Chapter 5

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Slytherin common room

         Diana slipped on her silky, emerald green pajama shirt, buttoning it up. She slid on the shorts that matched it.

Her and her brother must've accidentally switched pajama sets when packing, her pajamas were red, and his were green, for their house color.

But, it didn't matter to Diana because they still fit, even though his pajamas were a little bigger; it didn't matter to her.

Diana came down from the girls dormitory, it was a Friday night, so the students stayed up as long as they were in their common rooms.

She noticed there weren't many students in the common room despite Ron, Harry and Hermione.

Ron looked at her, his eyebrows drawing together, sizing her.

"Is there a problem, Weasley?" Diana rose an eyebrow, smiling slightly. "It's just—," Ron started.

"Why are you wearing Slytherin colors?" Harry asked, turning away from Hermione.

Diana scoffed, "Slytherin doesn't own the color, Harry. Merlin." She shook her head, "I've got to go to the Slytherin common room to talk to Neo, I'll be back."

"Diana, what if you get caught?" Hermione asked, chiming in. "I'll be fine, don't wait up," Diana brushed her off, leaving the portrait.

Hermione sighed, shaking her head as she looked down at the book in her lap.

The stone cold floors of the corridor were slippery, especially in socks. Diana walked down to the dungeon where the Slytherin common room was.

Diana said the password to the common room that Neo told her back in their first year, she walked in, it was empty.

Her eyes drew to the stairs, hearing someone come down them. Neo appeared, smiling.

"I want to shower first, I'll be back in a minute, I just wanted to let you know," He told her, turning back on the stairway. Diana nodded, getting comfortable on one of the sofa's.

If she knew her brother, he would take forever in the shower, so she might as well get comfortable. She huddled in the corner of the sofa, her arms wrapping around her.

Her eyelids went heavy, as she drifted in and out. Goosebumps spread like wild fire throughout her skin, as the cool breeze tickled her skin.

Pansy and Malfoy walked into the common room, Pansy hit him softly on the shoulder, gaining his attention.

He looked to where she was looking, at the girl huddled up on the sofa, her arms wrapped around her, her eyes closed.

Pansy scoffed, "Why is she in here? And why is she wearing our house color?"

Draco looked over at the throw blanket at the end of the sofa, picking it up.

"What are you doing?" Pansy asked, looking at him. "Be quiet, Parkinson." He snapped, brushing the girl off.

She scowled at him, scoffing. He unfolded the blanket, placing it on the Gryffindor. He looked her over once more before turning away towards the boys dormitory.

Pansy frowned a hatred frown at the girl, turning away, following Draco up the stairs.

Diana's eyes fluttered open when she couldn't hear or feel their presence any longer.

Did Draco really cover her up? Why would he do that?

Malfoy confuses her day after day, she pulled the blanket to her chin, huddling into it as she shut her eyes again.

She wasn't a heavy sleeper, she heard Malfoy and Parkinson as soon as they came into the common room, she just pretended to be asleep to avoid talking to them.

After she drifted back to sleep. Neo came down, quietly, looking at her fast asleep. He shook his head, smiling lightly, going back up the stairs.

Diana woke up, looking at the clock on the wall, the log in the fire cracks as she stood up from the sofa. The clocked ticked to '3:23am'. She smiled, looking over at the blanket that laid messily on the sofa.

She folded the blanket, setting it back on the arm of the sofa. She stood in the empty, cold common room, with only the light from the fire shining light into it.

It was 3 in the morning and she wasn't tired at all, but everyone was asleep and the library and great hall were closed at this time.

Diana walked up the stairs of the dungeon, gliding her finger on the wall. She walked to the seventh floor, where the Room of Requirements was located.

She walked thrice back and forth, for it to appeared before her again.

She reminded herself of what had happened last time, still, she opened the door as quietly as she could.

She wanted to know what the cabinet was, and why Draco didn't want her—or anyone else—, to know about it.

The door closed quietly behind her, she looked around, walking stealthily towards the cabinet she saw Malfoy at not too long ago.

Before she stepped towards the cabinet, opening the small door of the cabinet, noticing a small feather laying in it.

She picked it up, inspecting it. 'What is a bird feather doing here?'

"What are you doing?" She heard a voice seethe, behind her. She dropped the feather, gasping as she turned around.

Malfoy stood feet away from her, his wand in his hand. "Just couldn't leave things alone, could you?" He snarled.

Diana's breath hitched, going for the wand that was suppose to be in the waistband of her shorts.

"Fuck," She breathed out, looking at him as he walked closer to her, slowly. "What did I tell you, if you came back here?" Draco rose his eyebrow at her.

Diana adverted her eyes somewhere else, not looking at him as he came to stop, just three feet away from her.

"Answer me, Locke." He said in a low voice, his eyes burning right through her.

Her heart felt like it was about to beat out of her chest, "You didn't— you just said-" She uttered, still not looking at him.

"That I'd make you regret it," He finished, his wand still pointing at her.

She let out an aggravated groan, finally looking at him in the eye, "You've proven your point!"

"I didn't do anything." He stared at her, adverting his eyes to her chest as it heaved up and down.

"You should've stayed out of my business, Locke," He tutted, stepping closer to her. "Stop," She breathed, looking at the ground.

Malfoy looked down at her, watching as her arms wrapped around her. She was insecure, he was so close she figured he could stop and point out every flawed thing that existed on her if he wanted to.

Draco knew she felt that way, just by the way he looked at her, the way she carried herself.

She acted differently from the other girls he knew. She's different from Pansy, and Astoria and every other girl he's been with.

But, he couldn't understand what made her different from them.

Diana looked up at Malfoy, his gaze on her was intense, but he looked absentmindedly at her. She could see the dark purple circles under his eyes clearly.

His jaw clenched, "Get out," He uttered, his face going stoic. Her eyebrows drew together in confusion, "Go, Locke." Draco snapped at her, she flinched, turning to leave.

She walked out of the Room of Requirements, her heart still beating furiously.

She ignored the sensation between her legs, deciding on going to the Gryffindor common room to call it a night.

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