Chapter 7

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I folded the letter in my hand neatly, the cold wind ruffling my hair. But I couldn't place it back to my pocket, opening it for the thousandth time again.

Ez, if you are by some chance reading this, I want you to know that I'm alive. I don't really know how to prove it to you; I know that you are questioning the shit out of this letter right now. But Barren is lying, they all are.

My death was framed.

At least I think I'm still breathing. And well, sometimes it's harder to do so. I'm in Yscriah, will be for few weeks. I have met the King and I...

Well, it's a lot to unpack.

But I just wanted to say that I miss you.

And I can't wait the day to see you again,


I sighed, holding my eyes shut for a moment before I folded the piece of paper. On the other side, there was simply the omega's name, nothing else. I just hoped that the vampire would keep his words, and this would find its way to him. Ezekiel was like a brother to me, and even his departure had hurt a lot. I didn't know if he thought of it that way, he had found his happiness after all.

But I didn't want him to think I was dead either.

The letter might've seemed very short, but I had had a lot of trouble writing it. In occasions, I had started crying. And in other occasions, I had erased everything because anything just was not right. For example, I couldn't promise him that I was safe; that I had written at first. And I couldn't tell him about the King, about Lynx. He'd think I had gone mad.

Either way, the bin next to the bed was now filled to its brink with crumpled sheets of paper.

I could feel the coldness seek into my bones, the wind making my dry and irritated eyes teary. It seemed like it would start raining any given second, the sky filled with gray clouds.

What a great weather for a trip.

Even more so, as I glanced around me, I didn't really think that there was much worthy to see. The outside of the castle was quite dull and bland, the few plants and trees on verge of dying. You could see just above the tall trees where the territory of elves started, those same leaves and trunks turning colorful and bright. But here, everything was just... it was just like a big swamp.

The castle behind me was enormous, many towers and plats rising up to the sky. And it was made of black stone, partially covered with thick and dry moss. The yard around it was empty; only the forest around us watching me back. And yes, I said watching.

Because it felt just like it.

There was also a huge lake in the middle that most likely lead to the firth that the separated mountains in the background presented. It was the only thing that I let my eyes linger on longer, the feeling of home in the back of my head.

I didn't even know if I wanted to return. I did miss my job, my position. It had been a big part of me; nearly everything.

But I guess that was exactly it.

I hadn't ever been myself, I had never found me.

I was just a walking shell of a person.

"Are you ready?" I flinched, my head turning all around until I was peering over my shoulder. The owner of the low and raspy baritone floated right next to me, the familiar scent of the sweet vampire alluring me.

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