Girls can play video games too

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It was Wednesday in the dojo. Jerry and Eddie were being paid $50 to babysit a lizard, which sounded about right. Kim and I (outfit 48) walked into the dojo and Milton was dressed in his gear ready to spare with Kim.

But, Kim sorta gave him the whole we're breaking up speech, the it's not you its me, the tell me you didn't do it with him. In this case the him is that she spared with Jack and Milton didn't like that.

Hey, hey Milton, Milton don't be upset, we're just switching partners for now, Kim needed more of a challenge and I said I'd switch with her. But that doesn't mean I'll go easy on you.

And trust me I know, and I'm her brother. But I suppose she's got to take her pent up bottled up anger out on someone and I kind of deserve it.

I step away from Milton and frown coming over to Jack. No, Jack. It's not that at all. That's the last thing I ever wanted you to think. I'm not even mad at you, if there's someone for me to be mad at its mom and I'm not gonna take my anger and sadness and pain out on my best friend. I'd never hurt you purposely.

No, oh Farrah don't be sad. He says wrapping me in his arms. I know you don't. I know it's not, but if it was I'd understand. I know you'd probably like to take it out on mom but I'm all you got. He said knelling down to my level, with his hand on my shoulder as he looked up at me from his knees looking into my eyes as they began to water and my lip started to quiver.

He stood back up again and hugged me. I leaned my head onto his chest, he's not that much taller than me right now, but when he's older he will be. I know you needed to leave, I know you thought you were protecting me even if though you were wrong, but I'm not upset or angry with you, I forgive you, I came all this way to find you. Sh, sh I know you did, I know you did, and I'm here now.

Whenever you need me, whatever you need me for, I don't care I'm there. I love you little sister. I love you too Jack. Hey, wanna see what I've got? He asked me. I was at the arcade for several hours mastering that game I was telling you about getting the high score, and I got you something. I'm wearing mine now but it with a matching one. Look.

He held out a purple glow in the dark t-shirt. And cupped his hands around it as it glowed. Mine is yellow, but I got you one in purple cause its your favorite color. See, we can match each other. Won't that be fun? Now, what's this I hear about sparing?

Come on Jack I'm tired of sparing with Milton, and Farrah said she'd switch with me and aside from her your the only other person that has a black belt, next to me. I want to be challenged. Are you sure about that? He asked her. They went to go stand on the mat and bowed at each other and Milton was in a robe eating ice cream upset about the whole thing.

Rudy was happy about this arrangement when he came in ready to work, he was glad to see some real sparing against real karate students, you know minus when Jack and I have spared together and when Kim spars with anyone but he called the rest of the guys "gazelles in floppy pjs" but the guys took no offence.

I sat on the opposite bench next to them since that one was full of the three of them as we all watching Jack and Kim spare. Jack asked her one more time if she was sure she was ready to do this, and then she tried to punch him. Well you know what they say actions speak louder than words. And she told him to give her everything he had. But it was hard to say if he let her win, especially after the given fact that he lost, not that I didn't think that Kim wouldn't had won on her own.

But with guys you can never be to sure. And I hate when I'm right. I guess, its different with a sibling, that with family you know where the boundaries are and where not to cross the line. But other times its a thing of the thought of that siblings are different, I've heard guys say that "its different she/he's my brother/sister, but your a real boy/girl."

As if that makes things any better. But, I'm also the youngest, but I'm also a black belt. This is what I take my feelings and emotions and pent up bottled up anger and sadness on, and that's karate. I know sometimes Jack goes easy on me just cause he does know my boundaries and where the line is and knows what I've been through and that he doesn't want to hurt me more, but then he has no problem with me using everything I've got against him.

When Kim walked away happy that she won Jack did this wink thing at the guys telling them to expect the unexpected and Eddie knew that he'd let Kim win. Outside Jerry, Milton and Eddie were taking care of the lizard like a real baby and Rudy came around the corner with a box in his hands and set it on the table saying that he was putting/taking things in or out of his storage and right away Milton pulled out a toy train that Rudy hadn't even known was in the box.

Milton followed Rudy away so that he could show him what his train did and then Kim came back and talked about her take down again, and was happy up until the point that Jerry started speaking. His voice had grown higher when he tell her she was number one and wanted to know what was going on.

She said people's voices go higher when they're hiding something then asked Eddie and his did the same. She turned back to Jerry and asked him what was going on. And she pulled on his ear and up he went and told her that Jack threw the match and they know because he winked at them with that finger gun and tongue click motion which Jerry said was guy talk for " I let her win."

But, he doesn't let his sister win. He also doesn't use full force on his sister and doesn't want to her hurt her, not that he wants to hurt you, they said something about when fighting friends or fighting girls that there was some kind of un spoke of boundaries and lines that shouldn't be crossed even though by not crossing them he had, and by not trying to use full force or try to "hurt her" she was hurt.

See part of this was I know my sister and I know what lines and boundaries I can't cross and which ones I can and how far I can go, but with Kim he doesn't know how far he can go, but by not having a real fight, he'd never know when he was going too far and he had by not having a fair fight. The rest of it was that Kim was a girl and that boys were better at XYZ than girls. So on and so forth, you know the drill.

