Chapter 34

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"Good day to have a man that will set up a tent for you,"

I heard Lynx murmur to himself inside the tiny, blueish tent that he had invaded all to himself—probably wrapped under dozens of blankets like a burrito while I kept slamming these iron pegs into the ground.

I swear it was the most annoying thing ever.

Once you finally found a nice spot for them, the metal pikes would then bend into some wiggly pieces of shit. I don't know who invented them, but it was nearly impossible to find a suitable placement, especially in the winter. And you couldn't leave the studs behind either, or else the tent would disappear into the wind. They could've at least made these more durable.

So with deep hatred toward trying to build the goddamn tent, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry at his words.

"Yea, and what do I get in return?" I grumbled to myself, stomping one of the spikes deeper into the ground like there was no tomorrow. Luckily, it went all the way through— otherwise the whole project would've probably ended very shortly.

I heard my mate hum in his thoughts as I grabbed the bags and other stuff that had been left behind, and walked to the tent's doorway. "I'm quite handsome, don't you think? I also give excellent hugs and massages," Lynx said, earning an eye-roll from my end.

"Sure," I muttered, pulling the tent's zipper down and throwing all of the equipment inside. 

The vampire's voice became clearer and clearer until I swear he was just beside me. Although the only thing that met me was complete darkness and the dozens of blankets under my knees when I crawled into the tent, "Plus, I'm so fucking enamored by you."

His tantalizing voice whispered, instantly making me blush vigorously.

He for sure knew how to pull the right strings.

"Shut up," I murmured in response, desperately trying to fight the urge to smile. But I think it was way too late; he already knew. 

"You make me go crazy, Darling," Lynx continued somewhere behind me, somehow managing to mess up my whole fucking head. Every time, he would turn me into a frenzied little schoolgirl that couldn't stop thinking about their hallway crush.

"Lynx!" I growled at him, snapping the zipper back up with one flick of my wrist.

The vampire's laugh echoed in the small space, making it nearly impossible to determine where he was. In an attempt of finding him, and gently smacking him, I turned around and started to search for him with my eyes. But it was way too dark, pure blackness everywhere I tried to squint in, "Where the fuck are you?"

My low voice demanded, though without any kind of response. Or so I thought.

"Get in here—!" I dove into the pile of blankets, so sure that I would encounter my mate's body that I was left beyond confused when there was indeed nothing else but fucking dozens of quilts and rugs. But he was in the tent, wasn't he? I had just heard his voice, and it was so small of a space that he couldn't goddamn disappear.

And I was correct, though not that pleased.

Because the next thing I knew, that motherfucker tackled me from behind me. Moving like a shadow, and leaving me zero chances to react or counter his attack. I could feel how his hands slithered their way on my body towards my own, so fast that I couldn't pull them away in time. With no idea what was going on, I just yelped and started to trash in his hold.

Obviously not succeeding.

He simply flipped me over like my big, muscular body meant nothing to him, and pinned my arms down to the ground above my head. Lynx's fingers dug into my wrists enough harshly to not make me even try to escape; an utterly charged look spreading on my sharp features.

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