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Amber walked down the dark alley, texting her friend Kaeya.

Kaeya 💙
My brother is hosting a party next week,
you coming?

Ofc, can I invite other ppl?

Kaeya 💙


She bumped into a wall. Wait no, not a wall. It was soft, like a pillow. "Excuse me?" Amber looked up: a really pretty, young woman was looking down at her, her face being pushed into her chest. Eula. "Ah!" Shrieked Amber. The woman had blue hair, a dark headband and a blue scarf with a Lawrence clan symbol. The cheerleaders tan face went five shades paler. The Lawrence was once a very feared clan but now they're just very violent people with... 'Issues'. "Eh- uh- em-", Amber didn't know much about her and the fact she was texting her earlier made her freak out a bit. "Are you okay, Amber?" laughed Eula and crossed her arms. "Ah, yeah... " she looked awkwardly to the ground. I never realized how pretty she is...

"You shouldn't be walking alone. It's night and a beautiful, young girl is walking in a dark alley... You got rather lucky bumping into me." Eula winked.

"Sorry... " Ambers cheeks flushed in a love-washed color as Eula gently took her wrist. "Let me bring you home. I swear I won't kidnap you." She laughed again and dragged the short girl with her out of the ally into the absorbing light of a street lamp.

Eula shoved her hands into her pockets.
"Hey Eula," Amber catched up to her. "Hm?"
"What were you even doing in such a place at this hour?" Eula smiled down at her crush. "I was just taking a walk. It's not easy to keep up with my crazy family."

"Understandable..." They continued walking until Eula pulled a box of cigarettes out and a transparent lighter. She held one to Amber but she refused, "I don't smoke." Eula chuckled, "wouldn't expect that by your smooth skin either." Amber giggled as her stomach bubbled at  the compliment. She always got a lot of compliments, but this is Eula Lawrence giving her a compliment!!

They were both walking next to eachother, in silence, one of them with a cig, the other one looking dreamily at the air.

"That's my apartment." Amber pointed at a luxurious apartment block. Eula nodded. "Then," she softly grabbed amber hand in hers and placed a gentle kiss on top of it. "See you at school, dear." She chuckled again and left, leaving the girl all red and flustered.

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