Rats are people too

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After everything we'd been through the last couple weeks it was about time for something a little more upbeat again. You know how Jack got into trouble in the first episode for skateboarding at the mall where the sign says not to do that? That's exactly what we were doing. Well apparently I don't have to exactly follow the rules question mark?!

The rest of us were all shredding, and then there was Milton who lets face it was being lame about the whole thing. Then it was Jack's turn to show off. Oops I mean, no I mean show off. Show off his skateboarding moves. Not to say I don't have moves of my own to show off, but that's just not my style. I don't have a big ego like my brother does.

Actually you wanna go first little sister? Nah that's alright age before beauty. What are you talking about? I totally beautiful. He said flipping his hair. I mean we could do it together. Give them a little show. Will someone please show us something? Eddie reminded us as the other skateboarding kids nodded in agreement. Ok, wanna do the fly over? We could do that. You want the bottom or the top? I'll take the bottom half I haven't been able to perfect the fly part.

The fly over one person does ground tricks while the other starts the same way as them but flips up onto the rail and 360s over the other person over them, landing with a 180 twist sticking to perfect landing. Let's show them how it's done Jack. Way ahead of you. After we were done Joan came to stop us after everyone applauded and then she took his skateboard put it onto the group ripped off her officer uniform into a skating uniform to teach us how to really ride the rails that she could grind it like a coffee bean or some Joan nonsense.

But then her boss came and saw the whole thing and that if we were caught skateboarding in the mall again we'd be banded from said mall. And then she and her boss walked away. We were all totally bummed out. First the skatepark closed and now we couldn't skate here but to be fair that sign had always been there but no one ever actually followed it.

At karate practice we were all sitting around doing our warm ups in the dojo trying to figure out a place to skateboard. Jerry mentioned a paved road going through the cemetery, which was a bad idea on too many levels to mention. Rudy said he didn't understand why we were so upset that when he was a kid he and his friends made up their own games, and he also didn't understand what was so cool about skateboarding that their had been only one guy in his school at the time that was even into it back then this was back in the late 90s.

Apparently now he's some kind of multimillionaire skateboard superstar or whatever. And because of that Jack was thinking that maybe we could ask this guy to build us all a skatepark. After all guys like him are I'm guessing just waiting around to spend money they don't need but have on all and everything especially if it benefits them and he's I guess according to Jack been building skateparks all over the country. Which was good for us, and well anyone who needed one. Our goal was to get him to come down here and ask him to build one right here.

Some day after school our gang went to go meet up with this Luke guy at one of his businesses and inside to say we were impressed was an understatement. And there went Rudy trying to lie through his teeth about bragging about something he didn't have to make his life sound cooler and more put together than it really had been. Man I wish we had our skateboards this place looks off the chain. I said in awe.

While the rest of the group was paying attention hanging out with Luke while Rudy was trying to embarrass himself Jerry and Eddie saw two cute girls walk by and volunteered themselves blindly into whatever the girls asked them to do. Sounds just like Jerry. Luke asked us if there were really skaters in our hometown now when Jack asked him if he'd build one for us. Milton grabbed a couple of skateboards as if he was gonna do the shredding part. Then handed the equipment off to Jack and I.

Fly over? Nah, let's just do a 360 and a triple 180. I said. We've done enough showing off the past couple of days. But now is the time to show off. He reminded me wrapping an arm around my shoulder. Well Luke? I asked him. Show me whatcha got m' dudes. Fly over it is. Top or bottom? I'll try the top this time, I think I've got it. Just do something already Kim asked us. Here goes nothing. Let's do this. And with perfection once again we stuck to landing.

That was some nice stuff. I think I might be up to build that skatepark for you guys. Just name the time and place and I'll get started as soon as possible. We all cheered. When we got back home Jack took Luke out to the perfect spot and he started imagining what he would be building there in that spot in time flat. In a different section of the forest were the rest of the gang plus myself and Rudy was telling us about this tree called the "widow maker" that when he was a kid all he ever wanted to do was climb that tree.

And then he tried to climb it. Now it was just Kim, Milton and I. But hold up wait up a sec.... Where were Eddie and Jerry? Probably exactly where we left them. And then we saw some kind of animal come out of hiding and we had to figure out what it was. But then Luke and Jack came back with "good news." Luke told us if we were lucky we could start braking ground within a week. We were all so happy.

Rudy had just gotten to the top, when boom crash bang he started falling down the tree. Ooh that's gotta hurt. At the building, like I said Jerry and Eddie were trying to impress girls and by doing that they had Luke's gear on from the Sampson gear from one of his many skatepark buildings pretending to be crash dummies and make sure that all of the skateboarding gear would be 100% safe.

As in this wasn't going to go well in any way of the word. Only problem was they weren't sure how to drop in, good thing they learned fast, as they came speeding into a "brick" wall, and then landing right onto their backs somewhat safe and sound. However at school the next day Eddie had a neck brace and Jerry's arm was in sling and they were both limping in pain.

When Milton asked what happened to them, the answer was simple, girls was what had happened to them, and Jerry also had some knocked out teeth. Well you know what they say, no pain go gain. Maybe they gained something other than the obvious but they were definitely in pain. Moments later after some guys from school thanked us for trying to get them a skatepark, we'd all sat down on a part of one of the pillars and something was making a lot of noise in Kim's bag.

