His personal maid/girlfriend Chapter 23: Final Chapter

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Haha so far thanks for the support! This story is dedicated to this fellow wattpader because she had support me since Chapter 1!! Thank you yea!


Chapter 23: Final Chapter

It seemed like two years since I stopped being Hyle's maid. By then my hair grew long to my waist and I was the most popular girl in town since I was once Hyle's maid. I didn't know if I would ever see Hyle again. I missed him so much. I tried calling his cell phone but every time I called, there wasn't an answer. 

I wasn't living with my parents anymore. I was living with Selina who came back from Anjell and kept talking about how much Hyle missed me. But..if he missed me that much why didn't he called me at all? I was getting worried. Maybe he found another girl to replace me? The thought hurt me from inside but Selina kept saying that Hyle won't do such thing and loved me very much.

There was going to be an Anjell concert in town in three days and Selina got tickets. Front rows. I didn't know how she got the tickets but she got them. Even if I was at front row, will he recognize me? I didn't know and there was only one way to find out. That was to go to the concert and find out myself. 


The day of the concert just three hours before it start, Selina offered to help me dress up. She gave me a black skirt with a purple shirt and I combed my hair down. I looked different from the last time Hyle saw me. I was so sure he wouldn't recognize me. It was starting at 11a.m.. Selina drove us to the stadium which was near our house so it would have took us twenty minutes to get there but because of the traffic jam we reached there one hour later.

We got to the front row and got ourselves ready. I knew Selina was eager to see Seth again. Yes, Seth and Selina was a couple all along and no one knew. Sneaky brats. As for Gretchen, she gave birth to...twins! A boy and a girl. Sam must be really proud. I heard their wedding was awesome but I didn't go since I had my exam on that very day which suck.

Smoke came on and we can't see anything at first but then when the smoke cleared, I saw them. I saw THEM. I saw ANJELL. I saw HYLE. My eyes landed on him first. He wasn't holding his guitar but a mike since the first song was sang by him. His hair grew longer and covered his left eye. He dyed his hair brown and I noticed he was scanning the crowd. He scanned passed me..he didn't see me. Wow.

After his song I didn't had anymore mood to continue there watching him as he didn't recognize me. I didn't blame him though. I looked really different. I took my bag and ran out of the stadium and to the nearby park where flowers were all around and I sat in the patch of flowers. It was where I usually hang out when I was depressed. It reminded me of the times I hang out at the garden back when I was with Anjell. 

I didn't know when I fell asleep but when I woke up someone was beside me. I got up shocked and turned away not wanting to look at whoever it was. ''What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here.'' I said hoping he or she would go away and leave me alone.

I heard he or she getting up and walked a few steps. But what I didn't expect was that a pair of arms hugged me from behind. It was definitely a guy. ''Who do you think you are? Get away from me!'' I moved away from him. 

''Lyss...'' I stopped. That voice. 

I turned around and saw Hyle. He was wearing those clothes from the concert and was on the ground holding one rose. He was smiling and he tilted his head so that his hair covered his left eye. My heart stopped beating once I saw him there. 


''Hey Lyss. I missed you.'' he got up and pulled me into a tight hug. I heard girls screaming and shouting and lots of shrieking. 

''Hyle...run.'' I grabbed his arm and ran. I can't run in a skirt so I ripped the lower part(not until it showed everything) and ran. I grabbed his arm and ran to Selina's house. Selina was already at the door waiting with an angry expression but it all changed into a surprised expression once she saw me grabbing Hyle running from bunch of girls. 

''Guys! Get in!'' she opened the door and all of us went in. Bangs on the door followed but Selina locked the door. ''Surprise!!!'' I heard a shout behind us. I turned around and there, Anjell was in Selina's house crashing and there was a cake in front of me. Seth and the boys hugged me like crazy. 

''Guys! What's this for?'' I asked crying happy tears.

''It's your birthday! The concert was the only way we could get to you and well, Selina helped us sneak away from the fans. Hyle saw you running away and decided to look for you. It's a surprise made before Selina left us.'' I can't believe this! I can't believe that they made me a surprise! I can't believe that I forgot my own birthday!

''Don't tell me you forgot your birthday!'' Kathe said coming to me and hugged me like she was going to crush all my bones. ''Kathe!'' I hugged her back. It was such a long time since I met her. Tera from behind coughed. ''Don't I get a hug too?'' she asked. She had practically went and dye her hair silver! Whoa! I hugged her. She was so different! What was more..Seth told me Tera and Terrance were together. It was my turn to shriek then. 

It was almost evening and we all knew that the celebration can't last long. We packed up the stuff and said our goodbyes. Once again..a goodbye. Why can't my life just stop having goodbyes. I looked at Hyle maybe for the last time. ''Hyle, I love you. I'll miss you.'' I hugged him. He dropped his stuff and hugged me back. 

''Love you too Lyss.'' 

There was a ring from Seth's phone. 

''Hello?...yes sir...we're at a girl's house...perfectly safe...what?!...really?...we can stay?!....how long?...five months?!?!....thank you sir...I mean, very well sir...'' I tried my best not to shriek. They were going to stay here for five months? What happened?

''Manager callled. he said that Anjell is going to make a movie in this town. He said the filming might take a long time at least five months so...WE'RE STAYING!!!'' he said as he twirled Selina around and around. 

I couldn't believe my ears. 

They were staying here? That means more time with Hyle! I hugged Hyle and didn't let him go. I was once with my master...my guy. 

That night I was standing at the balcony of my room. I heard the door opened and I smiled. A pair of arms wrapped around my waist. ''So...''

''Hyle, thanks for everything.'' I told him. 

''Haha, it's me who should be thanking you.'' I turned around and hugged him. 

Even if one day Hyle and I had to be separated, I wanted to be in his arms for now. Just..at least...for now.

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