No he's not

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Jack and the guys are all on the basketball team, let me just take this moment to say.... MAN! Is there anything my brother can't do?! Now that I'm on the "pep squad" *cough, cheer cough, cough* or be it what you may.... With my brother and the guys doing sports, and the cheer girls doing their cheerleading thing Jack and I could spend more time together now because of it. Milton is really smart, but he's not sports smart, I'm getting there trust me.... Our team was losing!

Nothing a little pep and cheering can't fix. If only that's really how sports worked. Coach called timeout and they all huddled together. Our basketball team sucks, but they look good doing it. Us girls on the other hand we always look good. Not to toot my own horn, lol I think I've been spending too much time with Kim.

Speaking of which, she was on the team too. The good news was they had scored their most amount of points all season so far 9. Bad news is that we were behind with too many to count considering the other team had 62. Jerry hadn't scored a goal in 5 games and Jack couldn't do it cause he had 4 guys covering him and one of them was Jerry.

Jack wanted t to lose in style and get one more goal for our team. That I know they could do, because otherwise it was gonna take a miracle to make our team win. Jerry said that was because no one was guarding him and he wanted to be a part of something. And Milton didn't want it because of germs. Eddie said he was gonna work some of his basketball magic since his uncle was "one of the members of the Harlem globe trotters."

I'd happened to hear the whole thing, while everyone else was jumping around excited I was suspicious. I mean not everyone is our family, but no one brags about it either. And if he really had those moves I'd like to think that Eddie would be playing more often and that our team would be winning, something wasn't adding up. And I was gonna figure it out. I didn't believe any of this BS for a sec.

But at least we lost with style since Eddie had the ball and it knocked the fire alarm puller thing out of place to make it slide down and make the loud blaring noise as we all prepared to follow the safety precaution and Milton made sure of it. Eddie felt guilty but they liked that they lost in style that way. After all that I suppose now its supposed to be the next day, since games typically take place after school hours. But it was lunch the next day (outfit 38) and Eddie was still going on and on about his "uncle."

While everyone was impressed I silently rolled my eyes, scuffing low enough under my breath that no one could hear it except me. Our lunch lady tried to tell us fantasies about how he had a crush on her and at some game of his two years ago that out of all the women he pointed out her, that he'd asked her to be his girlfriend but that she had a career and couldn't just drop everything and tour with him.

Somehow even THAT BS sounded more convincing than Eddie's tall tale. Then Milton ran in freaking out about how the school was shutting down the funding for the basketball program since they "don't have any money." Man people are just full of it this week! Who would spend money on a team that constantly loses?! But that kind of made sense considering they were renting out half of the cafeteria to the senior citizens and that's when Jerry jumped up to go do some tango dancing with some random persons probably grandmother.

After school we went over to the dojo for practice. Rudy was teaching us something new, and when he was done he wanted us to do it, Eddie said he wasn't doing it cause he pulled something the last time he tried doing something like that. Let's do this guys, I'm ready, I'm pumped, I'm fired up.... Let's go let's do this! But everyone just turned and looked at me. Everyone else was upset about losing the basketball game and the program.

Rudy told them we should do something about it like have a fundraiser, but it would be $5000 to keep it open. Everyone was all discouraged.... A fundraiser was a good idea though. Come on guys, if we want something we gotta earn money for it. How do you think I made it down here in the first place? How did you make it down here in the first place? Jack asked me. Not the point, it was a rhetorical question. My point is I was still able to do it. And I know we can too.

The debate team always makes a lot of money selling chocolate bars. What if we did that? You think we could sell enough? Rudy was right along with us, he said he'd even help us, but two hours later and we hadn't sold a single thing while on those phones. Well not exactly.... While everyone else was on those fundraiser phones not making any progress, a voice I knew all too well called to say she'd buy every last bit of it all if she could have me back. That didn't I want my brother and my friends to be happy, that didn't I want them to succeed? I looked over at my team, and frowned. T: It's not like they'll miss me if I'm gone I'll be gone just as fast as I arrived. Sure they know my story now, but once I'm gone it wouldn't had mattered anyways.... *sigh* when and where?

Good girl.... She told me the details and I remembered said info in the back of my mind but there was no way I was telling anyone. Aside from that Rudy was disappointed that we hadn't sold anything. Jerry rang the bell Rudy thought that meant he sold a box of chocolate. But he had really just eaten a box. H-hey R-Rudy uh how many boxes do we have here? I'd say probably at least 1000 why? Well minus the box that Jerry just ate, he said with a glare.... Why? T: 1000 boxes of chocolate and all the money that went with it in exchange for me being back under the roof with my mom? That sounded like a fair deal.

