The dojo's adventures in babysitting

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Jerry was in the principle's office, but that's not really surprising, in fact it's more surprising when he's not, and as the principle was going through his files he knew just how sick and twisted that Jerry was. He told Jerry that he wasn't like the others that he had finally met his match.

And it all ended or maybe began with Jerry getting expelled from school. Not that he was ever exactly paying attention in it anyways, and he was probably failing all his classes anyways. Wouldn't surprise me, but apparently it was to Jerry.

And on his way out of the office the principle's wife called and they needed a babysitter at the last sec. That's when Jerry seemed to get a brilliant idea. But, it sounded very stupid to me. And I knew Jerry taking any responsibility for something important was both a very bad thing and going to be a very long day.

And then he was telling him that our dojo was the best daycare ever, that we were booked but if he wasn't expelled he could get us to squeeze his kid in. That he worked there with us. Now the principal was putty in his hands walking like an idiot into Jerry's trap.

And one bad idea led to another and soon they were both Flamenco dancing in the office. I wish I'd been there to see it, but something told me even if I wasn't there to see that happen that I was gonna be involved greatly in this plan of his along with everyone else getting pulled in to this very bad idea.

It was after school (outfit 44) and Eddie, Milton, Jack and I were walking around the mall impressed by how much bigger they had been working on making it, I just wish in that moment once Jerry told us what he had planned that they had already been done building. I knew that this construction would soon add to our troubles. Jerry was like Murphy's Law waiting to happen.

And inside the dojo Jerry had told Rudy about his lie and his plan and Rudy said it was a place of honor a and respect, and integrity and two secs later the guys and I had the whole place looking like a daycare center. And I was the only one doing the work with a smile on my face.

And even after Rudy said it was a dojo not a daycare the principal walked in with his kid and thought this was a very good idea. Then we walked over to watch Rudy try and turn it down and then money got involved, and now the dojo was turned into a daycare as if we had no other choice, as I took the little one into my arms.

The biggest mistake anyone ever made was telling Jerry they were holding him responsible for anything especially their child, and he said that he would be back by 7. At it got worse when we thought we were only taking care of one little baby that was until the principal came back in to tell us that he told more people about this place.

In a matter of secs, we had a big crowd of parents dropping off their kids and that was mistake number two leaving children in the hands of a bunch of immature teenage boys, especially Jerry. Boy, they should all be glad that they had me around, I'm great with kids. Adults are my enemy. Kids though they'd be fine a child who was mistreated by her own parents taking care of other parents kids? What wasn't a good idea about that I knew how to not take care of kids, cause of our mother so I would know how to take care of kids by taking care of them the way my mother never took care of me herself.

This was gonna be a piece of cake. Or at least it should've been until they were all running around the place getting themselves into all kinds of trouble. Who knew this would be a bad idea from the start? Um Rudy that's who? And I knew that too. Things were getting broken, kids were crying, Milton was in a hazmat suit doing the dirty work.

The next thing we knew Rudy was helping officer Joan's with her niece and helping her get ready for pageant. Leaving the rest of us with the little kids and no supervision with these kids and with our group we really needed it, not that Rudy was even better at being a grown up, or an adult really, but he was the only one of us that was 18 and over. Not to mention even though I was youngest I was somehow the only one of us qualified to watch these kids.

Once they got to the pageant, Rudy knew they had no chance right from the beginning, that other little girls had been raised for this life since by the time they could walk, and talk. This little girl was sweet like sugar, she had no chance, these other girls were bitter and did whatever it took to win. And their mothers were even worse, nothing good ever comes out of a pageant.

But the sec they heard they were gonna lose they were all on board and they weren't gonna let that horrible mom talk to them like that. At the dojo, the guys had no idea what they were doing and were taking shelter in the ball pit the worst place you can be playing in around children. Who knows what was in there?!

Jack, Jerry and I were the only ones not hiding, and were doing a pretty good job except until we couldn't find the principal's kid. Now that the baby was nowhere to be found, that was a big problem, and Jerry couldn't stop freaking out but who could blame him really?! Turns out at some point the baby escaped and was in the construction zone and we left to go stop him before something even worse happened then losing him.

