sludge Wave.he also commanded

Keenan:protect yourself with Steel Wing.he said to him

Moltres had screeched out loudly as both of his wings has gotten the silvery glow to them as he started to fly at Tornadus with incredible speeds while Tornadus had swung one of his wings with a purple glow around it sending out the wave of poison.

But Moltres had protected itself using his wings as the poison didn't really do a thing for him as Moltres had slapped Tornadus with Steel Wing as Tornadus was sent flying back a bit but caught itself in the air.

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