Chapter 17

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                       Christmas at the Manor

      Diana woke up that morning, Draco wasn't around anywhere. She smiled as she thought about what they talked about.

She walked to the washroom, brushing her teeth, and washing her face.

She sat on her bed, reading a book when her brother knocked.

She got up and opened the door, "I knocked on your door last night," Neo uttered, as he closed her door, walking behind her to the bed.

"I wasn't here." She smiled sweetly at him. "No kidding. Where were you?" Neo urged.

"I was.." Diana let out a short chuckle as she thought of last night.

"Your face says it all, spare me, please." Neo shook his head. "I wasn't going to share the details with you, anyway." Diana joked, setting the book on her nightstand.

"So, you and Malfoy, huh?" Neo rose an eyebrow. "You're saying that as if we're dating. We're just shag every now and again," Diana shrugged.

Neo's face contorted into disgust, "Oh, please." Diana rolled her eyes, laughing at her brother.

"Want me to bring you something to eat, I know you didn't eat dinner last night." Neo offered, Diana nodded eagerly, Neo knew she wouldn't want to go downstairs, risking seeing Draco or his parents.

Neo grinned, walking out of the room.

A few days have passed, Diana hadn't really seen Draco all too much since that night, he was mostly in his room.

There was a few Death Eater's meetings they attended, Diana hadn't chimed in, she just listened.

It was around 7am when Neo had awoken, sneaking into Diana's room.

Diana was still asleep, unaware of her brother's presence.

"Diana!" Neo whisper-yelled, Diana's eyes fluttered open, jumping as she saw her brother peering over her.

"Neo, what the hell?" She groaned, sitting up from her bed. "It's Christmas!" He smiled.

"What's your point?" Diana looked at him, her blood shot eyes were soar.

"It's Christmas?" Neo repeated, more in a question this time. "Look, we don't even have a Christmas tree, how are we suppose to celebrate?" She questioned, raising her eyebrow.

"So what? We can still give out presents and be thankful for our family." Neo rose his eyebrows, "I'd be more grateful for our family if we were actually in our own home." Diana uttered.

"Seems like you're having a good time to me," Neo smirked, "Okay, that's enough." She rolled her eyes jokingly.

"Anyway, I have a present for you." Neo smiled, revealing a small, wrapped box.

She smiled, "Thank you, brother. I have a present for you, as well."

"We can get to that later, go ahead and open it!" He said excitedly, climbing on her bed, sitting in front of her as she unboxed the gift.

She opened the lid, revealing a Moon pendant, she smiled at it, "I know you've been talking about it for a little while, found it at a Muggle shop downtown London." Neo grinned.

"Thank you, brother." She smiled, it was true, she did want it for awhile now, her brother knew how much she loved gazing at the stars and the moon.

Neo knew how often she wished she could escape to the moon when things got suffocating, or too hard.

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