Um Kim.... I asked her. She opened said bag as the little unknown animal popped it's head out. Milton told us exactly what it was, but I can't remember it right now. But it turned out what I do remember was that they're very territorial and live 5 miles away from their own kind, and then Milton started doing his impression of a mating call of the creature. After school about a week later, a bunch of people showed up in the forest where we were supposed to be building the new skatepark, and when Luke said he wanted to say a few words Rudy took the mic and said some of his own words.

Then when Rudy was done making a fool out of himself Luke said his own few words. But before he could Milton and Kim stepped in to break the bad news to everyone on why they couldn't end up building the skatepark there after all and everyone was so disappointed. She began to explain why. The reason why is because it was the home to a protected endangered species of the little guy that had crawled into Kim's bag the last time we'd been out there. It would be against the law to tear it apart.

And because the rest of us were trying to do a good thing we were about to become wildly unpopular at school and as if to prove it Milton came screaming running at Jack, Kim and I about some kind of mob. No not the illegal Russian mafia kind. And to hide from it all, normally nerds like Milton got shoved into lockers, but this time he was getting into to be safe.

Kim said someone that works with endangered species like our vole rat friend was gonna come out and build a sanctuary for the little guy so that no one could hurt it but Randy, the leader of the angry mob of skate rats said he wouldn't have to come if there wasn't gonna be any vole to protect. Meaning he was gonna kill the cute little animal. As if Kim and I were gonna let that happen.

At Luke's place of business Rudy had gone over to talk to Luke about the vole situation and Luke said he was gonna figure out a solution of what to do about the problem after all he'd spent a butt ton of money on this project he couldn't just not do something with it. Rudy was pretending to make it into a reconnecting kind of thing so that he could get something out of it, one of those friends with benefits kinds of things. Then Jack came over to talk with Luke himself too.

Jack had came to apologize about what Kim had said and done thinking Luke would be mad, but Luke said that at the end of the day Kim and I were right and that there was nothing to apologize for. Luke said it was ay ok cause he said he'd came up with a way to make everyone happy, and to get what they want. For some reason those words were unsettling to me. And with Eddie and Jerry, they were still trying to impress the hot girls and doing more dangerous outrageous things that might just end up getting them killed.

Out in the forest that night, Joan, Kim, Milton and I camped out under the stars with our little friend to make sure nothing bad was gonna happen to him. Joan said she'd done this before, that when they were trying to save the whales she was at the beach and when she was saving the eagles she was in the treetops. Man all the best things happen before I showed up. That sounded like a lot of fun.

Sometime later Jack showed up, but we were under the impression he was gonna try and tell us that we were crazy and to give up, but we were refusing to back off and to back down. Jack said he'd gone and spoken to Luke and that Luke's idea had been to relocate the vole into a safer happier place out in Oregon and that we could build what we wanted here. But Kim and I weren't backing down, we just weren't sure we liked that idea, after all this was his home.

Jack seemed to think that Luke's idea was perfect that the vole would get a safer home and have a happier life, that it was a win-win. We were still skeptical. Then we heard the mating call again made by the real animal, then Joan tried, but this time were sure she'd summoned a bear this time with her mating call. As she put chap stick onto her lips, as if she was getting ready to kiss a hot dude.

Rudy was still back at the building since he had fell into the block Styrofoam pit and was gonna get out, when Luke and one of his bodies came around the corner to reveal Luke's real plan for the vole. That he had tricked us all into thinking he was gonna help us, but that after we left they were gonna just end up killing it. And in we'd came with the vole in a pet cage. And Luke pretending to be good again.

Then that's when Rudy came out of hiding, to tell us what he had heard. But once Luke knew he'd been caught red handed he admitted that he didn't care about the rat. That he only cared about mindless, but pretty kids like us.... He called Jack mindless and me pretty.... As he shoved Jack out of the way, that he just cared about building the skatepark to get us to buy his skateboarding gear, then lunged at Kim and Milton for the vole cage.

But we weren't going anywhere. And while Kim and Milton ran off with the creature, Rudy, Jack and I stayed to fight Luke and his goons. Rudy admitted once we defeated him that he always thought that Luke had been a loser and that he was still one now. And then when that was all over we brought the vole back to his own safe and sound.

Jack thought it was really great how we girls, and Milton took a stand for this thing, and was sorry that he didn't stand with us that he had been too caught up in Luke and how cool he was. And that we always stand together and have each other's backs that we look after each other. Kim said it was ok because he was there we really needed him to be. After all I told him. I liked what you were saying earlier about the vole and how when you thought Luke was gonna give it better home....

Yeah? Yeah, the thing about moving homes to be safer and have a happier life. I'm this vole. I said petting him. He crawled into my lap, as I smiled down at him. Why's that? Cause one home wasn't safe, until I found you and grandpa again. And now that I have you in my life again and I've switched homes, I'm both safer and can have a happier life. I said leaning my head onto his shoulder, as he ruffled my hair smiling down at me. He leaned over and kissed the top of my head, while Kim grabbed my hand.

And because of that I'm gonna call this vole rat Jack after you, cause he's home now and so am I. And since it's a boy I can't exactly name it after myself. Rudy had climbed up to the top of the tree again, felt like he was on top of the world and then came crashing back down. As for Eddie and Jerry they were broken, and bruised and in wheelchairs and the girls came back and said they had been the bravest crash dummies they'd ever had. And then the guys asked them out on a date. They said yes, but too bad once the guys high fived they accidently rolled down the ramp and into the foam block pit, never to be seen from again. At least in this episode which is now over.

Kickin' it old school season 2Where stories live. Discover now