Chapter 10

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Pansy and Draco?

       Diana figured out why Hermione was avoiding Ron. She had guessed before Hermione or Harry even mentioned it.

Of course, it had been because of Lavender Brown.

It's been half a week since then and Hermione was still avoiding Ron.

Diana hadn't really seen Draco around much, in fact, she was pretty certain he was avoiding her, too.

Hermione and Diana sat in the library, both with books in their hands. Hermione read about the history of Hogwarts, whilst Diana read about a love sick fool sacrificing himself for the one he was in love with.

'Pathetic.' Diana shook her head, though secretly, she admired that.

Hermione flicked her eyes to the girl in front of her, wondering why she shook her head.

"If you need some book recommendations, I know quite a few that, in my opinion, are good." Hermione suggested.

"Hm? Oh, no, thanks, Mione, I was just thinking about something,"

Hermione sat her book down, with a sigh, "We should go, it's getting late." Hermione checked the clock that ticked to 6:45pm  hanging on the wall, closing her book.

Diana nodded in agreement, picking her own stuff up.

Diana was genuinely surprised at the fact that she wasn't babbling on about Ron, since she's been going on about it since the night of the first Quidditch game.

Hermione and Diana walked out of the library, walking down the corridor they both spotted Draco, alone, sitting on the large windowsill, looking out the window.

Diana turned her head, concealing her face with the book in her hand. "Are you okay, Diana?" Hermione said, rather loud.

Diana grunted. Clearly Hermione didn't get the hint that she was trying to avoid Draco.

Draco snapped his head at the girl, his eyebrows furrowed as he tried to figure out what was wrong with her.

"I'm fine, Mione." She dully voiced, Diana eyes looked to Draco, seeing him stare at her.

Diana looked back at Hermione, "Shall we?" Diana uttered, Hermione looked at her strangely before walking past her.

Diana looked at the ground, turning to catch up with Hermione. Avoiding his eyes.

Diana rarely saw her brother, but he made sure that he was there at the game, he put everything aside just to see her play, and that was good enough for her. He mentioned he was in the stands with the Gryffindors to watch the game with Clement.

That was why she couldn't spot him.

Diana opened the door to the great hall open for Hermione, and she walked in after her. "I'm going to go talk to Neo, I'll meet you and Harry later." Diana whispered to Hermione, she nodded as she walked to the Gryffindor table and Diana walked to the Slytherin table.

"You still haven't told me, sister." Neo voiced, matter of factly. Looking up from his plate at the end of the Slytherin table.

He sat alone. Draco wasn't there to bother him.

"I'm good, thanks for asking." Diana smiled at him, sitting across from him. "And, if you weren't busy all of the time, I would," she told him.

"I'm sorry," Neo apologized, "No, it's okay." She assured, smiling at him. He smiled back, "But, um, I've got to talk about it when.." she looked down the Slytherin table, Pansy, Blaise, Goyle and Crabbe came into view.

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