Chapter 13

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Truth unfolds

Diana laid on her bed, her brother laid at the feet of the king size bed.

"I just don't understand why we have to go to the 'Greengrass' Annual Christmas gathering' If we never went before." Diana rolled her eyes, copying her mothers thick, stuck up British-English accent at the 'Greengrass' Annual Christmas gathering.'

Neo chuckled lightly, "Mother says we weren't ever invited until this year."

She shrugged, "If we weren't invited the last few years, I wonder why we're invited this year."

"No idea." Neo petted Ewok, as Diana sighed, leaning back against her headboard. "Well, I, for one, wouldn't mind not going. After all, the Greengrass sisters are not too fond of me." Diana uttered.

"That's true. I don't even think they like me much, and I'm in their house." Neo stated, stretching out on the bed.

"Doesn't one of them like Malfoy?" Diana simply asked, nonchalantly. Neo turned his head to look at his sister, "Astoria. Although she never acted on it, since she knows Pansy Parkinson fancy's him, as well."

Diana shrugged, "I don't see why they like him," Neo smirked, "You tell me." Diana furrowed her eyebrows, looking at Neo.

"Oh, shut up. That's never going to happen again." Diana rolled her eyes, chuckling as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Never say never, sister." Neo chuckled, a playful smile on his face.

Diana hummed, shrugging.

"Anyway, I've noticed Clement is taking a fancy to you." Diana pointed out. Neo looked at her, his eyebrows rose.

"Oh, don't tell me you haven't noticed? Brother, he practically told me it himself." Diana revealed to Neo.

"Really?" Neo pondered. Diana hummed, "He's probably scared to say anything to you because he thinks you might not be into...boys. Perhaps, you should clear that up," Diana suggested.

Neo groaned, staring at the ceiling.

Diana looked over at the clock on her bed side table, walking to the washroom, putting toothpaste on her toothbrush.

"What's the worst that could happen?" She told her brother from the washroom. "Now you're jinxing it." Neo said, sitting up.

She laughed as she spat out the toothpaste.

Diana sat on the couch, a pink fuzzy robe wrapped around her waist as she sipped on a hot cup of tea. Just as she was about to take a sip, their house elf popped out of thin air, a platter of baked goods on it.

"I brought you your favorites, Lady Diana." The house elf, Lilit, chirped, setting the food on the coffee table, right next to the sugar cubes and the tea.

"Thank you, Lil." Diana smiled, flipping the page in her book.

Lilit fidgeted with her hands, looking at the ground anxiously. Diana noticed her presence was still there, as she flickered her eyes from the book and to the small elf in front of her.

"What is it?" Diana asked gently. Lilit looked at her, "Madam Olea would like to speak to you." Lilit spoke.

Diana wondered what was making the elf so fidgety. "Oh, alright." Diana sat the cup of tea down on the table, sighing.

She stepped into the room after searching a few rooms for her mother, finally spotting Olea in her fathers study.

"Ah, Diana, I called for you hours ago, it feels." Olea smiled.

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