Chapter 2

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I didn't know how long I'd been here.

My sense of feeling had come back ages ago, and I wished it hadn't. My wrists were in so much pain that I had thrown up in my lap for more times than I can count. The cell had become pitch-black too, the tears on my face not drying at any point. I just kept crying and crying from pain and fear. I figured out that the shackles had silver in them, something that was poisonous to my kind.

The worst part was that I couldn't fall asleep or use bathroom. I couldn't move at all either, every part of my body aching. And I couldn't keep telling myself that everything was going to be okay. My eyes rose to the ceiling above me, tiredly staring at the cracks.

Was I going to be here for weeks? For months? For years?

It felt like I couldn't be here a minute longer, like every second that passed was even more cruel than the one before. The coldness seeped deep into my bones, making my body tremble like there wouldn't be a tomorrow. And, what if there wouldn't be?

At this point, I would only be glad if someone would let me out of this misery. It wouldn't hurt.

I tried to straighten my legs that I had pulled against my chest, afterwards letting out a pain-filled whimper. The tears poured in greater amounts to my cheeks, the quiet sobs that never ended raking through me, "Please..."

I whispered, staring into the ceiling. I didn't know who would hear, or if there even was anyone to hear. But right now, I was way too desperate, "I-It only hurts to continue..."

I begged, begged so deep from my heart. If the life could give me one good act, it would be to lend a hand right now. Was it a hand around my throat or was it a hand that pulled me out of here; it didn't matter. I just wanted everything to stop. And it wasn't just because of the situation I was in now.

This was just a cherry on top of a cake.

Because every day, I suffered.

My thoughts were interrupted by quiet clacking, my ears perking up to detect any kind of small detail. My nearly silent sniffles were completely suffocated as the clacking became louder, my eyes flicking to the bars ahead of me. It sounded like footsteps, my observation only firming by every second passing. I held in my breath as I squeezed myself as close to the wall as I could, palely waiting for the person arriving.

I already knew that whatever they wanted, or whoever it was, it promised no good. And then I felt it. The small buzzing in the back of my head, warming my frozen insides. It lit me with comfort, but I was too frightened to pay attention to anything. I only waited for my condemnation, not ready to face it at all.

The hallway just behind the steel bars was slightly lit with warm yellow light, the color turning more orange as it got closer. And then the clacking stopped, the sudden silence nearly making me throw up once again. I couldn't hear anyone breathing, anyone moving. But what I could see, was the large shadow against the hallway's wall. I recognized it as someone, the silhouette clearly a person. But the size of it terrified me.

It reached the ceiling, probably the person's head only gracing it by an inch. And I knew that I was done for.

My bottom lip trembled as I tried to keep my cries silent, the wall against my back ice cold. The cell smelled like blood and vomit, the silver that had sunken into my hands spicing the air with burnt skin. The shadow stayed put for so long that I started to think I was hallucinating, but then it moved.

My vision was blocked by a large, large man.

He was tall, but lean. He was also muscular, but not on the buff side. Only adjective to describe him was stygian.

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