Standing in the hall of fame

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Today (outfit 52) in the dojo we had been supposed to have watched this video of something or other and practice it, something about a swan, and we were all ready to show Rudy what we learned or what the guys all didn't learn.

And of course I was the only one of them that had learned it. Rudy was disappointed with everyone else, but glad that I actually listen to him, but Jack told him that we'd been busy with school.

Rudy didn't like that excuse. Oh yeah? What about your sister? Rudy, Farrah was abused at home, we snuck out to skateboard, she saved up everything she had for a necklace and bus ticket just to come find me.

She's the youngest child in our dojo, always beats out every opponent she's up against, always helps her friends and family but never herself. Just like all the examples we came up with when we convinced ourselves to go LARPING.

She takes the hit so nobody else does, takes the blame so that no one else gets in trouble. She does too much for others and doesn't believe she deserves to be taken care of.

We all saw that when you were doing that acting thing and she was giving blood, and helping Milton with his cake, and whatever else she did over that week. She put together your surprise birthday party on her own, and got Bobby down here.

Leaving her sleep deprived for several days and hyper just to get your job back, she did the same when she fought that robot to get your job back a second time, she's had her head nearly split open from a fight our cousins set up in China.

The list goes on, nothing stops her from doing anything except taking care of herself because that's what she's used to. Heck even just a couple weeks ago she willing went back home with mom to sell our chocolate bars for our basketball program to stay open even though we suck.

And we all got a taste of her home life literally when we did that reality T.V. show. Look guys, all I'm saying is if you think you're under a lot of pressure just wait till your my age no one gives you an award just for being an adult.

But then the mail guy came, and he got a letter from the high school telling him exactly that something about some fitness thing and giving him some kind porkchop dinner and being in the hall of fame.

After that we went to Phil's and he was asking us if we'd make friends with his niece who just moved here and would be going to school with us, but as much as he loved her he said she was ugly like a pig as he put it.

But she came out to meet us and turned out to be really pretty really. He told them that she didn't look anything like the other women in his country which was actually a good thing because the women there sound like animals if they have tails.

He pulled her away to go teach her how to make food and then Rudy came in excited that he had autographed a baby and tried to give us more pictures but we had his school records and videos and we didn't need more.

But then Milton showed him a piece of paper where he missed 5 days of mandatory classes and because of that he didn't actually complete high school and without really completing high school he couldn't be in the hall of fame.

When Rudy talked to the guy in charge there was only one thing Rudy could do left so that he could be in the hall of fame and that was go back to school. Just like us (outfit 53) he said he was the king of this place once and we'd get to learn from the king of cool.

But as much as I love Rudy, he's not cool. He's just a lovable dork. Jack is the king of cool. Rudy was struggling with his locker he thought in the time he was here it would be a cake walk.

Meanwhile Phil's niece was at school with Jerry and he asked her out she turned him down telling him that she wasn't ready for that, but that he'd always be a very special friend and then they hugged and Eddie saw them.

Eddie told him that their were rumors going around that they were dating and now that he was "dating" someone out of his league all the girls wanted him now as two cheerleaders walked right passed him.

But now Jerry was spreading the rumor himself letting everyone know he was taken since he wanted all the cute girls. And in class Rudy, Jack and I walked to class.

We walked into health class, and Rudy got out the CPR dummy all while Jack and I had warned him that was a bad idea. While Rudy showed us how to do CPR.

But a little too much pressure and something yellow sprayed all over Rudy's mouth and then the teacher came in and we all rushed to take our seats while he flirted with the teacher.

After hearing who Rudy was she thought it was adorable that he came back to finish his education and graduate and then proceeded to wipe his face off. She was the teacher and he proudly said he was a teacher's pet.

The coach came in and claimed they had a thing but they didn't. She told him that Rudy was not a loser that he was her student. She got worried when Rudy had an allergic reaction to the stuff that was on his face.

She wanted to send him to the nurses office to get it looked at, and he said he'd go because she told him not the coach and not because he had a burning feeling on his face and she turned to him all worried as he exited the classroom.

Rudy? I frowned as he started to leave. It's alright Farrah I'll be just fine. He reminded me. But then he screamed and left. Back at Phil's his niece walked in upset with Jerry talking about how she was his girlfriend and they came up with a plan for revenge.

Later in gym Rudy was in his old gym uniform and still had a red ring around his lip and mouth area as they spilt up into teams for dodgeball and then the health teacher walked in to watch them play.

