Robots can take over but they won't take my job

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Rudy, Eddie, and I were in the dojo. Kim Milton and Jack were an hour late. I'm not sure where Jerry was. I'm sure he was around there somewhere. Rudy was trying to help Eddie break a board and still hadn't been able to do it yet. Look Eddie its easy. I'll show you. Kick or punch Rudy? I asked him.

Punch it, and no fancy little moves just nice and simple kid. KK I shrug. I go into the proper stance take a big breath in and my fist become one with board as the piece of wood is split in two. Your turn Eddie. Easy for you to say, you could've done that with your eyes closed in your sleep with a hand tied behind your back. You and Jack both.

Ok then how about this? Close your eyes and imagine that you're breaking the board and then it will help you break the real thing. So he does, he imagines it. He breaks it in his mind, but then walks away. Then Jack Milton and Kim walk in. Rudy complains that their an hour late. They all have some kind of excuse as to why.

Milton made his girlfriend a bunny rabbit at a place kind of like build a bear, Kim got sticky buns my brother tried to do both. Oh which reminds me. Farrah? Yes? Milton said he made me one also. Kim got me a sticky bun and my brother he tried to give me a big hug with his sticky cotton fingers. Jack don't! I squealed, before he pulled me into a big hug.

Aw Jack now I'm all sticky thanks a lot. I complain. Rudy says he's always here pretty much 24/7 and that he really needs a vacuum for this place. You don't need to do all that stuff Rudy. Tell me what needs cleaning and I'll get right to it. That's very thoughtful of you Farrah but..... Hey Rudy Bobby says he's coming on his way over. Eddie tells him. Quick go get your gear on. Farrah Jack wash up.

When Milton says he doesn't want to miss Bobby's big entrance and Rudy says he doesn't make those kinds of entrances anymore Bobby comes into the dojo with sirens following after him a big thing on his back and smoke following after him. According to Bobby it was some kind of jetpack. He said he was here to show us the newest karate teaching technology, and then a box got rolled in and a robot smashed its way out. We were all so impressed.

The other 3 got right into their karate gear, and Kim was fighting with it as we speak. It told her she was technically flawless, and how perfect she was. And she was so happy to hear that. Because of the robot Rudy could get things done and not only that but it was a paper shredder too. When I tried to fight with him he patted my head and told me I was too young and could get myself hurt.

Before I could complain Rudy came out happy as a clam to make it eat his junk mail as the shreds spit out behind him like confetti onto Jerry who thought it was the coolest thing ever. Jack went next, it told him he had to turn his shoulder 90* to perfectly defend himself, then he tried again and it worked. We were all improving all over the place, except me because it refused to let me fight him.

Because we were all good there, Rudy said he was gonna go out and run some errands. I asked to come too. No you should stay here battle with the robot. But.... Bye guys see ya in a bit. Then he left and I sat on the bench. He said he wouldn't fight Jerry either since the robot thought Jerry was some kind of monkey and that the robot wasn't equipped to fight him.

At lunch Milton Eddie and I were sitting down at Phil's and talking about how to take down the robot. They had their reasons, the evil robots taking over kind of reasons and I had mine. Ok, so we have real reasons for wanting to take down this robot, but why do you want to? Trust me you all have your reasons and I have mine? Didn't like that it wouldn't fight with you cause he said you were too young and would get hurt? Milton asked me. Yep.

Eddie pats my head. Don't worry, that's probably for the best for the robot anyways you're probably the only one of any of us that could probably take it down. As great as that would be I don't think that would be possible. And why not you were the youngest competitor in China remember? You're like what two years younger than us?

Point taken, but I'm nothing to brag about. I still got hurt there and then couldn't compete in the end anyways in the finally. But you beat out everyone else aside from who Jack beat out. Guys I'm glad you think so highly of me but lets face it my family aside from my brother is out to get me. And now my cousin Kayla. Who felt bad for going through with Kia's plans up until I got hurt, that he said no one was gonna get hurt.

But we stopped thinking about that and were gonna come up with a plan to get rid of that robot. At the dojo Jerry was battling the robot Kim and Jack were battling each other and Kim was liking the idea that the robot kept calling her flawless, which Jack was annoyed about. Rudy called to check in and said he'd be back at the dojo after some urgent business and by urgent he meant he was trying out Bobby's jet pack since Bobby didn't seem to like it very much.

And then he went ziplining, and dressed up like a KISS member with some other guys to be in a band, and bear arm wrestling, and well just having himself a blast. And back at Phil's again there we were Milton had his laptop and a flash drive with everything that we needed to know about the robot and how to stop it. Bottom line was that once he finally found out how unperfect humans were he would pretty much learn how to be more violet, now that we knew what was going on, we had to come up with a plan to stop it and save all of humanity.

