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A small extra from Ezekiel's POV here, enjoy!

"Did you hear that?"

I narrowed my pale blue eyes that studied the white tips of the tall and enormous mountains, my feet dug deep into the freezing snow. The wind ruffled my black hair ruthlessly, my body trembling in the -28 Fahrenheit.


I turned my gaze away from the mountains that rose far to the skies right beside us, the indurate snow storm making it hard to see even a few feet ahead of you. The snowflakes even felt like hard needles against my cheeks, the lower half of my feminine and sharp face covered with a thick scarf.

I furrowed my brows at Leonel with concern swimming in the pools of my celeste irises, the much taller and bigger Alpha walking right beside me. He wrapped his arm around me, his black, perilous eyes trying to calm my nerves down, "I'm sure it's nothing."

He said, his dark and low voice muffled because of the similar scarf he had tied around his face. He was also wearing a thick quilted jacket and pants, the black color of them standing out of the pure white snow like a sore thumb. His touch didn't soothe me that much though, the faint scream that I had heard still ringing in my eardrums.

It had been so quiet that I almost hadn't caught it, but it for sure didn't stop the uncomfortable feeling of my skin crawling. I had been on the edge the whole journey through the hills, and this for sure didn't help.

"I'm just worried about him," I sighed, lifting my other hand over my eyes to see my mate better. My voice was full of concern and maybe even a hint of fear, as were my tensed shoulders.

"I know," Leonel answered me, most likely smiling at me under that dark blue scarf, and even when I couldn't see it, it made my stomach tingle, "Enough for this day?"

He then switched the conversation elsewhere, making a dry chuckle leave my throat. I bumped his chest playfully, the other staggering back (and not because of my non-existent force, but rather because of the heavy backpack he had strapped into his body.)

"What? Too tired already?" I teased him, rolling my eyes at him, now much more relaxed than seconds ago. I received a pair of raised brows as I stepped back, my legs feeling much bulkier than normally because of the chunky boots I was wearing.

We had travelled quite a long way today already, and the trip was even rougher because we couldn't use the Mechiaq's Firth, leading us only the alternative to wade through the mountains. And I could already understand why no one used these routes, or why no one even dared to try their luck to try it.

It was so arduous, the terrain only snow and slick rocks. It would take us a few weeks to get through it, and it for sure is full of risks. We had to be very quiet, considering we didn't know what here was, and we didn't want an avalanche to wipe us out. The temperatures were so sufferable too, my toes and fingers froze even at this moment. We couldn't travel in our wolf form because of the amount of stuff we had with us; a tent, underlays, sleeping bags, and food.

I wasn't fully sure where we would end up after crossing these mountains. All I hoped was that Celian would be facing us once we did. We couldn't use the Mechiaq's Firth back home either, not after everything that had gone through Quillios' Kingdom.

It was... We needed Celian. It was a bloodbath, a disgrace. After he had disappeared, everything had just gone downhill.

"So I was the one who had to be carried through that river a few miles ago because the princess didn't want his–" Leonel started whisper-shouting at me while I walked backward, not even looking behind me while spreading my hands widely into the air.

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