His Personal Maid/Girlfriend Chapter 4: Too hot to handle

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Chapter 4

(...) I was pulled along by Hyle. A few girls saw him and started to flirt with him but he just ignored them. Impressive. If I were him and I got all that attention, I would have at least give them a weird look or something but he just ignored them like a professional who spended their lives ignoring people.


Everything looked so tiny from up there. I was never afraid of heights. There was one time when I helped my neighbour to get his cat down from the roof. I thought it was pretty easy. I just had to climb up using the ladder, grab the cat and climb back down. Easy. But as for Hyle...he was clutching onto me for dear life. I hid my laugh and tried to look normal but I can't help myself so I laughed.

"It's not funny. I am afraid of heights." he said to me.

"And I'm not. You're a guy. Come on. Be a man." I escaped from him and when he realized he was no longer clutching onto me, he lost his balance as he stood up and almost slip but luckily, I caught his arm before he could fall and die.

"I might be a guy but I have my own fears." he said.

When we reached the ground, his face was really pale as if he was scared to death. Well,he was but he wasn't dead. "See? Ain't that easy?"

"We're never going to get on one ever again."

"You were the one who suggested it and you were scared of it." I sighed and walked towards the bus. He catched up to me and said, "I'm your master. You shouldn't have left me there!" he was angry.

"Well, sorry. I was mad!"

"Control your anger then!"

I stomped my foot and left him there while I got onto a bus and didn't look back. But he got on too and sat beside me. "Look, I know you miss your family a lot but face it, you're not going back until you are done serving me. And you know that no girl wants to work for me because...I'm...uh..."

"You're what?"

"Because...they say I'm mean." Mean? Why would anyone say that?

"Why? You're not mean. Just sometimes when you're mad." He looked at me and see that if I was joking but when he saw that I wasn't, he shut up and the whole ride was silent.

"So...I'm sorry that you didn't get to say goodbye to your parents before you came here."

"It's okay, I think I'm getting use to it. You know, the whole non-discussing part between my parents and me."

The bus stopped in front of the place where we were staying and we got off. The lobby was decorated with new years decoration. It was the most fun time in the year...well, at least back in my place it was.

"Did you ever celebrate new years with your family?" I asked Hyle.

"No, I didn't really went to visit my family. And I don't care about them. Don't ask why." So I didn't.


I got to the kitchen in Hyle's room since he ordered me to cook him some noodles. I boiled the water but somehow, I forgotten that it was hot so I touched it and it burned my fingers a bit. "Ah!" I retreated my hand.

"You okay?" Hyle's head popped-in after hearing me.

"Yeah, just go and sit down. It'll be done in a few minutes." I lied. I can't move my fingers in this condition! What should I do?


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