His personal maid/girlfriend Chapter 17: No!!

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Chapter 17: No!!

Hyle's P.O.V.

Before I could know what was Lyssa's reaction, I saw from the corners of my eyes that the girls were staring at me and her with angry expressions. I had to hide. I ran to a corner where I was sure those girls can't find me. I hope Lyssa was okay and hope that those girls won't tear her apart.

Lyssa's P.O.V.

''Let me go!'' I scream and hit my attackers arm. A heard a female scream and instantly I knew it was a girl. But the question was...who was the girl? She let go of me and I fell to the ground. The floor was wet and sticky. I opened my eyes and that was when I wanted to scream. It was blood. I turned around to see who was my attacker and saw that it was Lexie. But blood was flowing from her. 

''Hyle! Heeelp!'' I shouted. ''Someone! Help!'' 

A few seconds later, the guys and Hyle came. Nathan instantly dialed for an ambulance. The ambulance came and carried her on a stretcher. What happened to her? I was getting worried by the minute. I didn't hit her that hard so I knew that it wasn't me. We followed the ambulance by car to the nearest hospital. 

The nurses said that we can't enter the emergency room and had to wait outside. We waited and waited. After nearly two hours, the nurse came out and nod as a sign we could enter. We rushed in and found her lying on the hospital bed, pale and unconscious. 

''Doctor, what happened to her?'' Seth asked the doctor.

''Teenagers these days. She's pregnant.'' he said it as if it explained everything. Well, it did but it made everyone in the room when from panic mode to shock mode. 

''Pregnant?! How could she be pregnant? She's only...a teenager!''

''Obviously someone wanted to go further in a relationship. And because of sudden shock, her baby died inside her. I'm sorry.'' Her baby died? That was more than sad! Even for a person who didn't like children that much, I knew that that was sad. 


I woke up the next day and still felt the bruise in my arm. I fell last night and it swollen up. It even turned from purple to black and it hurted so much that if I moved it, I would fall to the ground and start screaming. So Hyle helped me put on some bandage and the pain decreased. 

We reached school and there were lots of girls waiting as usual but today I didn't had the mood to entertain these girls. So I got out first and scream ''back off'' at them and walked straight towards class. I heard murmurs and whispers as I walked through the hallway. Everyone knew what happened last night and they perfectly knew that it wasn't my fault that Lexie's baby died but they still gossip that it was my fault. 

I had no mood to even fight with them. I even had a bruise on my arm which made it harder for me to hit them or beat them up. Not that I wanted to. I headed straight for Music class. I didn't want to be near anyone so I sat at the last row, the last seat where no one could sit with me. Mr Josel asked if I was okay but I just said I was fine. I didn't want to explain anything. 

Hyle and the others came in after me. They gathered around me since there were still twenty minutes til class started. 

''I know that you're down and everyone is gossiping but you just have to ignore them and move on. You have us so just have a great time and ignore them. Kay?'' that was Seth. Always cheering people up but he didn't knew what I was going through.

''I'm fine. Class starts in twenty minutes. You better grab your seats.'' I told them.

Seth sighed. ''This conversation is not over. I'll talk to you in recess.'' and they walked to the opposite of the room and sat there. 


Recess time and it was time to face them. I got to the cafeteria first since I didn't bother to wait for anyone. But...something hit me hard. In the insides. I was sitting down when I saw...something that I thought would never happened. Lexie in Hyle's arms. 

They came to the table I was sitting down at and sat down. In front of me too. ''Hey, Lyss. You must be lucky to have my boyfriend as your master. He's cute and funny.'' Lexie giggled. What?! Boyfriend? Wasn't he mine? I looked at Hyle expecting him to defend himself and say that he was with someone else but I was wrong. He wrapped his arms around Lexie and kissed her cheek. What?!

What was happening? I knew that I ignored him but I had a reason! Was it because of that he wanted Lexie? Tears were building up in my eyes and I needed somewhere to release them. I was never good at holding back tears. But I also can't cry in front of them. Obviously Lexie was genuinely happy. She didn't want to make me jealous or anything because she didn't know that I liked him!

I stood up and excused myself. ''I need to use the bathroom.'' I said and ran off. I passed the guys already releasing the tears. ''Lyssa! What's wrong?'' I heard Kathe's voice calling me but I just ran. I needed some place. I ran to the school garden and hid among the flower pots and trees and silently cry. 

I heard footsteps. No, it couldn't be Hyle. He had Lexie. I thought to myself. i looked up and I saw Kathe. She sat next to me and hugged me. 

''He's a jerk.'' so she found out. 

My silent cries became loud sobs and I found myself hugging Kathe back. ''Why?'' I kept repeating the same word over and over and over again. 

''It's not you, Lyssa. It's Hyle. The guys are confronting him now. Let's go back, shall we? Don't worry, I told them that I would acompany you to the girl's bathroom to check your hair. So Hyle and Lexie didn't know that you were crying. Dry your tears. Let's go back and hear a interesting explaination from Hyle.'' 

I wiped my tears away and splash my face with water. I looked better. Like I never cried. Good. Kathe and I got back to the table and I saw Hyle...so close to Lexie. That should have been me. I sat next to Nathan and Kathe. Nathan examined me. His expression asking if I was okay. I nodded and smile. He smiled and turned back to Hyle but with an angry expression.

''So, mind telling us how you and Lexie got together? I thought you said you hated Lexie, Hyle?'' Kathe asked with a angry look. Whoa no one and I mean no one wanted to go to the wrong side of Kathe. Hyle was in so much trouble. 

''Well, last night I found Lexie at a corner or a room. I gave her some drinks and so just to tease her but then i found myself falling for her. She was so pretty last night. And I just had to have her as my girlfriend but of course I didn't tell her that. I continued to tease and she got mad. But I knew girls only get mad when they are in love. Then this morning I found Lexie all weak because of last night. So I helped her and I confessed to her. Then we got together and all.'' I felt myself wanting to cry again. But this time, I knew better than cry. 

Crying over that little matter wasn't worth it. I gave up confronting and just went with the flow. 

''Then I guess congratulations.'' I smiled. I felt shock faces from the others were looking at me because they knew I loved Hyle. Hyle as if he knew that I was pretending, said, ''I hope you'll find the right guy for you soon. Little maid.'' that was it. That broke me. 



Sorry this chapter is extremely short, I was busy with my homwork. But I'll upload the next chapter soon and I promise it would be longer. ;D


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