Time to represent

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There we (outfit 73)all were at Phil's sitting at our little booth. Jerry and I pulled up a couple chairs I sat between Jack and Kim. Eddie told us it was almost time to change the channel as he looked up at the T.V. behind the booth. But Jerry complained when Milton changed it. They had changed it to an award show to see who would win the battle of the dojos. Should we go get Rudy? He asked the rest of us. No, Jerry said as he told us that Rudy would come in disguise because he was too embarrassed that our dojo didn't get in. When Jack tried to warn him that the old lady wasn't Rudy but Kim told us to let him go as Jerry once again made a fool out of himself. As soon as Jerry got chased away Rudy came in and he was happy. He told us he was grown man and would accept the fate of our dojo which made me think he knew the news already and maybe for once we had won.

Milton said that was great because he didn't need this one to make him feel proud. Rudy said yeah like what? But said it with a smile on his face. But no one could think of anything so Milton had hoped we got into this tournament. And then the Black Dragons showed up this would not end well in any way. Kim told us that they get into the tournament every year. And we thought it was possible they were here to brag. Why are you here Ty did you come here to gloat? Rudy asked him. Ty unzipped his jacket to show off all the awards he'd won. We turned to hear the announcement as we turned the volume up. The first dojo they listed was the Black Dragons and when they heard their named they walked out with joy. And then we cheered when we heard our dojo's name. We actually had a chance.

Jack do you know what this means? Kim started. It means you'll be on T.V. to represent our dojo. Us Farrah. I couldn't had done this without you. But we can't both represent the dojo you know that. Why I can't see why not? But on that note we all got up and decided to go celebrate and when Jerry came back he thought Rudy was dressed as a tough biker guy and got himself in trouble again. And there was Jack practicing his moves while I sat on the bench in my gear and watched while Rudy was impressed with him. Now I'd been in lots of tournaments before that's not the problem it was just that I was also the youngest of the group. This was not one of those tournaments. This was about Jack. But that was nothing different. It's not his fault but everyone puts him on a pedestal whether he wants to be or not. And I'm not sure he does. He doesn't like to brag without me.

And it didn't help that Milton had to go and tell him he was the wind beneath the dojo's wings. Rudy said he was the wings and that was the most important part of the bird. Eddie said he thought that made him a feather. Rudy said he wasn't a part of the bird at all. And I knew he wasn't talking to me or to everyone but if we weren't a part of the bird then we weren't important. I wrapped my arms around myself a frown on my face as I looked at the floor but when I felt that Jack was watching I gave him a small smile. All I could tell myself was that I was fine. Because if I don't tell myself I'm fine I would never stop being upset and I would probably take it all out on my brother if I was not me I'd say it was all his fault. But no one asks to be treated the way our mother treated us Jack would always be the golden child the star pupil. I would always be second best. But then Rudy turned back to Eddie to tell him that he was doing great and to keep trying and then Jerry ran in to ask Rudy if he knew who was back.

He said it was the coolest person to ever step foot into their dojo and then this guy Carson came in with Kim on his back. Everyone gathered around Carson and ignored Jack he must've tried to get their attention 4 times before Jack said who he was and Carson intro himself said he'd heard a lot about Jack and about myself. Yeah this is my little sister Farrah. Pleasure is mine. I shake his hand. Kim said it was because of Jack that we were even in the battle of the dojo thing in the first place. Myself and my sister he corrected. We would've never made it this far without each other. You give me too much credit. No, its the other way around you give me too much credit and yourself not enough of it. Carson was my first student the youngest to earn his black belt. And then he told us that about a good memory he remembered how Rudy once threw out his back and they had to take him to the hospital said he was 12 when this happened and everyone laughed with him. Jack asked him how long he was staying but it turned out his dad got a job here and he was moving back.

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