Chapter Twelve

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A/N: Drama free for a few chapters, so you may breathe. Also, I think the rest of this story will be in Kellin's point of view. Unless there's a dire reason it has to be in Vic's. That's all!

As cliché as it sounds, Vic is the person I've been waiting for. He's equipped with all the things required to make our newly blossomed relationship thrive. Sure, I haven't been though too much anguish in life. But, the few things I have experienced are enough to deter me from my goals every now and again. However, with Vic's support, I hope to improve.

The rest of the morning, and most of the afternoon, Vic and I spent at his house. Since the rain was pouring for a few hours, we recorded random home videos to a YouTube account we have no subscribers on. One I recorded with Vic playing the guitar. He had this outrageous theory that one day a big record company would see it and call him. The odds of that happening are almost none, but I let my boyfriend dream. Boyfriend.

Vic drove me home around six. Hand in hand, tranquil silence surrounded us. Sooner than desired, we pulled in front of my house, and I found myself not wanting to leave his side. I also noticed my mom's car in the driveway. Guessing I'll have some explaining to do as to why I'm home late.

"I don't want to leave you nowwww!" I exclaimed, throwing a mock hissy fit and poking out my bottom lip. Vic just laughed and patted the top of my head.

"You'll live, I promise. Call me in a few?" He asked in which I obviously answered yes. Before getting out of the car, for the second time today, he kissed me. Capturing my bottom lip, and leaving us both a bit breathless. I watched his car as he followed the street out of sight.

I feel like a fangirl of his.

I entered the house with my key I used earlier. "Mom! I'm home!" I yelled, tossing my phone and key on the couch and slipping off my shoes.

"Where were you?" She asked, coming down the stairs to face me.

"I was at school like I should've been? I just went to a friend's house afterward."

She cocked an eyebrow, implicitly stating she knew otherwise.

"Alright, fine. I skipped today. But! I did it with good reasoning. So sit down with me so I can tell you about itttt."

We laughed hysterically as I dragged her to the couch and made her sit down. Crawling into her lap and resting my head there as she toyed with my hair. Yes, I'm a 17 year old guy laying his head in his mom's lap. We just have a sportive and nonchalant relationship.

And that's how we were for the next hour or so: just me talking and her listening. Most times I'd get an "uh huh" as a response, but I know she cares.

I'm also greatly appreciative that my mom accepts me. The day I came out just-so-happened to be the first time my dad hit me. Sometimes I feel as if she only accepts me because of the unpleasant timing, but another part of me knows otherwise.

"Well, Vic sounds like a faultless guy. As long as you're happy, then I'm happy." She said smiling and patting my thigh. For a moment's time, it was quiet. Then I felt a vibrating sensation under me. I pulled my phone out to see Vic's face on the screen. I sat up so straight and answered so quickly.

Yep, definitely a fangirl.

"Hey Vic" I answered, sounding a bit too frantic.

"Hey Kells, you alright?" He asked. My heart again fluttered at the nickname he gave me.

"Is that him?" My mom whisper-shouted to me. I laughed before putting him on speaker.

"Yeah I'm good. Hey Vic, you're on speaker phone, so say hi to my mom!"

"H-hey Kellin's mom! Or Ma'am. Ms. Quinn? Sorry I just don't know how to properly address you."

He's so cute when he's pressured.

"Haha hi, Vic! You can just call me Lisa. It's nice to finally hear your voice! My son here just talked about you for almost an hour strai-"

"Mooooooom!" I whined, taking Vic off speaker. The sound of his laughter filled my ear, which made me erupt into my own fit of mirthful laughter.

"I'm going to my room where my mom can't embarrass me anymore." I said, fake stomping up the stairs.

"Your mom is really cool." He said, finally coming down from his high of laughter.

"Yeah, she is, WHEN SHE'S NOT EMBARASSING ME!" I yelled loud enough for her to hear me downstairs. Vic just chuckled and said his mom is pretty much the same way.

We talked for hours after that. Most of the time, I had him on speaker while he played guitar, and I caught up on work I missed at school.

"Hey Vic?"


"You should- no you have to play that song you played for me for your music project due on Friday."

"Oh yeah! To be honest, I forgot about that! How's your drawing coming along? Y'know the one you showed me a few weeks back?"

Slight dread permeated my stomach at the memory of the drawing kept in one of my many notebooks. I know I have to use that drawing, considering I haven't worked on any others and it was due on Friday.


"Oh, sorry, yeah. I-it's okay I guess."

I could basically picture the frown on Vic's face from the brief awkward silence that followed.

"Are you alright?" He questioned with concern.

"Yeah, I just never explained the picture's meaning to you. I will one day, okay?"

"Alright. Just remember that everything will get better eventually. Whatever it is that's going on."

I smiled at his encouraging words. We stayed on the phone for a few hours longer, then, we both decided to call it a night at 11 for the sake of waking up on time.

Hanging up was awkward because I almost caught myself saying words I wasn't ready to speak. I could feel the disappointment in Vic's tone after we hung up, so, I wasted no time reassuring him through text.

Me: I'm marking today as one of the best days of my life on my calendar :)

Vic: Me too, grab me a sharpie will ya hun? xx

Me: Nuuu, too comfortable in bed xp

Vic: Perezoso.

Me: Like you aren't too!

Vic: xP :)

Me: I'll say it some day... it'll be more special than just an ending of a phone call. Promise xx

Vic: Okay :) Good night my majestic unicorn.

Me: Night my magical winged creature.

Vic: What did we even just

Me: I don't know.


So, I tried to make this chapter light hearted and relaxing. I also tried to be funny, so pretend to laugh! xD  I love you guys

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