Scholarship to Japan

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Today (outfit 58) Jerry, Eddie, Milton and I with I think Rudy in his office I wasn't really sure but I was helping Milton practice his bow staff work when he thought he had it and then it got it right into the wall. Jerry tried to pull it out but it was concerning when it appeared that the wall was fighting back. Let me see that. I told him. Move. Rudy walked out and said that we had a very important tournament happening this weekend and Eddie was excited because he could finally get his orange belt but Rudy forget all about it.

Jack and Kim were half an hour late and Rudy was all worked up and worried about the tournament tomorrow. Tomorrow Jack was competing in the champions tournament and Kim and I had been helping him get ready for it. Even though I was too young to compete for this one I'd been training beside him. Rudy was very impressed and told Jack that he had to do that exactly the same way tomorrow that you never know who would be watching.

Which put a damper on Eddie's excitement for getting his orange belt. And at school the next day (outfit 59) at school Jerry was passing out notes to the girls to come to the dojo and see it all go down. But when they walked away they told the girls Jack was gonna be there and they came back to get the paper. And then the new guy walked by and he looked kind of like my brother and Milton decided he wanted to go talk to him even though Jerry and Eddie had heard rumors that he transferred for stealing the principal's car but Milton didn't want to judge a book by its cover.

Besides if we had done that we would neve had know how talented Farrah was just because she's younger than the rest of us and is a girl think about it.... Why do you think Kim is the only other girl in the dojo? I'm gonna go talk to him. Milton wanted to give him a good happy welcome with a hug for joining our school but the new kid refused to hug him or high five him and Milton had gone and introduced himself and the other guys.

After school we all changed into our karate gear and Eddie went first to get his orange belt. Rudy was excited at having a mysterious guy from Japan be here and told us he could change our lives forever. Even though he denied it and Joan was in the room watching the tournament too. Jack was nervous that he had to go up against one student that had never lost a battle in 2 years but as Kim and I cheered him on Kim was being loud and obnoxious about it and made everyone stop and stare.

And he was worried for nothing because he beat the guy fair and square. And everyone was so proud of him. After Jack went Rudy asked the guy from Japan if Jack was as good as Rudy said and he said no that he was better. You've been telling me about another student a Farrah that's just as good as he is? She's amazing brother and sister she's too young to compete but she's always won anytime that Jack has. He praised. I would like to see her battle, or at the least show off her moves.

He told Rudy. Of- of course. Kim was happy for Jack and hugged him and then it got awkward the longer they hugged. And Kim felt embarrassed. The Japan guy told Rudy he would meet with Jack after he saw me. Joan and I saw what happened and we talked to her about it. Joan was kind of giving her a hard time but had been rooting for them since the beginning and I totally shipped it. Kim anytime you want to talk call me I placed my hands on her shoulders. And Joan more or less told her the same thing, but she still denied that anything was happening between them.

And that's the problem girlfriend, there should be. I told her. And Rudy came over and told me that his friend wanted to see me fight. But Rudy, I brushed the hair out of my face, I'm not allowed to compete I'm 13. But you'll be 14 in a few months. He reminded me. Yeah, about that.... Say no more my friend here wants to see you in action, we'll clear everyone out and then you show him what you're made of. Which is exactly what happened, and he loved me too. He was very impressed with how well I fight for my age.

And at school the next day Milton and the guys tried to get the new guy interested in AV club. And I'm guessing he really wasn't gonna be into that he looked like Jack but he was nothing like him for one this guy seemed to not even really want anything to do with our friends. He showed the guy the cage of laptops and with his rumors that probably wasn't a good idea.

But when Milton's friend accused the new guy Zane of being a criminal Milton got offended. Milton didn't want to judge a book by its cover and stuck up for him but accidently locked him in the cage with no way out. Meanwhile Jack was getting pampered by girls and Kim and I (outfit 72) rolled our eyes at the one girl in particular's behavior as she gave him a red heart shaped ballooned and told him how amazing she thought he was. Kim didn't like it.

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