Chapter 6

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The Cursed Necklace
and the unwanted mark

The weather grew colder and colder with each passing day. Diana hadn't really talked to Malfoy or seen him much, for that matter.

It's been a couple of weeks since she actually faced him. She's rarely seen him in the Great Hall or in any of the classes he has with her.

She's even heard rumors of him quitting the quidditch team, apparently having one of his house mates, Harper, take his place.

She wondered about him, Draco. He used to love quidditch, he always came to class and had excellent grades, she knew missing so much of his classes brought his grade down tremendously.

Her brother would also disappear for a little while.

"I can't believe it's snowing already," Diana stated, her feet crunching in the snow as her, Hermione, Ron and Harry walked near the Black lake.

"Honestly," Hermione turned towards the frozen-over water. "You're coming with us to Hogsmeade this weekend, aren't you, Diana?" Ron asked.

Diana nodded, "Of course,"

Diana slipped on her black jacket, and shoes, going down the stairs of the girls dormitory.

She saw Hermione, Harry and Ron sitting on the sofa, waiting for her. They all stood up.

They walked down the snowy path to Hogsmeade.

Somehow the conversation shifted to the book Harry always carried around with him, "For weeks you carry around this book, practically sleep with it and yet you have no desire to find out who the half-blood prince is?" Hermione stated.

"I didn't say I wasn't curious, and I don't sleep with it." Harry added.

"Well, it's true. I like a nice chat before I go to bed, now all you do is read that bloody book. It's just like being with Hermione." Ron said. A smile formed on Diana's face, at that.

"Well, I was curious, so I went to—,"

"The library?" The two boys said in unison. "And?" Harry pushed.

Hermione paused before speaking, "And nothing."

"I couldn't find a reference anywhere to a Half-Blood prince."

"There we go. That settles it then."

Diana stayed quiet, before the four of them looked over at a voice, "Filius! I was hoping to find you in the Three Broomsticks!" The voice announced.

"No, emergency choir practice, I'm afraid, Horace."

The four students stand together, watching as the two professors convert.

"Does anyone fancy a Butterbeer?" Harry asked. They walked to the Three Broomsticks, Harry opened the door for them, Diana felt the rush of the warm air when they opened the door, smelling the sweetness in the air.

She inhaled, walking over to a table, "No, not there. Over here." Harry voiced quietly, Diana looked at where he was headed, following behind.

"No, sit besides me," Harry told Ron, Ron hesitated but complied, Diana pulled out a chair next to Hermione.

"Something to drink?" A server asked, "Four Butterbeers, and.." Diana heard Hermione say, following where Harry was looking.

She turned around watching as Malfoy stood, looking at Harry before turning towards the washrooms.

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