That left Milton and Eddie in charge of the other children, or was the other way around who can really say?! Oh wait I can. Outside the baby we were looking for was nowhere to be fond even though we'd just seen him secs before exiting the dojo to go look for him. The construction zone was the worst place to lose a baby.

When we found the baby he was on a lift and were careful to approach him until we saw him go up, up, up. Luckily I'd gotten on the last sec pulling myself up onto the lift with the baby while my brother and Jerry watched us in horror. Jack climbed up after us. The baby was safe, even laughing, but I was terrified, heights were so not my thing.

At the beauty pageant things had gone from bad and ugly to strange and weird. They had no wigs, no makeup, or hair stuff, but lucky them they had food supplies. She had bacon in her hair wrapped in tinfoil, donuts to powder her cheeks, and they put red jelly on her lips, and thought it would work out just fine. But it was anything but.

The little girl was just hoping that people would like her, but once again they would have no chance including with her little stick and streamers. Jack had finished climbing up as far as he could get and then he found Jerry there waiting for him there. And then they saw us on the ledge.

I had put him down for one sec to catch my breath and try and get myself to stop trembling, until he began falling off the edge and then was caught on another lift, and I along with him. Just out of my brothers reach. And on top of that we didn't have much time before the principal would be stopping by again to come pick up his kid.

And up they started climbing again. At the dojo Milton and Eddie were hiding out in Rudy's office taking for cover and letting the rest of the kids take over the dojo. Somehow they had gotten their hands on some tools and drilled their way through the door and it was like watching a toddler horror movie. And the guys thought they were gonna die.

Milton got dragged away and tied up to a chair while the kids beat him with foam sticks. Then Eddie came out and entertained them with karate moves and the kids loved it. At the pageant, all the other little girls were in pretty little girly dresses and had great cute talents and everyone loved them. They were teaching the little girl to march like a solider, not to forget to smile and remember big eyes and she had a pink sparkly hat on her head now, since Joan stole it from another little girl.

But Gracie didn't even want to be there anymore cause they were acting crazy and just wanted to go home, even the other little girls were miserable and they had been trained for events like these by their badgering mothers who never let them live their lives and hated having to be perfect. And then Rudy told her all she had to do was get on that stage and well be herself.

To go up there and wave her ribbon. They didn't care anymore of she won or lost just that she was having fun. And everyone loved her. She was an awkward little beast, but then Rudy and Joan joined her. And at the construction site the lift we were on now showed no signs of stopping and I'd wished I was as carefree as that baby had been, all happy and giggling, but I was horrified.

At the last sec, Jack grabbed a hold of the lift we were on and we began to tip forward, which was even scarier. He caught the baby, and started losing his grip but I was still stuck on the tilting lift, hanging on for dear life. Jerry swung out and took the baby into his arms. Jack was able to get up and lower Jerry, and the baby down.

But before that, I wanted off. But I wouldn't go anywhere. I was too scared. I was trembling too bad. Farrah come on jump down to me. Jack encouraged. I shook my head. Come on Farr's let go jump I'll catch you. He reassured me. I'm scared! I know, but I'm not gonna let you fall. Promise?! What kind of big brother would I be if I didn't promise that?!

I smiled a weak smile. That's it, that's it, you're going to be ok. I got you come on. At the last sec possible I more really slid down from the beam and into his arms, I was not going to jump. He hugged me and held me. As I trembled. I told you. I'm never gonna let you get hurt, ever again. He promised brushing my hair to the side.

When we saw the principal coming he swung me onto his back and we lowered Jerry and the baby down to safety. Everyone was safe again, once again because of Jack. I was too scared to get down until we would reach safe ground again. Jerry arrived just in time and it turned out the they had won their dance thing after all, and was happy to see Jerry and his baby.

Jack and I climbed down from the elevator that Jerry said that he took, all the while I never let go of my big brother. Until we were safely onto the ground. Because of what he did Jerry was going to be back in school on Monday and no longer expelled. And at the dojo we were never doing that again. When the last kid was to be picked up again, it was Milton and Eddie's turn to go out into construction this time.

Yeah, I've got my own little kid to take care of Jack said brushing my hair back from my face as I rested on one of the benches. Being emotionally drained takes a lot of energy out of a person. Especially fear. I'll see ya at school Jerry, I'm gonna take this one back home. Ok bye guys.

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