Extra 36 (2)

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Celian's POV

A while back I could've never even imagined this strange, enslaving feeling. It was hard to describe, because I think one that had gone through it, was the only one able to fathom it. It wasn't anything as cliché as the dozens of books I had read either; nothing as simple and mundane.

Many of the stories about love told about these fervid flames that would glimmer with hope and devotion, so immense that they would slowly devour you, and turn that beauty into nothing more but a facile piece of obsession. It was nowhere near the truth.

The feeling wasn't as strong that I would want to just strangle this man into my endless amounts of embraces, or as strong that I would never let another being even fucking glance toward him. I didn't want to just be on his side and help him through the heavy obstacles that were coming to us, nor did I crave his words of affirmation enough to eagerly wait to hear them at every single passing second.

It wasn't as plain, or even as ugly as those authors sometimes made you believe. They might've told you that being as drastically attached to someone was unnatural and unhealthy, and even going as far as characterizing it diabolical. Something that was driven by the great seven sins, and by the hand of the almighty God of destruction and death.

To me it sounded like they didn't know what they were talking about; never been affected by it. A bit brute and exaggerating at its best.

They would say that it wasn't beautiful, and that at one point the fiery flames would turn into pieces of dull, inky charcoal. It didn't make any sense.

It wasn't like I had lost myself into him, that our love had turned into this controlling and blinding madness. It wasn't like I had forgotten who I was, and that I was only breathing the air for him. That wasn't the kind of obsessiveness love was. It wasn't some kind of addiction that reigned your whole entire life like gambling or alcohol; turning you into a sheep of your own system.

No, to me, we had become one.

I didn't just ache for his affection, touch or gentle words, enough to beseech it every day like it was something I couldn't go on without. To put it simply, it was so much more than that.

It was like the base essence of my whole existence. It wasn't about fulfilling my desires either, like all I craved for was to see his love toward me. No, all I wanted, all I lived for, was for him to feel appreciated and loved.

He would always be the first, always be the one I thought about when waking up and going to sleep. My needs would come second, as well as my safety and comfort. And the thing was, I knew that he had the exact same principles. That was what made it different.

When both of us had just as powerful feelings for each other, both of us ready to risk their lives for one another– it was what made this much more than an addiction.

It was exactly what made us stronger than anyone could imagine.

No one could shatter our devotion and loyalty, no one could ever even reach their dirty little fingers to the heart of our spirit. We would never be apart, never weak enough to let anyone tamper with our bond.

Sure, we would have our fights, our differences. But we would never endanger each other or our relationship.

Because in the end, that was what love was.

"You are so beautiful," my voice whispered into the air, the words instantly greeted with the murky, thoughtful orbs of maroon. The vampire's eyes travelled back to my face, taking in the manly features with a soft glint in them.

The fingers I had lifted to his cheekbones moved lower, now exploring his sharp jawline, nothing but fondness in the smile that had appeared on itself to my lips. "So are you, Darling," Lynx responded with a murmur, wrapping his arms tighter around my torso.

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