His personal maid/girlfriend Chapter 20: Cheerleader no more...

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Chapter 20: Cheerleader no more...

Lyssa's P.O.V.

''Hyle...you okay?'' I was starting to get worried. He was staring at me shock not moving. He nodded his head and suddenly he hugged me. It was like his brain's switch flipped back on and started functioning again. I felt my pyjamas getting wet at my shoulder part. He was crying. 

''Hyle, I won't leave you. You know you could have told me and not act like a total jerk right?'' I asked him.

He pulled away and looked at me. ''I'm sorry.'' he said and I could feel tears flowing down from my eyes. I missed him so much.

''I missed you hugging me, I missed you talking to me, I missed you.'' I said between tears.

''I'm sorry, Lyss. I didn't mean to make you cry. I thought you would move on if I just went with Lexie. Guess you didn't and I'm sorry I hurt you.''

I smiled and stood up. ''Well, what are we gonna do now? You can't just break up with Lexie, people will have negative impression of you.'' I told him. He looked like he was in deep thoughts but then he suddenly got up and smiled. ''I got an idea.''


Okay, Hyle's plan was so 'smart' that I thought it would fail. He said that we should act like that for awhile and he would slowly ignore Lexie and silently break up with her. As for the others, Hyle said they could know so we told them but Hyle also made them promised not to tell anyone or else the plan would fail. As for those girls that kept backing Lexie up, Hyle would deal with them.

So in the car, I sat next to Hyle while Lexie sat at his other side. I held hands with him but made sure Lexie couldn't see by hiding out hands behind our backs like the first time we held hands at Hyle's party. It was uncomfortable but somehow, it was worth it. Holding back Hyle's hand was like a promise from him that he would never let go of me ever again.


We arrived school and as usual, I acted like I was mad at Hyle and left him(boo hoo!) with Lexie and made my way accross the parking lot pushing girls away like a bodyguard as usual and after that put on a angry expression and walked to class. Inside, I was laughing. You got to admit that it was pretty funny.

There was one class that Lexie wasn't in of course. Music class. I went into the Music class and I relaxed because the teacher said that our band could go to a special room that the school provided just for Anjell in music class. It was for Anjell only and friends whoever that they invited. So as usual, the few of us hang out in the room playing instruments. Hyle and I sat at the couch in the room and I lied down on his lap.

''Okay, now that you guys are together, let's use this time to plan on how to get rid of Lexie. She's bugging me like seriously.'' Nathan said as he jumped on the couch making me sit up. Everyone went into deep thoughts and then Selina gave a smile. she got something, I was sure of it.

''what's your idea, Sel?'' I asked her. She smiled and sat down on a chair.

''Lexie's cheating on Hyle.'' she said and smiled. Everyone in the room went into full shock mode. Whoa, that girl was crazy. She was already with the hottest guy in the planet and still she cheated on him. 

''Are you serious, Sel?!'' Kathe said jumping up from her chair. Selina nodded and continued, ''I saw her kissing this guy in the basketball team after Hyle carried Lyss to the nurse's office. I was about to go to the lockers to get Lyss's normal clothes and go to the nurse's office when I heard some noises. I checked at the girl's locker room and I saw Lexie kissing a guy. She's totally cheating on Hyle. So Lyss, you could give the headcheerleader title to Lexie and then we'll find some way to let that guy kiss Lexie in front of Hyle in the next game which is next week. And then Hyle could say that Lexie is cheating on him and happily ever after.'' 

I stood up and hugged Selina. That was the most brilliant plan that Selina had ever thought of! I was so proud of her! So we went over to Lexie at recess. ''Hey Lexie! Guess what? I'm giving the headcheerleader title over to you!'' I said and pretend to be happy for her and all that. Honestly, I had pure fun being the headcheerleader but anything was worth sacrificing when it came to Hyle.

''Really? You're not joking, are you?'' she seem happy.

''I'm serious. So, you better go meet the girls now! They need some training!'' I told her and she hugged me and ran. Step one, complete. Now it was up for Seth to talk to the guy.

Seth's P.O.V.

''Dude, she's totally into you! Don't worry, I won't tell Hyle.'' I told this guy who's name was Bryce. Whatever. 

''Really? But...Hyle would kill me man!'' this guy was making it hard.

''Just go. Hyle has thousands of girls to chose from. I even heard he has a thing for his maid!'' I said.

''No way! I heard that Hyle treated Lyssa like dirt! But for Lexie, I would confess! But how should I do it?'' really? This guy had no idea how to confess to a girl? I sighed and said, ''Next week is the second basketball game and I heard that Lexie is the new headcheerleader because Lyssa can't continue cheerleading. You could confess to her then!''

He thanked me and ran out of the boy's bathroom where we just had our little conversation. Kind of stupid that we were talking in the bathroom. I sighed at that thought and went to meet the others.

Lyssa's P.O.V.

Seth managed to talk Bryce, the basketball guy, into it. So the only thing left was to wait for the time to come. Hyle said he couldn't wait until he could break free from Lexie and I laughed at that thought and gave him a tiny hug. It felt good to be able to hug him again. But I wanted was Lexie to be out and just the both of us left.  

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