Chapter 10

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"The morning before."

"Celian," a quiet mumbling was heard from beside my ear, my eyes opening slowly to the bright room. At first, I could only see the sun that was shining right into my face, but soon a hand covered it; revealing the sleepy-looking vampire.

"Hey..." I murmured back to him, my voice blissful from the exhaustion that still weighed my shoulders down.

"We need to get up," he whispered, moving a few of my short strands away from my forehead. It took me a while to comprehend his words, but when I did, I just collapsed against the bed.

I definitely wasn't ready to wake up.

The handsome man in front of me smiled, the other corner of his lips turning more and more crooked as the seconds went on. He leaned his forehead against mine, studying my features with his scary red eyes.

I felt like I would've just been dug out of my resting place, my hair just like a crow's nest and my eyes heaved by dark circles. Nothing like the magical and graceful vampire in front of me.

"Not yet," I continued mumbling, circling my hands around my chest. My eyes closed slowly, my brain instantly turning mushy from the tiredness.


I heard him hum, my muscles relaxing with it.

"Aren't you hungry? We should get going," he said with his gravelly and low voice, the raspiness of it making me shiver.

I shook my head lightly, not eager to leave the warmth of the cozy bed. And of the man beside me.

"Celian..." he murmured a bit playfully, dragging the last vocals. My eyebrows furrowed displeased, a quiet whimper leaving my mouth.

"Just a momen— ah!" I started, though that being cut off with a loud scream. My eyes snapped open to the image of Lynx tickling my sides, the feeling just as awful as the smirk on his face.

I laughed out loud, instantly feeling perkier as I tried to push the other further away, "S-Stop it! I-I can't!"

Lynx just smirked at me as I grabbed him by his shoulders, desperately squeezing him. Though I was answered only by a wrestling match, the vampire rolling over me and pinning my wrists down. It was very relieving as the God forbid tickling stopped, but it also made my stomach scrunch.

"You're so beautiful when you smile," he whispered to me, instantly receiving a very deep blush from my end. His black hair flowed down on my face, somewhat a content feeling spreading across my chest. I felt like this was the thing I had been missing all the time, affection and comfort. I loved the way he made my stomach fiddle with butterflies by his sweet words and actions, and I loved the way he took care of me.

No one in my home had ever made me feel like this.

Like a person.

"Can we just hug...?" I mumbled quietly, maybe even a bit ashamed of my request. But the way he held me made me feel so good.

The smile on Lynx's face became softer, his hands letting go of my wrists and then circling around my shoulders. His bare body against mine was like pure heaven, a long sigh leaving my mouth as I returned the tight hold he had on me.

I lowered my chin to his neck, mushing my nose to his skin to get a better sniff of his addictive scent.

"So adorable, too," I heard him murmur into my hair, my legs shyly spreading wider to let him even closer to me. It definitely wasn't a surprise that I had something hard countering my own member, the blush on my face shifting towards my throat.

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