Chapter Twenty

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Then came the after party. The one Mike, Tay, and I skipped school to plan. 

After the graduation ceremony was well and over, we all said goodbye to our friends that we wouldn't see again (Vic) or (me) until August. The Fuentes family and me piled into their car and headed back to their house which is where the party started. The deal that stood between us and the Fuentes' parents was simple. They would leave us unattended and go to a hotel for a night alone, under a few circumstances. I could remember Mrs. Fuentes' frail voice list them: "Number one: don't break anything. Two: Don't burn the house down. Three: Don't get arrested because I'm going to be pissed if I have to leave the hotel to bail one of you out. And if someone tells you guys to turn it down, then do it!"

Psh, right.

Almost immediately after the Fuentes' car pulled out of the driveway the party was in motion. Speakers blared, cups were brimmed with any type of liquor, and every room in the house had someone in it. I lost Vic in the wave of bodies so I decided to pour myself a cup of whatever, loosen up, and find someone to stick with over the course of the night. 


My brain seemed fuzzy after the fourth cup I poured. I still hadn't found anyone and it was starting to piss me off feeling alone in an overly crowded house. And then I finally stumbled across someone. Tony. He was sitting on the couch in the den holding someone's head in his lap. My mind was so screwed that the person's face appeared blurry.

"Tone Bone! Who's in your lappp?" I slurred. 

He looked up and scoffed. "Mike. He's had way too much to drink and he keeps puking." He said. In that instant a blurry Mike came back to life and regurgitated the many chemicals in his system yet again.

"God dammit Mike!" Tony yelled in frustration. "Ugh. I love the guy, but c'mon. This rug is now trash by the way. You might want to tell Vic so he has time to buy a new one." 

I frowned. I liked that rug.

"Alighttt, I'll go find my Viccy poo and tell him what you said Tone Bone. Shhhh!" I said, leaning over the couch and pressing my finger to his lips. "I won't tell him it was Mike though. Our secret is safee with me." I whispered in his ear.

Tony's face came more into focus as I pulled away, and he was just shaking his head and grinning at my drunkenness."You're so hammered Kells." 

"I knows!" I yelled before strutting in a runway model walk hand-in-the-air out of the room to find Vic.


I found Vic surprisingly still sober. When I was for sure I searched everywhere in the house and didn't find him, I was just about to give up and accept the fact that he left his own  party when some random dude said he was outside talking with Matty. I didn't want to just storm outside to see, so I peered through the window and sure enough, there they were. Talking. 

About what? 

It looked like an intense conversation, that's for sure. Vic had this strained expression he always got when something was bothering him. He'd clinch his jaw so his jaw line was  more prominent and he'd look down him his lap and tangle his fingers. Whatever they were talking about seemed important.

At first I just felt bad. What if they're talking about him going to college? Do I fit into that conversation? Am I making it harder for him?

And then I felt angry. God dammit Vic! This is your night to enjoy and loosen up and not worry about things! He always tells me to do this, so why can't he?!

And then, with what I saw, I felt rage. Matty put his arm around my boyfriend and proceeded to kiss him on the cheek. MY boyfriend. 

"Aw hell no he did not just!" Was all I could get out before I bounced from the window, stormed over to the door and flew it open. They both turned wondering what the hell just happened but I was about to inform them on what just happened.

"How could you?!" I looked at Matty. "This is MY boyfriend. Mine, mine, mine!" I said while stomping my feet. "Keep your cat whiskers off of his cheek! And babe, why did you let him do that! You didn't even flinch or look slightly uncomfortable. Did you like it? Are cat whiskers something you're into because if so-"

"Kellin! You're literally too drunk to understand what you're saying. Go upstairs and lay down in my bed before you stress me out even more!" Vic yelled at me. He yelled at me. He yelled at me.

He fucking yelled at me.

"Um who do you think you're talking to, Vic? I'm not your animal that you can tell what to do. I'm a fabulous bitch and I will do what the fuck I want to do, not what a man tells me to do! Thank you, come again." I said, snapping my fingers in a 'Z' form.

"This is great." Matty said, whipping out his phone and recording the scene.

"You keep quiet whiskers!" I shouted.

"Kellin get out of my house." Vic's voice.

"No! This was just getting good Vic!" Matty's voice.

"Kellin get out!" Vic's voice.

"Vic don't make him leave. He's too drunk to get home on his own." Matty's voice.

"I'm not going anywhere." My voice.

"I'm done with you." Vic's voice. 

The last voice I heard until the next morning.


HEYYY GUYSSS! Finally! An update!! Thank you for all of you guys continuing to add this story to reading lists and asking for updates. It makes me so freaking happy to see you all still enjoying this story despite the lack of updates. Pss: Did you catch the references? There's two ;D And sorry for the cursing in this chapter, but yunno, with drunkenness comes a ton of it. I love you all so much and I'll be updating other stories today as well! -Cc <3 

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