His personal maid/girlfriend Chapter 13: Going to the beach

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Chapter 13: Going to the beach

Lyssa's Point Of View

I came out from the shower feeling refreshed and I ran a towel through my wet hair. Hyle was on the bed while switching channels on Tv. Guess nothing interest him. ''Master Hyle, where's the hair dryer?'' I asked him and he pointed at the table. 

There was a purple hair dryer on the table with a comb.

I walked over to the table and started to dry my hair. Suddenly, Hyle turned off the Tv and looked at me. ''Kathe told me you like someone. Who is he?" he asked.

I immediately tensed up and turned to face him.

"Don't think too much. I don't like anyone. Just they boys who are currently living with me." I faked a convincing smile and went back to drying my hair.

I knew that didn't convince him. His curious look turned into a serious look and then he stood up. 

"While you were in the showers, Seth called and asked if all of us wanted to go to the beach. The Anjells, you, Kathe, Selina and Gretchen." he said and went to comb his hair which was poking his eye.

"Sure, why not." But for some reason, I had a sick feeling something bad was going to happen. But i didn't tell them this of course.


"Sam, stop squirming! This car isn't big enough to fit all of us so if you keep moving, we might put you on the roof." Nathan said which made Sam shut up. All the girls laughed at him which made him went red like a tomato.

"Okay guys, we have to stop making Sam blush or he might really become a tomato himself." no one ever laughs at Terrance weird jokes so there was a silence.

"What?! Not funny enough for you guys?"

"Oh poor Terrance. If only you knew." Nathan hugged him and pretended that he was a cute kitten and pet him.


The beach was beautiful. Kids were running around, couples holding hands while walking on the shore, the wind was moderate not too strong, and what was more, I had my friends.

"If you guys would excuse me, me and Gretchen here wants to have some alone time. See you guys later!" and those two disappeared.

"And I want to spend some time with this lovely lady here." Seth held Selina's hand and ran towards the waters. Looks like a new couple is about to form.

"And I'm going to go read some books under that tree over there." Kathe said with a books in her bag. Honestly, Kathe was pretty without glasses.

"I think I wanna read some books too. You guys have fun." Nathan said and ran to Kathe.

"Umm...me too! Wait up!" and Terrance was off.

"Well, what do you want to do?" Hyle turned to face me.

"Well, since the others are busy, and we're not, how about walking around the beach...as friends of course."

"Okay." there was a bit of sadness in his tone. Maybe the girl he liked wasn't here or something.

"So you already asked me who I liked...now it's my turn. Who do you like?" I asked him.

He blushed and said, "Umm...no one. And even if I did, I didn't need to tell you."

A guy knocked into me and I fell down.

"Whoa, sorry girl. Didn't see you there. Hey, you're pretty. Do you want to hang with me?" that guy was cute but not my type. He was one of those that show off a lot and were the types that piss me off most of the time.

"No and get out of my way."

"Is this your boyfriend here? Do you want me to steal you away from him?" and he winked. Honestly, I don't think he get what I meant by get out of my way.

"Dude, get away from my girl! Mind your own business!" Hyle pulled me close and pushed that dude away. Whoa! We walked away, no, ran away since that guy was kinda strong and could beat us up anytime. 

"Thanks Hyle. Well, kinda." I said when we sat down to have a tiny picnic just the both of us since the others were still having fun.

"Hey, you're my maid and I promised your uncle I looked out for you. So don't find this surprising." he said. Harsh much?

"Hey, you still saved my life so thanks, okay? And I thought you don't have a heart. So we're like friends now and not maid and master right?" I asked him.

"Just friends. And are you sure you don't like someone? 'Cause Kathe told me-"

"Why you jealous?" I looked at him.

"What?! No. Just curious...that's all." Was he being shy? That was so cute!

"Okay then. By the way...I checked your calender. You didn't tell me tomorrow was your birthday!" I said.

He looked at me with a weird look and said, "Like anyone cares if it was my birthday?"

"Well, I would! Let's celebrate it! I'll help you! We can have it at the hotel like how we did with Kathe's! We could invite everyone from our school and have a party! What do you think?" I asked him hoping he'll agree.

"Sure, just make sure no one gets drunk." and he nudged me.

I was so going to make this the best party ever for Hyle. I wonder when was the last time Hyle had his own birthday party. Must had been a long time ago. But the question was...what should I give him and would he love the party.


So guys, what do you think of the chapter? I know it's not perfect but these were the ideas I got and my friend had been begging me for a party in the story.

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