Chapter 2

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Potion's class

Students flooded the corridors, as they tried to find where to go.

"Hurry, Diana," Hermione rushed, Diana following after her. "Professor McGonagall!" Diana called, Mcgonagall turned around, a serious look plastered on her face.

"Oh! Miss Locke, please hurry as for your first class is about to start," Mcgonagall said, disapprovingly, taking out Diana's schedule.

"Okay, thank you," Diana turned towards Hermione, Diana could barely get one word out before being dragged to the other side of the school.

"Hermione—?" Diana uttered, her wrist starting to hurt as she attempted to keep up with the eager girl.

They both stopped at a door, Hermione patting her hair down, "Now then—, pull yourself together, Diana." Hermione spoke sternly.

Diana panted, huffing as she tried to gain composer, fixing her robes.

Hermione stood next to Diana in Potions class, all of the students stood, gathered around Slughorn.

He started his lesson, Diana eyeing her brother and Malfoy as they stood next to each other. Neo looked over at her, his eyebrows knitted together, curious on why she was scowling at him like that.

Harry and Ron walked in, gaining Diana's attention. "Ah. Harry, my boy, I was beginning to worry. We've brought someone with us, I see." Said Slughorn.

"Ron Weasley, sir." Ron made known, trying to act smooth. Diana scoffed at the act of confidence, snickering under her breath.

Hermione smiled, putting her head towards the ground to conceal it. Diana noticed Lavender Brown looking at Ron like she was getting ready to pounce and take him right there on the spot.

Her smile faded. Of course, Diana wasn't completely oblivious of Hermione like Ron.

Ron and Harry fought over the books in the cabinet, 'Now, as I was saying, I prepared some concoctions this morning. Any idea what these might be?" Slughorn grinned at the students in front of him.

Hermione's hand shot up, Slughorn looked at her, "Yes, miss..?"

"Granger, sir." Hermione replied, putting her hand down, before continuing, "This one here is Veritaserum, it is a truth telling serum. And that one there would be Polyjuice Potion, it's terribly tricky to make. And this is Amortentia, the most powerful love potion in the world." Hermione said, looking at Slughorn and back at the concoction.

"It's rumored to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them."

Diana tried to get a whiff of what the Amortentia smelt like as Hermione described how it smelt to her.
Hermione finished, walking back to where she stood next to Diana. Diana snapped out of it, smiling at Hermione.

"Sir? You haven't told us what's in that one." Katie Bell, a Gryffindor student, voiced.

Diana looked at her brother, "I'll be back," she whispered. Diana pulled back from the crowd of students as she heard Hermione whisper-call for her.

"Hey," She said in a hushed tone, coming in between her brother and Malfoy. "Aren't you supposed to be paying attention. You know your grade is terrible in potions." Neo smirked, raising his eyebrow at the Gryffindor.

"Yeah, well it's a good thing I have a brother who does excellent in potions." Diana smiled innocently.

Neo scoffed, smiling whilst he shook his head, "Plus, being good at Transfigurations, and Charms makes up for me doing poorly in Potions, so." Diana shrugged.

Draco turned his head to look at Diana and Neo, an annoyed expression plastered on his face, "Oh, shut up, i'm going." Diana scoffed, 'If looks could kill,' She thought to herself.

Diana walked stealthily back to where she stood next to Hermione. Draco watched as she did so, looking back at Neo before turning his head to the front.

"So, this is what I offer each of you today. One tiny vial of liquid luck to the student who, in the hour that remains, manages to brew an acceptable Draught of Living Death. The recipes for which can be found on page 10 of your books." Slughorn announced.

The students pulled out their books, opening to page ten, eagerly. Diana titled her head curiously at the book, looking up to see students rushing to get supplies and somewhere to sit.

Diana was at a table with Hermione, Ron and Harry. Slughorn making it clear Slytherin and Gryffindor's shouldn't sit at the same table as one another, just to keep it 'simple'.

Diana thought that was a crock of shit. Though, she guessed it didn't matter since the Slytherins and Gryffindor despised each other anyway.

She squinted her eyes, reading the directions. "Cut up one Sopophorus bean—," She read to herself.

She held the two sides of the bean and tried cutting in the middle, adding more and more pressure to the cutting utensil.

Ron's Sopophorus bean flew from the table as he tried to cut it, hitting Diana in the shoulder.

"Really, Ron?" She gave the 'are you serious?' Look to him, he adverted his eyes from her, "Sorry," He muttered.

Diana looked over at Harry, noticing he, of all people, wasn't having a hard time cutting the bean.

She watched as he crushed it, tilting her head, she reread the directions.

"Harry, let me see your book." Diana voiced, leaning over to read his page, "You crush it? But, that book says to cut it?" Diana noted, as if she were talking mostly to herself.

Hermione frowned as she stirred, her hair frizzing up immensely.

Diana looked to where her brother sat, he stirred the concoction in the cauldron, he, too, looked like he was having a hard time.

Harry looked over at how Diana was doing to see that she was leaning on the table, absentmindedly.


"Hm? Well, there's no point in me doing it, I already know it's not going to turn out good." Said Diana as she shrugged.

After, Harry got the vial of the Liquid luck.

Hermione, especially, didn't take this too well, walking out of the class room, balked, Diana, Ron and Harry attempting to keep up with her.

"I cannot believe it," Hermione scoffed, walking down the corridor, Diana catching up to her. "I know, Harry was never good at Potions, anyway, so it's really surprising—," Diana got cut off, fearing Harry had heard her. She looked around, the boy being nowhere in sight.

"Now where did he go?" Diana voiced.

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