Chapter 20

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Thank you so much for the 1K followers. I don't know how it happened, just a second ago I had 3 followers and I had been so happy to have even those. I started writing just as a *joke*, not even imagining that I would ever gain views or votes. Thank you so much❤️

Here's a chapter to celebrate that, love you,


It was cold.

The ground was wet, the puddles around me growing enough to drown my fingers under the mix of mud, blood, and water. I kept staring at the trees up in the sky, the tips of them reaching towards the peaceful stars that lit the forest with cool light. And if you looked enough close, you could maybe see a yellowish meteor fly through the space, its small tail collecting any pinch of hope it had brought for one that had seen it, making it disappear as if it had never happened.

I could feel how a tear escaped my left eye, the tiny droplet climbing its way down my lifeless cheek.

What had I done to deserve this? Why did it hurt so much?

I snapped awake because of a sudden clattering, my eyes instantly drifting from the tips of my boots to the dark walls and the unearthly torches that hung from their ornamental hooks. They didn't provide that much light, even less so to the vampires as I had a vision provided by my werewolf ancestors. But after seeing this place, which I'm sure was haunted, it most likely was intentional to only strengthen the eerie atmosphere they seemed to be fans of.

"Is he okay?" I asked quietly as I turned my eyes back towards the vampire beside me, Tyro's frame suavely locking the door beside us.

It was the exact same one he had earlier shown to me, and after I had had a long shower, and stared at the ceiling for what felt like hours, he had finally come to rescue me. I swear if I had to look at the tiny piece of moss that hang from a small crack by the ceiling just above the headrest of the creaky bed, I was going to lose my mind, "Well..."

Tyro sighed, shoving the hefty keys in his hands back into his pocket. His voice wasn't anyhow promising, my whole body tensing from anxiety as bit my teeth together. The vampire seemed to be searching for correct words as he turned back towards me, his dark eyes only briefly glancing at me.

He was a strange man at that, but he had given me the impression that I could trust him. He was very easily irritated, and you could say that he was rather grumpy. But even when he might've been a bit closed off and rough, he knew how to handle delicate situations, "Do you want the good news or bad news first?"

He raised the other one of his thick brows to me, then started to walk past me towards the staircase that was located right at the end of the long hallway we were in. My facial features stretched into a frown as I quickly followed him, "W-What do you mean by that?"

I asked, my disarrayed form trying its best to stay along the long strides the other took. And talk about disarrayed– I looked like a disaster. You could see that I had spent the last hours simply crying, my eyes swollen and red with heavy and dark under bags. Besides that, my hair was all over, still a bit wet from the shower. And my voice was all worn out.

Tyro sighed again, the clapping of our boots echoing in the empty hallways, "He's awake, and he got through the surgery with no complications. We are expecting full recovery–"

"But?" I interrupted him, a faint amount of hope tightening my chest.

I was so relieved that he was okay and so glad that I could see him again. Trust me, I had thought he was gone forever. I didn't care much about anything else– and as selfish as it sounded, I just wanted a moment with him. No matter how small it would be.
I wanted to hug him, squeeze him and tell him how much I cared for him. I didn't want to lose him, and even if it wouldn't be today, you never knew when it would be. Tomorrow, two weeks or twenty years. I wouldn't ever be ready to lose him.

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