Chapter 3

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Cormac Mclaggen

Diana rushed down the corridor, hearing Hermione call for her in the distance.

She walked more slowly this time when she caught eye of Draco Malfoy standing in front of the Room of Requirements, looking around cautiously before entering.

"Diana, what are you doing?" Hermione asked, looking around the corner just as the Room of Requirements faded back into the wall.

She turned to Hermione,"Uh, nothing." She brushed it off. "Let's go, you're going to be late for quidditch try-outs if you keep fooling around." Hermione stated.

"I'm not fooling around, I have to pee." Diana disclosed, turning down the corridor.

"Hurry up, then."

Ron and Diana stood next to each other, Ron looked like he was about to break down in tears right there on the field.

Diana looked behind her, seeing the Gryffindor students who were trying out for the quidditch team, shove, pushing and talking to one another.

"All right. Um..okay so this morning, I'm gonna be putting you all through a few drills just to assess your strengths." Harry announced.

Diana looked back at Harry, "Quiet! Please!" Harry spoke.

"Shut it!" Ginny belted, everyone looked at Harry and Ginny quietly.

"Thanks. All right. Um. Now then, remember; just because you made the team last year does not guarantee you a spot this year. Is that clear?" Harry said again.

The students stood there with their brooms, looking at Harry. "Good,"

Diana looked at the stands, spotting Neo and Hermione, they waved lightly to her and Ron. Diana smiled before she heard a voice.

"No hard feelings, Weasley, all right?" Cormac Mclaggen voiced, smirking.

"Hard feelings?" Ron asked, "Yeah, I'll be going out for keeper as well. It's nothing personal."

Diana's eyes narrowing.

"Really? Strapping guy like you? Got more of a Beaters build, don't you think? Keepers need to be quick, agile." Ron uttered, Cormac caught a fly with his thumb and pointer finger, "Oh, I like my chances."

"Say, Locke, think you could introduce me to your friend Granger? Wouldn't mind getting on a first-name basis, know what I mean?" Cormac smirked, looking up at Hermione from the stands.

Diana scoffed, turning away towards her broom that laid on the ground, picking it up.

Diana mounted her broom as she brung it to her chest, her broom flying in the air.

She threw one of the quaffles into the hoop, Cormac looked up at her, a confused frown forming on his lips as she stifled a chuckled.

After Quidditch try-outs Harry announced the new beaters, keeper, and chaser's role. Diana making a chaser.

"I expected nothing less," Neo smiled, walking with her back to the school. "I was doubting myself there for a little while." Diana admitted, clutching onto her broom that was in her hand.

"Weasley's not too bad," Neo addressed, "I was actually quite surprised, but I believed in him," Diana replied.

"Mclaggen seems to have gotten ahead of himself, though. Guess, that's what you get for being a cocky git." Shrugged Diana, opening the door to the school.

"Frankly, I never had much faith in him to begin with." Neo stated, Diana grinned, nodding in agreement.

They halted when they came across a boy, looking rather lost. "He's the new Gryffindor, I saw him at the feast," Diana whispered.

"Are you lost?" Neo approached him, smirking. "Actually, I am. I'm looking for the library." The boy said.

"I can show you, but it's closed for the rest of the evening," Neo responded, "That's all right, I just want to have an idea where to go,".

Neo looked back at his sister, "I'll see you later," Diana smiled, Neo nodded, smiling back.

Diana leant against the chair that was next to the couch, petting Ewok, who was laying on her lap, fast asleep.

"I have to admit, I thought I was gonna miss that last one. I hope Cormac's not taking it too hard." Ron sighed, a smiled sprawled out on his face.

"He's got a bit of a thing for you Hermione. Cormac." Ron added, smirking.

Hermione looked at him in annoyance, turning back to the daily prophet, "He's vile." She stated.

"He's not that bad looking," Diana voiced, looking at Hermione.

"Why don't you—" Hermione started, "He's vile," Diana reminded her, letting out a airy laugh. Hermione smiled, turning back to her newspaper.

Diana looked past her, watching as Lavender looked at Ron, practically drooling over him. "You also have an admirer, Ron." Diana gestured to the curly haired Gryffindor. Harry and Hermione looking over to where Diana was looking at.

Ron looked flustered as he looked down at this lap. "Have you ever heard of this spell? Sectumsempra?" Harry asked, changing the subject.

"No I haven't. And if you had a shred of self-respect, you'd hand that book in." Hermione advised, a frown forming on her face.

"Not bloody likely. He's top of his class. He's even better than you, Hermione. Slughorn thinks he's a genius." Hermione looked at Ron.

"What?" He asked obliviously. "I'd like to know whose that book was. Let's a have look, shall we?" Harry snatched it away from Hermione as she tried to grab it.

"No," Harry scrambled to his feet, "Why not?" Hermione asked, getting up. "The binding is fragile." Harry excused.

Diana scoffed, shaking her head. "The binding is fragile?" Hermione repeated, "Yeah,"

Ginny snatched it out of Harry's hand, flipping to the last page, "Who's the Half-Blood Prince?" Ginny asked, looking up from the book.

"Who?" Hermione asked, "That's what is says right here: 'This book is property of the Half-Blood Prince.'" Ginny read, tossing it back to Harry.

Harry caught the book, before he walked away, Diana rubbed her eyes, as she got up, walking to the girls dormitory.

"Where are you going?" Ron asked, looking up at her from the couch.

She clutched her cat, turning towards him, "To sleep,"


Sorry, guys, this was a short chapter. Next chapters will be longer.

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