Chapter 4

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After dinner, Steve watched Jessica doing the dishes, "I'm kind of tired. So I'll probably go to bed early tonight. We can get to know each other better tomorrow?"

Jessica nodded as she turned off the water, drying her hands on the towel, "sounds good."

"How's your room? And the clothes?"

She smiled as he crossed his arms in front of his chest, leaning against the counter, "the room is great. I love the balcony. And the clothes are great too. Thank you Steve." She brought her hands up to his arms, making him uncross them, "if you don't want me to do it, then you can't either."

He grinned, nodding, "okay then." He watched her press her body to his as she rested her hands on the counter on either side of him, "Ms. Cooper."

She smiled, not moving her body, but placing her hands behind her back, "better?"

He chuckled, "slightly."

She sighed, taking a step back from him, "are you going to touch me?"

He nodded, "yes. But not tonight." He smiled at her groan, "so eager Ms. Cooper?"

She shrugged, "maybe. Call me Jess."

"Sorry." He brought his hand up to her cheek, "what about... pretty girl?"

She nodded, "as long as it isn't something you've called another girl."

Steve shook his head, "of course not. I've only called other girls by their names."

She grinned, making him chuckle, "okay then. Anything else Captain?"

He laughed, "are you going to settle on one?"

She shrugged, "I haven't decided which one I like more yet. Sir or Captain. You could tell me which one."

He sighed, leaning down to her, "I love the way you say both of them. Now go to bed." He grabbed her hand as she started to walk away, making her look at him, "and no touching yourself without my permission."

"But Steve!" She watched his face become stern for the first time since she met him, his soft blue eyes darkening as she bit her lip. "Yes sir."

He smiled, "good girl. Now go to bed pretty girl." He heard her giggle as she flitted away to her bedroom, making him groan. He went into his room, finding his patio door open. He found Bucky sitting, reading in a chair on the patio. He sat next to him, "you're right. I like her. Took all my self control to let her go to bed all alone."

Bucky laughed, setting his book down as he looked at Steve, "I know. She's something." He sighed, standing up as Steve did, "I should go to bed."

Steve shrugged, "sleep with me tonight."

Bucky grinned, "okay." He followed Steve into his bedroom, watching him strip down to his underwear as he did the same before slipping into bed beside him.


Steve walked out into the sitting room just as the sun was coming up to find Jessica out on the back patio, doing yoga in leggings and a bra. He groaned, feeling Bucky come to stand next to him as they both watched her.

Jessica became aware she was being watched as she stood up, turning around to find both Steve and Bucky glaring at her. She saw Bucky wink at her before he walked away. She looked at Steve who didn't move from his spot as he watched her. She bent over, rolling up her mat before going inside, standing in front of her. "Good morning. Enjoying the show?"

He smirked, "yes. You're up early."

She shrugged, "so are you. But you're an old man, so I guess that's normal?"

He laughed, "probably. I don't need much sleep."

She nodded as she leaned up to him, "mine depends on how worn out I am."

He sighed, "go take a shower and I'll make you breakfast."

"Yes sir." She turned back to him from the stairs to see him still watching her, "what would you like me to wear?"

"A sundress. Blue." He saw her smile and nod before she turned away up the stairs.

Steve just finished breakfast when he watched her come into the kitchen in a blue sundress, her hair braided behind her head again. He motioned for her to sit at the table as he placed a plate of eggs and toast in front of her. He paused behind her, undoing the braid as he ran his fingers through her dark hair, placing it over her left shoulder. He watched her go completely still as he leaned down to her, kissing her right shoulder softly as he heard her whimper. He chuckled, making his own plate before sitting across from her. "You're desperate for me to touch you?"

She groaned, nodding, "yes sir. Please."

He laughed, "you're on birth control?" He watched her nod, "I'll need confirmation. You can go to the doctor on Monday morning before you start work."

She groaned again, "but that's two more days away! I need you to touch me."

He smirked, "I can touch you without penetration." He laughed at her whimper, "eat your breakfast pretty girl." He pointed to her hair, "and I like your hair down. Not telling you how to wear it, just how I prefer it."

"Not telling me how to wear it as you take it down and place it how you like." She laughed at his smirk as she watched him eat his breakfast. "What are the plans after breakfast?"

Steve smiled as he shrugged, "I'm sure we can figure out something to do." He smiled as he watched her face and chest flush bright red in anticipation. "But you have to eat your breakfast first."

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