At the dojo Jerry was fighting a dummy Kim was breaking boards with robot not sure what Jack was doing but then Rudy came back finally. And everyone was showing off all that they had learned thanks to the robot. But Rudy was starting to feel useless and jealous of the robot now that everyone was doing better because of it, including Jerry. Rudy was scared and worried that the robot was gonna take over his job and then when we went to go change he found Bobby sitting in his office.

That wasn't a good sign. Bobby told Rudy as his friend that he was fired, and that he realized that he didn't need Rudy anymore because of the robot. But Rudy had only been gone for a day. For the next two days he worked and trained with Jack and when Jack needed a break he pushed Kim towards him, but he didn't want to fight with her anymore because he said her training days were over.

She was being replaced by a vending machine. And now it was getting on ever Kim's nerves the robot had to go pronto. And because it thought Jerry was a monkey it wouldn't let him practice at all. Well Jerry if the boot fits. They wanted to go talk to Rudy about getting rid of the robot, but Bobby was in charge now. The three were very disappointed to hear the bad news.

While the other 3 of us were at Milton's coming up with our plan on how to take down the other robot by fighting fire with fire or rather by building our own robot. At Rudy's he was watching a Spanish soap opera in his robe and looking pathetic now that he didn't know what to do with his life. And now our friends were at the door.

Rudy was so jealous but they admitted that even though they were better because of the robot they were also miserable without Rudy there because of the robot and wanted Rudy to come back. The robot wasn't their friend Rudy was. And Rudy was trying to make himself not want to cry because of hearing that. Then he decided that enough was enough and that he was gonna do what he should've done and that was fight for his dojo.

At Milton's he was acting like a mad scientist. And Eddie conveniently looked kind of like an Igor, and there was our robot under a white sheet like a monster waiting to raise up from the dead and become alive. And alive it would become. And at the dojo the robot was giving Bobby a massage. But when the robot turned even on Bobby, Bobby realized what a big mistake he'd made and what big trouble he was in.

And when the robot wanted to fight Bobby he tried to run away that's when our friends made their way to the dojo to stop the evil robot. To the robot Jerry was still a monkey and he'd gotten rid of his power down option in his programming. And when he wanted to get rid of everyone because they weren't perfect we 3 arrived inside the dojo.

We made quite the entrance too. If I don't say so myself. A crazy mad scientist and his Igor a robot of our own and a drenched wet from the storm little girl. Its funny even though I saw them build it, I thought it was gonna be much bigger and scarier. It was 10 times smaller than the robot. And when the robot was smashed to pieces, Rudy went to go fight it himself.

And then after a "good" fight and Rudy was hurt. Jack went in to fight it off. But not even Jack could fight it off. He got hurt. I was sad and scared. Kim went next. After everyone tried and failed none of us were no match for this robot but I was still left. And then they teamed together and recited the Wasabi code that Rudy had taught us since the beginning.

In the real thing it breaks down because its trained on logic but when all odds are against us winning it can't compute. But this time while all of that was going on. I was not only soaked to the bone and everyone knows that robots hate water and fry like the sun, but I binged sugar and sweets and made myself hyper and was able to take it down myself. Nothing to beat a robot like a hyper child and a wet body to fry its circuits. It couldn't catch or hurt me, and when he thought he had me.... I decided it needed a big hug. Well it didn't like that.

And now it crumbled and smoked and was no more. The robot was gone. Bobby was pleased with Rudy and I Rudy for fighting to take back his dojo and me for thinking quick on my feet while he was distracted with defeating everyone else. He said I was too young and would get hurt but he was the one that was gone for good.

Rudy got his job back, most of my energy was gone now but I was still soaked and would probably catch a cold but Rudy said as long as we were part of the dojo it would always be worth fighting for. By the end we all group hugged. And I started feeling dizzy and giggly and started sneezing. Farrah, Kim said rubbing my back, you're all cold and wet. Yep, and how do you think I took that fool down otherwise?

You better take her home Jack. No, I'm - I'm f-fine.... I said as I dozed off. Come on. Robot's gone and its late, I'll help you get her home. Kim told him. Thanks Kim but I think I'll take care of this Robot just fine. She's not a robot but she is something I'll give you that. She says sweeping my hair back. All: Goodnight Jack, sweet dreams Farrah. Hope you're not gonna get sick kid, but if you do, I'll take perfectly good care of you. This time. I promise. Jack said sweeping back my hair again kissing my forehead as he carried me home.

You know what Kim, so that I don't also get sick, an umbrella would be nice. Maybe you should walk us home after all. It would be my pleasure.

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