Chapter 9

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*Warning: SMUT*

The Astronomy Tower

Diana sucked in a sigh, looking up at the boy, "I need help." She stated, slurring, as she pursed her lips, "What?" Draco questioned, she could tell he was annoyed.

"Stairs." Diana simply said, turning back to the stairs, her vision a bit blurred. Draco rolled his eyes, he wasn't in the mood, he wanted to be left alone with his thoughts.

Though, he could've been stuck with worse company.

"What was it you were saying about not needing saving?" Draco asked, walking to her.

"Everybody needs help sometimes." She smirked, hooking her arm in Draco's. He smelt the whiskey and her perfume mixed together, it was intoxicating.

He let her lean on him as they both made way down the stairs, Diana missed a step at the end, nearly falling on her face.

Draco pulled her to him by her arm, she looked up at him, "Thanks." She awkwardly voiced, a goofy smile appeared on her lips. Draco's arm slithered to her waist, wrapping his arm around her to help her balance.

Draco looked down at her, feeling her arm cling onto him as he helped her down.

"Do you need help getting to the common room or do you think you can manage?" Malfoy gibed, irritated, looking back down at her, she shifted in his grasp, she lifted herself up as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

His eyebrows furrowed together, looking down at her face. Her eyes, you could stare at them forever and get lost in them. He couldn't describe the emotion in them.

For he, couldn't read them himself.

She placed a kiss on his lips, he cupped her face, his other hand on the small of her back.

This was different from the last time.

She started to kiss him more passionately, though, it was still slow.

Diana wanted to take control this time. She wanted him to want her. And only her. She didn't want him running back to Pansy or Astoria or whomever he's ever been with.

She wanted to be special.

She thought she deserved it. Maybe she didn't. She continued to kiss him, it got rougher though. She broke away from his lips, she heaved, looking at him.

She was peculiar to him. He was curious about her.

Maybe it was the alcohol, in fact, Diana knew it was the alcohol that made her more bold than she usually is.

She unbuckled his pants, his eyebrows furrowed, she didn't break away from his eyes. "Locke." He said in a warningly tone.

She just looked at him before dropping to her knees, she pulled his dick out, hesitating.

She looked up at him, his facial expression mixed with confusion and surprise.

He didn't feel right about her doing this when she's not in the right state of mentality.

She took him into her hands, thrusting her hand once over him, his cock harden at her touch, making her internally smile.

She took her shirt off, the cold air rushed over her, making her nipples harden.

He wanted to reach down and play and suck her breast, but he was curious about where this would head.

She licked the tip of him, his mouth dropped slowly, moving her hair out of her face, his cold rings stinging her skin.

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