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Content warning: physical abuse

The sound of cutlery clanking filled the large dinning room to the brim, leaving no space for a conversation between Eula and her mother. "Eula, how is school going?" Asked the woman who was in her fifties. "My grades are good and I don't really have any friends. Just like you want me to be, you know. " The last sentence was in a whisper, but the mother caught it anyway. Eula picked up a potato with her fork. Mrs. Lawrence frowned. "Not in this tone, young lady!" "Sorry." The lady slammed her hands on the table. "Do I really need to teach you a lesson?! Did you still not get it?!" A cold shiver went down the spine of the blue-haired girl and her hands started sweating. "...Shut the fuck up." Barely the words left her mouth, the firm grip on her wrist was pressing her veins together. A normal person would've been scared, angry and shocked, but the tall girl has gotten so many 'lessons' from her family that she really didn't care about another one. Or did she?

A shaky sigh escaped Eula's mouth as her mother dragged her out of the room. Probably to the room where she always paints. The windows point to a forest where barely anyone walks through, so she would keep her 'awesome' reputation and still being able to abuse her child.

The older woman pushed her daughter into the large room. Yep, the art room.

What happened after Mrs. Lawrence locked the white door, will stay behind this locked door.

"And next time I ask you something, you are going to respond politely! Did you get that you stupid brat?!" Her voice was drowned by the ringing in Eula's ears. She's got abused a lot by her mother, but it never went this bad. Usually she was just yelling and barely got physical. Unlike her other family members.

But today something pushed her over the edge. "And don't talk to me unless I ask you something, you got that?!" She finally stormed out of the room, somehow still furious.

Normally Eula would talk to herself now and treat her wounds, maybe cry a little too.
But she could actually barely move and the consciousness was slowly fading from her mind. It reminded her of on of the old workers. She was nice to Eula and treated her like a friend, or maybe sister.

".. You..." Her mind went blank as she was still laying on the floor of the art room, the room a mess. Everywhere where paint brushes and ripped canvas laying around.

The chirping of two birds woke the drained girl up. Eula groaned as she sat up. Her body ached from sleeping on the ground and from yesterday's events. Eula looked outside. It was around four or maybe five in the morning. "Shit..." Mumbled she, and began cleaning herself and prepare for the day.

She took out her phone and opened Instagram to stalk her crush as usually.

Amber posted a new picture of her and this Sven guy. They both looked quite happy actually. But the caption made her frown in disgust.

'Nah cuz I rejected him but he somehow convinced me to go out with him 💀'

What the fuck. "My poor little bunny, what did the snezhnayen prick force you to do?!" She forcefully put down the cup of tea she was drinking. "Just wait until Saturday, you won't believe your eyes, bitch." She scrolled down to the comments to see one of her friends, Kaeya, being a little suspicious of him too.

'Do you think this was a good idea??'

Amber actually replied to him,

'I was a little quick to judge, he's a nice guy I swear 😓'

Eula groaned in annoyance as she slung her bag over her shoulder and left the house, while still looking through the comments.
Actually she was just looking for Noelle's comment.
But the maid doesn't seem like she uses social media a lot anyway.

"Oh, she replied." Mumbled the Lawrence and presses on Noelle_maid3's chat.


Hello Noelle. It's me, Eula.
I wanted to ask you something
about your relationship with Sven.
You do not have to respond
if you do not feel comfortable.

No, It's alright.
What is it?

How long have you
and Sven been

We've been together
for about four months.

Okay, thank you.

No problem.


'Four months isn't exactly long but longer then Sven has known Amber. Maybe.

"Hey Eula! I've been waiting for you!" Called out a cheery voice and a girl in red clothes ran up to her. "Amb-" She crushed Eula in a hug before she could speak any further. "How are you?" Amber seemed like a sun in that moment and Eula was like some plant who steals energy from her for her own sake. "I'm fine."

Amber dragged Eula back to the other students, who were standing in front of the gym. "Hey Kaeya, this is Eula. Eula, this is Kaeya." He raised his eyebrow, "why would you spent time with someone like her ?" Amber wrinkled her eyebrows. "Uh I don't know, because she's nice I guess..?" Kaeya seemed to disapprove of Eula, and walked away after glaring at her. Actually being friends with him or at least having a neutral relationship was part of Eula's 'let's make one of the most popular students my girlfriend although I'm only known for my last name and having sex with half of the school' plan. I mean what if he says shit about her and makes Amber dislike Eula.

"How are you and this Sven guy?" Eula wiggled her eyebrows, although in her mind she was death staring at Amber, ready to chop her head of if she blushes a tiny bit.

"Oh... Well, yeah everything's fine. It's just, he said he couldn't go to Diluc's party with me and I'm a little depressed." Depressed? Girl you just jumped on me and hugged like I was gonna vanish. "Well, If you really want a-" the sound of the bell shut her up and the teacher came to unlock the gym and let the kids enter.

"What did you say? I couldn't hear you," yelled Amber to over tone the students. "Ah nothing, I'll tell you later."

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