Chapter 20

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Secrets and commitments

    Diana sat on her bed, holding the letter that an owl had just dropped off at her window. It was from Hermione, explaining how the Death eaters were terrorizing Harry, and burned down the homey, little burrow that's been in the Weasleys family for years.

Diana's been to the Weasleys thousands of times before and was truly heart broken when she read that part of the letter. All Diana wanted to do was be there for her friends.

She hated what she had became.


It was finally time to go back to Hogwarts. Diana sat with Harry and Ron on the express, Harry and Ron explaining to her in full detail of all that had happened. Ron more than Harry.

"Harry, are you alright?" Diana muttered, Harry nodded, Diana frowned.

Draco sat with Neo, Blaise, Pansy and Goyle. But all Draco wanted to do was be with Diana. He couldn't get her out of his mind.

Lavender opened the compartment door, sitting next to Ron, whispering in his ear and giggling.

Diana rolled her eyes, "I'm going to go find Hermione," she announced, getting up, "Remember her? Our best friend for 6 years?" Ron didn't even glance Diana's way, too busy grinning and listening to what Lavender had to say.

Diana looked at Harry with irritation, he just shrugged gently, and she shook her head, leaving the compartment.

She walked to the Slytherin part of the train, where all the Slytherins sat a four seated table on the train. She didn't get close, she just wanted Draco to see her.

Draco's eyes flickered to her, she left the train cart, knowing he'd follow.

She heard footsteps behind her, she slipped into an empty compartment, turning her back to the window. Draco followed in behind her.

He shut the door behind him, turning to her. She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss.

She pulled back, "We can't do anything, It's that time of month for me." She muttered, looking at him.

He looked down at her, pushing a lock of hair behind her ear. "That doesn't matter. We don't have always do anything anyway. I just want to see you," The last part he whispered.

She smiled, "I want to see you,"

Draco then returned back to his compartment, Diana was too paranoid to be together with him for too long, scared that Hermione or Harry or anyone would see them.

Once they arrived back to Hogwarts, Diana was exhausted and just wanted to sleep. She made way to her common room before getting ready for bed.

The next morning she walked to class with Harry and Hermione, "It's so easy for them to get to you. You're bloody lucky you weren't killed." Hermione remarked, looking down at the daily prophet in her hand.

"You have to realize who you are, Harry."

"I know who I am, Hermione, alright?" Harry sighed out, without glancing at her, before uttering a 'sorry.'

"So tell me what Arthur said." Hermione pushed, looking at Harry.

"If Dumbledore is traveling then it's news to the ministry." Harry quoted.

"But what about this? That night at Borgin and Burkes, Draco was looking at a Vanishing cabinet." Harry continued, Diana perked up at Draco's name, looking at Harry.

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