Chapter 14

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Greengrass' annual Christmas

"Diana, we're leaving soon." Neo called from outside of her bedroom door. "Give me a minute," She uttered, zipping up her dress.

She pulled on black high waisted stockings and put on her black Mary Janes.

This evening, the Locke family would be attending the Greengrass' Manor for their Christmas gathering.

Diana wasn't too thrilled to say the least, she never liked the two sisters, as they thought they were better than everyone else.

After Diana got ready she made her way down the stairs, her parents and Neo waiting by the front door.

She grinned at her brother as her Father stuck out his arm, "About time." Neo muttered, smirking at her.

The three of them grabbed Augustus, their father's, arm. "Brace yourselves." He warningly said, Diana felt as if she was being sucked into a tight tube, the pressure was intense, though it wasn't her first time, it wasn't something she was used to as of yet.

They appeared outside of a big, open gate, the sign above the gate had the words 'Greengrass' on it.

The snow fell gently into Diana's hair as she shivered, her arms crossed over her chest. Olea sighed, looking at the twins. "I expect the two of you to be on your best behavior."

Diana groaned internally, looking at her brother with an annoyed expression, he smirked at her. "She's mostly talking to you, sister." Neo chuckled lightly, as him and Diana followed behind their parents as they walked to the front door.

"I'm always on my best behavior." She shrugged at her brother, he gave her an "Yeah right" look. "I think you may be referring to your behavior, brother."

"The both of you! Everyone knows how the two of you act together in a room full of unknown people." Their mother spoke.

Diana could see that the two front doors were already opened even where she stood at the first step of the stairs she could see that the inside was bustling with people, already.

Mr. And Mrs. Greengrass greeted their parents, at the door, welcoming the family insides. "What lovely place you have, Adorabella." Olea voiced, scanning the inside as she stepped inside the house.

"Thank you, Olea. It's a pleasure to have you and your family here. Welcome." Mrs. Greengrass smiled at the twins, her husband stood by her side as they greeted the guests.

Neo and Diana spotted the buffet, and decided to make way over there, "Can't pass up the chance for free food." Diana chuckled to herself, she scanned over the food.

Neo had a questionable look on his face, "What is all this stuff..?" Neo asked, Diana rose an eyebrow.

"Oh, they had this at Slughorn's Christmas party, some boy was passing it around, I believe that's Dragon balls?" Diana said unsurely.

Neo scrunched his nose. "Where's all the sweets?" Diana scoffed. Neo looked around at the other tables.

"Bullocks." Diana grumbled. "Oh!" Diana exclaimed, walking on the other side of the long table. "How did we miss this?" Neo muttered.

They both looked over the sweets spread out on the table, picking up everything they liked on their small glass plates. "Looks like we'll have to come back for the rest." Diana uttered, looking at the plate full of sweets in her and her brothers hand.

Neo nodded in agreement, "Raiding the Buffet table full of sweets, are we?" Diana and Neo turned around to see who the voice came from.

A boy stood in front of them, "Clement! We didn't know you were invited." Diana smiled, chewing on a sugar cookie.

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