Chapter 4

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Room of Requirements

      The curiosity was eating away at Diana. It was like an itch that needed to be scratched.

She walked down the same corridor she saw the Room of Requirements and Draco Malfoy entering it just a few days ago.

She walked the corridor thrice, if she could recall from 5th year, that's how the Room of Requirements' door appeared.

She glanced around, giving in to see what Malfoy was doing and why he was going into the Room of Requirements, waiting to see if the door would appear before her.

Suddenly, the wall rumbled, and a big door became visible before her, Diana stepped back, looking at the door.

She reminder herself of the saying, 'Curiosity killed the cat,' in hope that that would convince her to turn around on her heel and walk away like a humongous door hadn't just appeared right in front of her.

"Turn around, Diana." She muttered to herself. She groaned, looking at the door.

It was around 11 o'clock at night, past curfew. The corridor's were dark and quiet, so it was easy to hear when someone was coming.

Diana's heart thudded, an overwhelming feeling of anxiety crept it's way in the pit of her stomach. She didn't want to get caught, but she wanted to know what was so damn intriguing about the Room of Requirements that would peek Draco Malfoy's interest.

The door creaked as she pushed it open, leaving enough space for her to slip inside.

She closed it quietly, and looked around. There were objects covered in cloth's.

There were a bunch of random objects that were never there before, when Diana first saw the Room of Requirements back in 5th year, none of the stuff was in there. It had become a storage room.

Diana drug her fingers along a grand piano that was in there, pressing down on a key.

She walked around, crouching quickly behind a tall object as she spotted Draco in front of something.

She peered from behind it, watching as Malfoy places an apple inside of what looked like a cabinet.

She heard him chant something over again underneath his breath. Diana watched curiously, moving to get comfortable since her legs were starting to hurt from the recent position.

As she did so, her wand slipped out of her robes pocket clattering onto the ground, an inaudible gasps leaving her lips.

She picked up her wand quickly, just as she was about to see if Draco had noticed, she saw a pair of legs in the corner of her eye.

Her face contorted into pure shock and horror when she looked up, Malfoy standing over her. The look of annoyance and anger on his face made it enough for Diana to act like she didn't see anything and never think back or talk about this night.

"This-, this isn't the girls bathroom.." Diana stated, looking around, pretending to act confused. "Must've took the wrong turn, whoops." She laughed anxiously as she scrambled to her feet.

She didn't leave a moment to spare as she tried to walk past Draco, just before he moved in the way, blocking her from exiting.

"What are you doing in here?" He spat.

She adverted her eyes from his, "I told you, I was looking for the bathroom—, this is obviously not it so if you could just-" Diana expected him to step aside so she could get passed, which he did not.

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