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Y/N's POV:

Of freaking course, I don't see Laura today. Right when I desperately have to tell her what I discovered this morning! Only later, at lunch, do I learn that she's sick.

Great. Looks like I'll have to deal with this on my own for now. If only I knew why.

But my unanswered questions and pure shock aren't the only things I'm left to deal with alone.

It's past lunch when Sophia approaches me. How she found out that I have a free period now because one of my teachers is sick I don't know. But what I'm pretty sure of is that this means that there has indeed been an intention behind Sophia letting me see her this morning. But just what does she want?

"I'm not really in the mood to be bullied right now", I mutter in hopes to ward her off. But the perfect fake smile plastered on her perfect face doesn't falter one bit.

"Don't worry", she says, her smile growing even wider. It looks almost feline. And it does not do a good job at making me believe her words.

"Actually, I wanted to propose something to you", she continues.

I raise my eyebrows. This can't be good.

"I suppose you know that we're neighbors."

I nod in confirmation.

She smiles, and somehow it's even more feline. "Great. And I assume you don't like walking to school, do you?"

No. Actually, I hate it. The walk doesn't get shorter. And by now, I know what exactly awaits me once I reach school. But it doesn't even get better when I walk home. There's nothing I look forward to at my house. But, of course, I don't tell her any of that.

"It's alright", I nonchalantly say with a shrug.

She takes a step toward me. "Oh, Y/N, I don't think that's true. I've seen you, you know. You always look ... frustrated."

"You've seen me?!" This time I can't stop the question from escaping my mouth.

She smiles and her eyes sparkle. "Yes, I have. I usually pass you when I drive to school. In my car."

So she has a car. Good for her.

"So what's your proposition?", I ask, growing increasingly impatient.

"You really don't want to talk to me, huh? Alright, the proposition is: I take you to and from school with my car."

"And the catch?"

"You leave. As soon as possible."

I furrow my brows. "What do you mean 'leave'?"

"Leave this school, that house, this city. Just leave."

I almost laugh because of her arrogance. "What makes you think you can just make me leave?"

"If you do, you won't have to walk to school for the remainder of your time here. If you don't, I will make your life hell", she simply states. Dead-serious.

This time I laugh for real. "You know what, Miss Queeny, I don't like it here anyway. More specifically, I don't like you. So please, drive me to school all you want. You'll get rid of me either way. But it might speed up the process if we also add 'stop bullying me' to the list. How does that sound?"

Sophia takes a moment to consider it. But I already see the answer written clearly in her eyes. "Okay, Y/N. I leave you alone and give you a ride. In exchange, you do everything you can to remove your sorry ass from my city."

Ah, there she is; her usual lovely self. But I nod and shake her extended hand. "Deal."

"Deal", she confirms.


Later, in bed, the events of the day play back in my head. But something's changed.

Sure, I've wanted to leave as soon as I set foot in this city, this house. But during the last few weeks, I've slowly realized that, no matter how desperately I want it, I can't have my old life back. I have never acknowledged the thought because it hurts too much, but now ...

It's probably simply out of spite, but I decide that I want to stay. If only to piss off Sophia. The girl who has taken so much from me and has just handed me the opportunity to poke her sore spot on a silver platter.

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