Once all the rest of his team was out Rudy was the only person still standing, and that included Milton. Rudy had dodged everything thrown at him showing off his moves for the teacher but then the coach hit him in the face with a ball.

The teacher rushed right over to him to make sure he was ok and he had a red mark around his left eye and then passed out. The next day during lunch (outfit 54) we were all talking about how proud we were of Rudy and how you'd never hear him tell us how much its getting to him.

But then Rudy came in with his tray of food to join us at our table and the coach tripped him sending him to the floor. When everyone started laughing at him he didn't care about the plaque anymore he cared that he had a fork in his leg and was going to drop out of high school.

After school we left with Rudy back to the dojo and he still looked all beat up on his face and said that school was cruel dark place and that if any of us had any brains we'd drop out too he didn't care about the hall of fame anymore.

We all agreed that Rudy had taught us so much and had helped us with so much and that he deserved to be in the hall of fame. Both Jack and I: And I'll help you get there. Others: No! They scolded me. Why not?!

Because just as I was saying you do too much for others and not anything for yourself. I've got this you put the brakes on this one little sister.

That night Phil and niece put their plan into action to get revenge on Jerry and they were sitting at a candlelight dinner in the low dark and she was saying she thought about it and decided she would go out with him. This was not good.

But first he had to go through some rituals, first drinking a bowl of some liquid something or other that they ended up telling him was yak urine as he spit it out.

After that they told him he only had 27 more rituals to go. And then Phil chased him away with slapping him with a fish. The next day in health class (outfit 55)  our teacher was having a hard time getting the class to settle down and our plan to help Rudy got started.

A paper airplane was coming right towards her and would've gone into her eye had Rudy not grabbed it from out of thin air stopping it just in time. Hey your teacher said stop talking punks! The whole class flinched in their desks.

She was glad he'd decided to come back. He said after class he was hoping to come by and clap her erasers, turning on the whole teachers pet charm. She said she'd like that.

And he showed her that he'd gone and brought her an apple for her desk. She took from him as she took a bite then he held her wrist as he took a bite too and they went back and forth with this until there was nothing but core left.

All while the coach watched from outside and Jack asked the rest of us if we were as creeped out as the rest of them. Everyone except me raised their hand. I just had this daydreaming look on my face.

And Jerry came to school in a traditional clogging monkey I think she said outfit. And it was like a green dress with purple curved foot tipped shoes and a fancy hat that looked like a women who drank tea would be wearing.

All because he wanted to be her boyfriend. And he was wearing jellyfish underpants underneath too. He said every step he took they stung him she said it was tradition. And waved him goodbye.

Milton and Eddie came over to him telling him it couldn't get any worse and that he had to stay strong for love but his locker slammed on the robe and it ripped it off of him.

In gym the coach found out he was missing the gym final requirement and was gonna make Rudy do the rope climb. And at lunch Jerry had this big ball of already been chewed gum he had scraped together and was gonna bite into it....

But then the girl grew a conscience and felt bad. But before she could stop him he bit into it anyways. But then she came clean and said she made them up.

She told him that she heard that he told the whole school they were boyfriend and girlfriend and that so she told him about these silly rituals to get back at him, she thought he'd be mad, but he smiled and thought that was awesome.

She told him he went through a lot to be her boyfriend and that they should try again for real this time. Meanwhile Rudy was trying to climb the rope and the teacher told him his kids believed in him and so did she.

She told him to climb the rope and ring the bell and when he comes back down she'd have a kiss waiting for him. So up he went and we were all there to watch him, but then the coach told the class to throw dodgeballs at him.

Rudy started slipping so Jack climbed up the second rope after him. He used his karate moves to make sure that he didn't get hit encouraging Rudy to climb to the top.

The coach threw one and Jack kicked it away sending it flying at his chest knocking him to the ground, and Rudy finally got to the top and rang the bell.

But while cheering in pride he let go of the rope and fell. But come that evening he had on a tux as we went with him to hear about him getting his award in the hall of fame.

And by the time he was done with his speech it was several hours later and myself and the teacher were the only people still left in the audience.

At the next morning Jerry and his girlfriend were at Phil's having their first date and he was weirded out that a bunch of her relatives had to watch them have their first date.

But then she came clean and said of all the silly rituals she did make up there was one she didn't and that was the fish slap one, all the relatives that were there including Phil started slapping him with a fish. Beating him up with them.

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