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This book is the second book in The Gyres of Hunger— series.

The protagonists of this series are gay, and you can already tap out if it's not your piece of cake. We do not tolerate homophobia. Everyone appearing in sexual scenes are adults.

It is rated 18+ for mature themes.
  * strong language
  * graphic sexual scenes
  * violence and gore
  * mentions of sexual assault/rape
  * lightly described rape

Do not read this if you are underaged or feel like these themes are uncomfortable to you. I'm not responsible if you decide to read it.

No hate comments allowed either, though I love to receive critic.

There are many grammar mistakes, and you are welcomed to point them out. I'm bilingual and English isn't my first language, so there can be errors and mistypes.

It is important for you to read the first book before this, because there is valuable information that I will not be repeated in this story. Everything in the book is created by me and it is possible, that there's things and events that do not relate with any other fantasy you've read.

If you see someone copying my book, please inform me. And if you want to translate this, contact me first.

Now, get ready to read,


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