His Personal Maid/Girlfriend Chapter 11: I'm the boss

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Chapter 11: I'm the boss

"Selina, I'm telling you, once she pisses me off one more time, I'll make her regret...'' I said to Selina. We were sitting at some chairs while waiting for the teacher who was apparently late. Tera and her gang was just right oppposite us probably gossiping about us since one of them pointed at my direction. 

''It's okay, Lyss. Just imagine her wearing something funny.'' that was Selina who always tried to brightened up my mood. But somehow, I pity her for putting up with someone like me when she could have been best friends with tons of girls like Tera but nicer.

''Hey guys. Came here to see you guys try out.'' Kathe came over. She was still wearing her uniform. Honestly, I thought she looked really cool in it. Her hair was out of a ponytail and was all the way down. She walked over to us and threw two water bottles at us. 

''Is try out over or is coach late? The guys are coming too so be on your best.'' I saw Selina from pink to green to pale white. I knew why though. Seth was going to see her which made her nervous. Which made me nervous since Seth was going to see Selina, Hyle was going to see me. 

Selina drank her water and tried to relax. 

''Don't worry, you two will do fine.'' Kathe said as Tera and her gang walked passed us. 

''Tera, I'm sure you'll be head cheerleader again! You're the best!'' I heard a girl said to Tera and Tera just flipped her hair when she walked pass me. 

''Lyssa, didn't you won second place for cheerleading in your old school? I did some research.'' Kathe was seriously a pro stalker. I didn't fill that in my form when I got here! She was good. 

''How did you know?'' I asked her while clutching onto my bottle. 

''Duh, your uncle told me. I called him. Anyways, so I was thinking, if you could win over the head cheerleader postion, Tera will lose her popularity and bam goes her reputation.'' 

''Isn't that like...bad?'' Selina asked. Not when Tera is concerned. I thought to myself.

''GIRLS! FIRST UP, TERA!'' a lady called. Guess the try outs started. ''Hey guys!'' I heard the guys's voice from behind us. Oh no, what if I made a mistake? No! Lyssa Yers would not back down now!'' I calmed myself and focused myself. 

Tera did some elegant moves which was quite impressive but for some reason, her landing was a bit...off. A few girls cried because they were told to get another activity and a few cheered because they got in. And soon, Selina came back all hyper because she got in. I knew Selina would get in, she was the most graceful person I knew so far. ''NEXT, LYSSA!'' My name was called and my heartbeat started to race up and down.

I walked up to the platform and after a few moves, I did my signature move. Which no one ever manage to copy so far. I jump really high, did four flips and land on my feet like a cat. And I heard claps filling the room. And then I saw all my friends standing up and Nathan took off his shirt and scream. Funny guy.

Two girls, one with purple-dyed hair and one with blond hair from Tera's gang came over to me. More like ran over to me. ''You are really good! Tera said you were horrible! You have to join us! I beg you! Please be our leader!'' the purple hair one said. 

'A few more girls joined in and lifted me into the air. ''Whoa!'' I managed to say and before I fell down onto the mat, Hyle caught me. ''Oof!'' I said and fell onto him.

''I didn't know you were that good!'' he said and helped me up. 


''Lyssa Yers. You are officially our leader!'' the coach said and I saw Tera turn pale. I heard Kathe and Selina laughed and cheered. A smile appeared on my face and I agreed. 

''As for Tera, well it's about time someone take over your position. You're so bossy everytime.'' Liana, the blond one said. Tera's face crumpled and she ran. Later on I found out that Liana and Britney was Tera's best friends. So I took them away from her, but then again, she doesn't deserve to have them. But why do I feel all guilty? As if I stole her whole life away from her...


So what's gonna happen? Vote if you want Tera to be nice or bad! :)

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