Kim wasn't pleased by hearing this and asked him where Jack was, and of course he was at the arcade where he's been spending a lot of his time recently for several hours during the day, but he chose to take me with him this time. Inside the dojo Milton and Rudy were playing with Rudy's steam engine train thing.

Milton at first thought it boring since the train was only going in circles but then Milton suggested they have more track and build a town and Rudy thought that was a great idea. Inside the arcade Jack had drawn up a big crowd to watch him play his karate game, and Kim came in waiting for his game to be over. And when he did Kim asked him if he threw the match and let her win and when she asked him why it was basically the whole well I'm a guy and you're a girl speech.

And before he could say anything else or she could ask him anything else or scold him some more the owner of the game company asked Jack to come up to him and everyone cheered for him, except for Kim. The guy said on Saturday he would go up against the top international players and the one avatar who wins the fight would have their avatar on the cover of the home version of the game and it was gonna happen live here in the arcade.

4 days later (outfit 49 Jerry had the lizard in a baby stroller thing and was at Phil's feeding it, when it spit up on him and a girl came over to scold him until she saw it was a lizard not a baby and sat down to talk with him cause she loved lizards. He said he never took his eyes off of him, and then he did and the lizard slithered away.

At the arcade, the guy who was talking to Jack about the game wanted to talk to him about his fight with the number one player, and he thought he was the number one player but that was 4 days ago his name was Thrasher, and Kim's was SkullRipper and now she was the top player.

Jack was surprised to find out that it was Kim who had beat him at his own game but Kim was expecting that to happen. As was I cause I knew she'd been practicing for several hours to try and beat Jack at his own game. And ended with his own click, gun fingers, wink thing.

And at school the day (outfit 50)Jack was mad at Kim because she was upset that he had thrown the match when they spared. Kim said he was right, and that she wanted a fair fight from him and this was how she was gonna get it. He reminded her that if she did this her picture was gonna be on the game and she'd be embarrassed, but to Kim it sounded like Jack was just scared. But if she wanted a fair fight she was gonna get it.

In the food court after school Jerry was freaking out because he lost the lizard. Eddie was helping him look, they were trying to get inside the mind of a lizard and when Eddie told Jerry to think like a lizard Jerry hopped onto a table and stuck his tongue in and out like a lizard making a big fool of himself.

Inside the dojo Milton and Rudy had built a whole town just like they said they were going to do, but they were taking it really seriously and had come up with a whole backstory and had real things happening in their town as if it were real. And then it got even more real when Milton found a piece of paper that said something about how the most original train set would be gifted $1,000. And Rudy hoped theirs could win.

At the arcade the next day (outfit 51) was Kim and Jack's fight. Jack had a strategy and Kim just wanted to rip his head off of his body. But then it got worse the guy in charge wanted Jack to lose the fight, which got him into this mess in the first place. And that the guy in charge was all like we want to build a game based on your avatar. But Kim was upset that she thought he didn't have enough respect for her to have a fair fight with her and he knew that so he didn't want to throw the fight.

At the dojo, their tiny town went to a taking up half the dojo and now they had hats and outfits and whistles and now it was done, and it was perfect. At least according to Rudy. And then the judge came to inspect it. They lowered the lights and the "show" began. At the arcade things were going down.

Jack had been told to make the fight look good the first several mins of the fight but then take a dive and let her win. Meanwhile Jerry and Milton were still looking for the lizard only this time Eddie was dressed as a moth ,and Jerry was a lizard, and they thought the lizard would lure him out to make it think Jerry was its mother and that Eddie thought his costume would lure him out cause he was dressed as its pray, and they had attracted a pretty big crowd.

In the dojo, the judge thought the display was boring and a cliché and asked if he was being punk'd and then Jerry and Eddie came in wrestling and fought right into their train town. Rudy and Milton were sad everything was getting destroyed but the judge was happy that it was exciting.

After the town was destroyed, the judge gave them first place for it. And Rudy and Milton ran off to use the money to rebuild their town. Turns out in the now crumbled down train town was the where the lizard had been hiding this whole time. At the arcade the fight was still going on, Kim had summoned a light savor and Jack was in the orange region of his life power.

Etching closer and closer to the red zone. When it looked like Jack was gonna lose and was gonna follow through on the plan maybe, kinda, sorta, but not really, he turned back and saw the guy and then turned to Kim and saw how happy she was, there was no way he was gonna throw the fight this time.

Jack then used a power to make him take back his power and make Kim lose her power. He had almost all of his power back and now Kim's avatar was almost dead. And then Jack had won. Jack was happy but Kim was upset she lost even though it was the fair fight she wanted. And when the guy got upset that he didn't throw the fight, Jack was in the right mind this time and told him that some things were just more important than a dumb video game.

Kim asked him about it, but he said he wasn't gonna make that mistake again. And Kim and I were both happy that this time he played fair that, that's all Kim wanted to give her everything in a fight, to fight fair, and then Joan got up to play the game. To "show you all how its done, and not to mess with the mall cop."

But she wasn't actually playing cause she hadn't known that she needed to give the game money, and walked away. This time at the dojo Kim and Jack spared for real this time. Jack reminded her that he didn't want to hurt her, but Kim said she had no problem hurting him. And then they started, but that's how it ends. With them as equals.

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