Late Night Visit

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Sophia's POV:

The first time I talked to Y/N in my car was almost an accident. But it ended up helping me calm my mind. So I did it again. And before I knew it I fell into a routine. Sometimes, when I think about it before I fall asleep, I'm still amazed at how naturally it happened, how smoothly something seemed to have fallen into place.

But then I wake up in the morning and see the house next door and remember why I want Y/N gone.

So it comes as no surprise that I don't even consider inviting Y/N to my party. At least not for long. But I do catch myself staring at their house now and then as I wait for everyone to arrive.

Laura's POV:

The music keeps getting louder and the drinks I mix keep getting stronger.  Usually, I dance as much as as I can, but today I just can't get into it.

I've always known that Y/N's living next to Sophia but it's always been just some piece of information that makes sense in the bigger picture. Tonight, however, that particular knowledge weighs heavily on my mind.

I've been getting drunker but somehow, it does not help one bit. My mood seems to deteriorate in relation to the alcohol I consume. That's why I'm not even surprised when I find myself stepping outside. I just have to get this off my chest and clear my conscience.

Surprisingly, it does not take long for Y/N to answer their door. But I do note that they seem kind of thrown off by seeing me. Almost ... disappointed? But sure, I'd be too if my only friend went to the party of my archnemesis. Fuck, this does not make me feel better.

"Laura? Hi!", Y/N says. They're wearing a pajama but don't look sleepy at all. I don't think they even went to bed yet.

"Hi." I start fidgeting nervously with my hands.

"What's up?", Y/N sales while crossing their arms and leaning against the doorframe. I have a feeling they know exactly where I came from. But then again, it's probably not hard to guess. Why else would I be here in the middle of the night?

"I ... uhm, I wanted to talk to you."

"Okay then." Y/N offers me a tentative smile, as if they know I'm about to say something bad.

I take deep breath and steady myself before I blurt out as fast as I can - as if that'd somehow reduce the damage: "I've never actually been your friend - I mean, eventually, yes - but I'm Sophia's friend. She put me up to this, she wanted me to help her make you leave. She thought maybe you'd listen to a friend."

It's dark but the look of shock and betrayal on Y/N's face is as clear as day. As the seconds pass, something else becomes visible on Y/N's face. Something far more grave and irreversible. But I can't determine what exactly it is before Y/N slams the door in my face.

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