Chocolate gets sold, we get the money for it, the basketball program stays open, and everyone's happy, including me cause my brother and my friends will be happy, and the best part is would be that no one even would have to know about it and by the time they would it would be too late to do anything about it anyways. I'd be long gone on my way back home by that point probably. I probably would never see any of them again, but I cause enough problems my friends and Jack would be put in danger because of me if they found out. I'm sure mom would make sure that no one would be able to find me ever again.

And once Rudy was giving them a hard time about not selling anything, they couldn't take it anymore they quit, and Rudy had fired them. Now that they backed out I had to come up with a plan to get it all to mom on the day she asked for it. Jack had pulled me along with them. We went on our way to Phil's to grab a bite and then there's where they saw it. A poster for the Harlem Globe Trotters. They were coming to town, they hoped that Eddie could get his uncle to help us.

Now that they were coming Eddie wasn't bragging so much about his uncle, hoping just like the others that this guy could help them. That we could use them to help us with the fundraiser. While everyone else went inside, I snuck around the corner to listen as he pulled out his cell phone. It didn't look like he'd called anyone, that all he had done was open his phone. And me wishing I had one at all.

When Eddie came in he said his uncle had changed his number and there was nothing he could do. Then we pointed out the part about winning some kind of competition and that the winner could meet them in person. The more worried he got the more suspicious I got. I think I knew all along that he wasn't really Eddie's uncle. That Eddie was just crying wolf. But that wasn't too important to me, it was important to me that I got that candy to mom by the time this was all over and myself.

When it came time for said competition it wasn't going well, but nothing I wouldn't expect. Did I mention how bad our team was? Why I wasn't surprised? I stared off into space, biting my nails, licking my lips, shivering in fear, thumping my leg nervously. Everyone else was nervous for their particular reason that it wouldn't matter much if I was nervous too. Except I'm a cheerleader if the basketball program gets shutdown I still have or would've had many other games to cheer for, for different sports, I wasn't on the team, it made no sense for me to worry about this.

Hey? You ok? Jacked me. Yeah, just nervous. Why are you nervous you're not on the team? Farrah, you know you can talk to me, that you can tell me anything. Right? I rubbed my arm biting my lip nodding. Come 'ere he said scooting over wrapping his arms around me, over his shoulder my eyes glistened with tears as some began to fall onto his shoulder. I quickly wiped my eyes. We stayed this way for a good couple of mins. I wished I could stay like this forever, to never let go. I wish we could stay this way forever. I whispered.

Can I ask you something? Anything. We pulled away. How did you get down here? Except that. Sorry Jack. I plead the 5th. One of these days I'll find out. T: No you won't, our days together our numbered. After Milton failed it was Eddie's turn. Everyone else had failed, I hadn't tried. First Eddie had missed, but it bounced off of a bunch of things until it went in and he had won.

Everyone else was thrilled, Eddie was NOT to say the least. We all went back to the dojo. Or rather myself, Eddie and Jerry did. Where he admitted that he'd done something wrong, and that he needed to tell someone. May I? Jerry this dude he's been going on about isn't really his uncle. How did you know that? The way you bragged about him. Look, I know that no one is my family other people actually care about their family and whatever, but not brag. Well I brag about Jack all the time, but there's nothing to "brag" about, for one it's all true, for a second you all have seen how cool he is.

Jerry found out a way for us to meet these guys, that he'd convinced everyone else that this guy was his uncle we just had to convince the guy that Eddie was his nephew. So we dressed him up like a little old lady in a wheelchair to tell this dude that he was some aunt or whatever of his that he'd never met, and that he had a nephew here in town he'd never met either. Eddie didn't like this plan, but after Jerry started the plan there was no going back, after all we'd taken 4 hours to look for these guys.

Besides the more we spent doing this stuff, and the more I stuck around Jerry and Eddie doing this I could be away from Jack where he couldn't ask me any questions, it was better this way the less time I was with him the easier it would be to leave, to say goodbye if I practiced now not being around him with no way of contacting him or vice versa in the first place I'd get used to not being around him again. Wouldn't take very long.

What else didn't take long was convincing this hot shot of a basketball player our story, and to get him to do what Eddie needed of him. After all anything for family. ANYTHING! Even if that meant giving all the candy to mom getting the money and going back home with her so that Jack and the team would be happy. Even if I would be dead meat. Life's not fair, but no one said it was. I knew I wouldn't get much more time to hang out with these guys or see them again.

I've now spent some time with Eddie and Jerry, and we go to school together and karate together for the short time I've been away, there are so many things I've done that I would've never done before and I'd cherish all those moments and all those times. I wouldn't do this for anyone else. I love my brother, and I'm pretty sure he loves me, as does the rest of the gang but saying and hearing the words I love you is a foreign concept. They're just words.

Rudy was trying to help out by doing free chocolate samples and was going fine until Phil showed up to do free samples of his own food. Things didn't go so well after that. Now if anyone remembers this....

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