It's you?!

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Unknown POV:

I've had some fun with Y/N in the last few weeks, but for some reason, it isn't enough. At least not enough to fill the burning hole in my chest. Or at least take the edge off. I have to do something else, come up with something new.

Pondering, I look out the window. Suddenly I know what to do.

Y/N's POV:

My life continues on. But not like before - it does, in fact, get slightly better. My friendship with Laura is flourishing. Sometimes, I will even spend lunch with her and a few of her own friends. They are all nice to me. Contrary to Sophia.

She still takes every opportunity she can get to taunt me and make my life harder than it needs to be. Thankfully, her sidekicks don't really do anything else than sneer at me when they encounter me alone. Though I could do without having to sit next to Black Haired Boy during first period most days of the week. After all he's done to me, I don't particularly enjoy having to be so close to him.

But things take a turn one morning when I am just leaving my house.

I haven't thought much about my neighbor lately. After all, I've only caught a glimpse of the girl twice. Plus, there's a considerable distance between our houses, seeing as we live in a relatively wealthy area.

However, today seems to be the day that that will change.

I stop dead in my tracks when I see the brown-haired girl step out of her house and walk down the street, passing by my house. She's never gotten so close. And probably with good reason, I realize once she's close enough for me to see her face.

I don't bother to hold in my gasp. It's freaking Sophia who - out of all people - I have been living next to all this time. Sophia my bully. Sophia my lovely neighbor who seemed to already have a problem with me the very first time she ever saw me. How did I not make the connection? After all, Laura has told me that Sophia never bullies without a reason. Though, I still don't know what exactly her reason is.

But it's weird that I have never once encountered her here. And now she's suddenly walking out of her house right in front of my nose. It's almost as if she's letting me see her now. And I'm not sure that's something good.

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