Chapter Eight

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*Kellin's POV*

The next day Vic and I was woken by the obnoxious tone of his alarm clock. We both were dazed at first, trying to remember the events of last night. Of course, how could I forget: I fell asleep singing to, and cuddling, the person I inevitably found myself falling for. I even told him in his sleep.

However, not a word was spoken about it. Vic told me it was early and everyone should still be asleep, meaning I'd have time to sneak out and go home. I was a little disappointed, but I didn't let it show. Instead, I carefully climbed out of his window and said I'd see him at school.

I strolled down the street to the crisp air of daybreak. I never minded early mornings, in fact, I prefer them. The feeling of no limits, the icy cool wind that raises goosebumps.

The feeling of finally being free.

I made it to my house within 10 minutes. My mom, due to working the late shift, was still passed out in her room which made me content. I wouldn't have these precious morning moments ruined by someone's dialogue.

I strode up the stairs to my bedroom to find casual attire for the day. Groaning at the thought, it was only Tuesday and I was already looking forward to the weekend. After matching my outfit I went along to the bathroom to take a quick shower and groom.

Next step, I was not in favor of.

To contend with deciding if I was to allow myself breakfast or not. I was pensive, which meal was I skipping today?

I decided that I'd eat breakfast, eat lightly at lunch, and skip dinner.

Next question: what's appropriate to eat?

I didn't want to eat too much because I wanted to eat at least a little at lunch to avoid any more questions. Vic has been pestering me the last three days about my eating habits; I think he's getting suspicious.

He'd say: "Why haven't you eaten anything Kells? Aren't you hungry?"

I'd reply: "Ew, no, school food is gross."

Sure, we'd all get a laugh, but Vic would eye me afterwards, silently stating he didn't buy it.

Snapping out of my thoughts I just decided on a light bagel and nonfat cream cheese. That shouldn't hold much guilt for later.

For once I was thankful for someone talking to me in the morning. As I ate, I thought more about what I was eating. And the more I think, the more I hate myself.

"Morning baby" My mom stumbled down the stairs, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Morning mum" I emphasized the 'um' to mock a British accent. She smiled, and sat beside me, making her own bagel.

"Did you come home last night? I swear before I passed out I went to check on you and you weren't in your room. I figured you were in the basement or something, but I was too tired to check."

I pondered with the question. There's no need to lie to my mom, right?

"No, I didn't, I actually spent the night at Vic's. We accidentally passed out on his couch watching a random show and I completely forgot. I'm sorry." I said half-heartedly.

"It's okay, as long as your safe." She smiled before getting up and trudging back up the stairs to get ready for work.

That's what I love about my mom: she's incredibly understanding. I use to not trust her with anything because I was afraid she'd always take it the wrong way. But the first time I told her about dad hitting me (and worse than the usual whack to the bottom,) she confronted him. I remember her words: "Don't you dare hit my son like that again, you hear me?" If only we knew that weeks later he'd be hitting both of us. I cringed at the memory, but I was quick to dismiss the thought. It was early morning, and I was still attempting to have a peaceful state of mind before school.

I love my mom and nothing will ever change that.

Before I knew it, I was snapped out of my thoughts by another tone of an alarm, this one being mine. Denoting that I'd better leave now if I wanted to get to school on time.

I frowned at the thought of yet another 7 hours taken from yet another day. Nevertheless, I still picked myself up from my bar stool chair, put the dish I used in the sink, found my shoes, and made my way out the door.

*Vic's POV*

I found myself lying back down in bed and silently letting tears escape my eyes. I hated making him leave. I hated even more that I'd have to go to school today. After Jenessa's video on Instagram yesterday, everyone is going to hate me. I don't blame them.

It petrified me that I would probably walk the halls today, being called all types of horrid names. It scared me even more that I knew Mike would find out as well.

As I thought harder, more ire built up inside me. Why should I be treated differently because I'm attracted to Kellin?


Despite Jenessa exposing me, last night was absolutely perfect. He lulled me asleep with his flawless voice. Exquisite he is. I was amused by the fact that he probably entertained the assumption that I was asleep when he made his confession last night

I wasn't.

Even with the perfect memory, it pained me to know that not only would I get pushed around today, he probably would too. I groaned when Mike knocked at my door.

"Hey Vic I know you're tired, but snap out of it, we're already gonna be late." He scolded me.

I sat up and waved him off. "Right, right. Hey Mike, you haven't been on Instagram...have you?" I asked cautiously.

"Nah I deleted that app weeks ago. Why?"

So he hasn't seen the video.

"I uh, I need to tell you something. Come here."

I realized this situation wasn't ideal for such a big confession. I didn't want to brush it off as no big deal, but at the moment I'd rather him find out from my lips than all the kids at school.

He sat down at the end of my bed and nodded for me to tell him.

"This is an extremely inconvenient way to tell you something so big, but you'll hear it about a hundred times today, so it's better I tell you myself..."

he looked worried, but still urged me to go on.

"I hope this won't matter but, Mike, I'm gay."

I closed my eyes, not wanting to see his expression. When I finally brought myself to open them, his mouth was a gaped. And he looked a little bit too thrilled.

"OH MY GOD REALLY? OH VIC, TONY OWES ME 20 BUCKS. I CALLED IT!" He yelled loud enough for the neighbors to hear. I laughed in relief, my brother accepted me.

"Sooo... you don't care?"

"What! Why would I care Vic?! You're still my brother and I got your back no matter what!" He lightly hit my shoulder in affection. Okay, at this point I was more than relieved. Now I know I definitely have at least three people that accepted me.

"So who's the guy?! Oh wait, don't tell me. Is it...Kellin?!" He asked excitedly.

I simply nodded and he jumped off my bed again "YES! TONY OWES ME 5 MORE BUCKS! KELLIC IS REAL!"

This time I facepalmed at his overly sportive behavior.

"Can you and Tone stop betting on me please? And who made that ship name, oh my gosh!"

We both laughed hysterically before I got out of bed to get ready for the long day ahead. With Mike, Tony, and Kellin on my side so far, maybe today won't be that bad.

I hope.


Hey guys! Wow. This chapter came out way longer than I thought it'd be and I didn't even get them to school haha. I really like where this is going! I have some sort of an idea of a plot progression, but it's nothing too fancy so far. Maybe ;) Also thanks for almost 500 reads holy shiz! I think I hit 478 in a little less than 3 days? Awesome! Comment, vote, + to library? ^○^

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