Small Talk

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Y/N's POV:

The car ride in the afternoon is silent. Neither Sophia nor I try to start a conversation. 

My evening is just as quiet. But somehow I find myself standing by the window in my bedroom and watching the lights behind the windows of Sophia's family's house flick on and off. I feel like a creep but I keep watching as Sophia makes her way up from the kitchen to another room in the house. But the room that's right opposite to mine stays dark.


I don't know why, but the next morning I try to talk to Sophia once again.

After adding a "How are you?" to our usual greeting again and finding Sophia's "Fine" to sound pleasant enough I continue:

"What's your first period?"

Sophia swiftly glances at me before going back to hyper-focusing on the road. "Skip the small talk, Y/N."

Something in my stomach tightens. But when have I ever stopped even after I realized continuing was a bad idea with Sophia? A small smirk begins to form on my lips.

"What's your greatest fear?"

This time Sophia actually turns her head toward me. I must really have caught her off guard because she's wide-eyed and for once seems to be at a loss for words.

"Eyes on the road", I drily say.

She obeys but that's likely only because it's the sensible thing to do. "What the hell, