His personal maid/girlfriend Chapter 1: Hired? Me? A job?!

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Chapter 1

My life had change. And it started with my uncle who worked as a music teacher. I was sixteen at that exact year. Well, not exactly sixteen but I was going to turn sixteen sooner or later...oh, you get it! Anyway, I was an ordinary girl who just wanted to graduate from high school as soon as she could, find a job and live happily ever after. But life for me was different. It had twists and turns which was pretty annoying for some time now.

Since you don't know me yet, let me introduce myself, my name is Lyssa. Lyssa Yers. I have two annoying brothers who would get worried if anything happened to me. Lucky me, not!

It was raining that day and I hated the rain. It always made me feel gloomy for some reason as if the rest of the day would be really boring and so on. I was in class when Uncle Elbert rushed into the class with his wet muddy boots on that made Miss Jenkins gave him a disgusted look.

"Uncle Elbert! What are you doing here? I thought you should be at the music school now. And you do know that I am in class now right?" I asked him. My best friend Selina looked at me and gave me the what-was-going-on look and I just shrugged.

The headmaster came in with a paper in his hand and said, "Lyssa Yers? You are going to have an early graduation! You are finally out of school! You should be glad that-" before the headmaster could finish his sentence, Uncle Elbert cut in.

"Lyssa, pack your stuff. We'll catch Selina later. You and I have serious business to attend to right now!" I did as Uncle Elbert instructed to do and waved at Selina who smiled back before I left the class. As I walked down the corridors, I grew more and more curious and finally asked Uncle Elbert what was going on.

"Not now. When we get to the car okay, Lyssa?" he had his business look on. I was going to be involved with whatever he was doing? When we got to the car, I climbed into the front seat and buckled myself up. "Okay, before we go, tell me what's going on."

"Do you know Hyle Olsen? From the band Anjell? The one that I thought a few years ago?"

"Uh huh. I am not seeing where this is going."

"Well, Hyle came back today and went to visit me at the music school. I was really happy and excited to see him too! I talked about you and-"

"Hold up! You talk to a celeb about me? Uncle! You should know better!"

"Before you open that talkative mouth of yours, let me finish. So he listened and asked if you wanted to work for him. As his personal maid since you are active and stuff. He'll hire a personal tutor to teach you. And there is many more! And I said yes. I told your parents and your brothers and they think you should go for it."

What?! "Uncle, this is big! I didn't even decide! Where would I live?!"

"You won't need to decide! Your parents insist that you go! And you would be heading for the airport now to catch a private plane with the other members of Anjell."

"This is so quick! My clothes! What about them?"

"I took only a few. I hope that would be enough. Heres your bag." he shoved me my bag and the rest of the ride was silent. When my family decided something, there would be no talking their way out of it. It was just that simple...or more like a bad habit to me.

When we got to the airport, Uncle Elbert shoved me out of the car and walked me over to a wide open space where only private planes were located and only people who were going on it could enter. He looked around and finally stopped in front of one.

I heard someone shouted and ran around inside the plane and then soon, four members of Anjell were in front of me. "Hey Sebastion! Who's this girl here? Is she our maid or something?" the lead singer, Seth asked. I assumed Sebastion was either their butler or someone who was in charge of them.

"No, she belongs to me. She's my personal maid." I looked up and Hyle was on the plane with his arms crossed. Nathan went silent and so did Seth, Terrance and Sam. I just stood there not knowing what to do.

"Lyssa, Hyle will take care of you now. You'll call him master, okay? We love you and we'll miss you. Heres your bag and remember to call as soon as you get there. Okay, Lyssa?" he was worried and I could almost see regret in his eyes. I nodded and Sebastion who turned out to be their butler carried my bags.

"Get in! This flight is gonna be fun with a girl with us! You have to tell us about yourself!" Nathan said and I nodded. I picked a seat which was near the window and looked outside. Uncle Elbert waved at me and I waved back. I was going to miss my family. They didn't even say goodbye and I also didn't get the chance to decide on this job.

Tears started to pour out but when Hyle came and sat next to me, I quickly wipe them away.

"It's okay if you wanna cry. I know you miss them. But don't worry, it's okay. You're gonna forget them sooner or later." What was wrong with him? How could he say that I will forget my own family?! But since he was the master, I had to not talk back to him.

"I guess."

"You are Lyssa? My name is Hyle. I am sure you have ever heard of me. Don't bother about it. The others are at the back having their so-called 'fun'."

"I know who you are and why aren't you with them if it's fun? Why are you here next to me even talking to me? I thought since I'm your maid I had to remain silent and yeah, that's all."

He gave me a look as if I was crazy but then went back to listening to his music. I leaned and looked out of the window. What was I going to face when I get there? What was I going to tell Selina? This is so messed up!

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