Chapter Thirteen

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Just incase anyone's confused— this is Kellin's POV. He had the art project and Vic had the music one. Carry on!

I stayed up late last night putting the finishing touches on my art project. I turned the drawing I had originally, into a medium sized canvas painting. Even with a fatigued mind, I painted pretty damn well. Despite the mild confidence, my stomach churned with uncertainty as I strolled into the classroom.

Taking my seat, I took a short glance around the room, admiring everyone else's work.

"Alright students! I hope you didn't forget your projects because they are due today." She said, emphasizing the date.

"Let's see, uhh, Aimee! Why don't you go first sweetheart?" My teacher called for a girl in the back with a hopeful expression. Aimee sprinted up to the front with zeal; bringing with her a sculpture of a tree.

She called it The Tree of Doubt. From each branch hung a negative thought she had about anything. At the base of the trunk, was a mini sculpture of a boy setting it ablaze. Watching it as it burns. I have to give it to her, the sculpture and words behind it were exquisite.

"Excellent work!" My art teacher praised. She thanked her, sat the sculpture down on a side table, and returned to her seat in the back.

"Next, Kellin, why don't you show us what ya got?" She said playfully. I flashed her a nervous smile, and took my place at the front of the class.

"Okay. Well, um, this for starters is nowhere near how amazing Aimee's is. So don't expect much." I said, chuckling slightly. "What I created is something that's usually kept private. Here, I have a home; a home not desired, and not uncommon." I began to explain how I came up with this idea with minimum detail; it's not like these people care to know my life story.

"I, uh, painted the girl- or ghoul -on top because she's-" I was cut off by someone whisper shouting my name. I looked around the class- everyone silent. I glanced at the door to catch glimpse of no-other-than Vic; sporting the brightest smile and childish thumbs up. I giggled, then shooed him away so I could finish my speech.

At the end of my presentation, the entire class was crickets. No one dared to speak a word. Was it really that awful? I scooted around and fooled with my hands and bit my bottom lip.

"Kellin...this is...extravagant, I-I don't even have the words." My art teacher mumbled. I took a short breath of relief, but that still didn't stop the room from being engulfed in dead silence.

A few seconds later, a guy I've never talked to in the back row stood and began clapping. Immediately, everyone mimicked him with applause. I stood baffled. I assumed it'd be lucky to get a 'good job.'

Shortly after, everyone sat back down and the presentations continued. I'm still in shock that my mere painting received a whopping standing ovation.

One for team Kellin!

The bell rang and I hopped out of my seat and rushed out of class. I had just enough time to make it to Vic's class for his presentation. School just let out, but, Vic's teacher made sure everyone had time to present. That meant the class would be running a little later than usual.

I sighed thankfully as I rushed to the door and saw him just about to start. I snaked my way inside, and stood quietly to the side. No one noticed me yet.

"Alright! So, this is a song I wrote for someone...very special to me. It's called Hold On Till May and I hope you like it." He readied his guitar, and began to play. I listened attentively as I took in the sound, the words, and the meaning.

I couldn't help but smile idiotically as I watched his expression change with the verses. During the chorus, his face would lighten and he'd look out to the people he played to. It's almost as if he thought he was playing to a crowd. A natural born performer, I guess.  It wasn't long before my favorite part came along.

"If I were you, I'd put that away... see you're just wasted and thinkin' 'bout the past again, darling, you'll be okay..."

He finished the song and received the same amount of love I did for my presentation— a standing ovation. He glanced over to me, and grinned delightfully. The result surprised neither of us because of it's meaningful lyrics.

"Alright class, Vic was last so we're all free to go. See you tomorrow!" His teacher announced. The students filed out and left Vic, I, and his teacher alone.

"That was awesome! Better than awesome. Absolutely marvelous. Well done babe." I say, smiling as I take him into my arms.

"Thanks Kell." He whispered and kissed my shoulder.

Vic packed his guitar, and as we headed for the door his teacher stopped us for a question.

"Is that the special person?" He asked pointing to me.

I could see Vic hesitating because he wasn't sure if I was okay with telling him or not. So I took it upon myself to snake my arms around Vic's torso and lean my head on his shoulder. "Yep, sure is!" I said smiling. His teacher just chuckled and said congratulations. School's not always terrible.


Hey guys! Sorry this is a day late and short. But, I will be updating again tomorrow for the missed day. Warning: It WILL be a trigger chapter! Love ya! -Cierra.

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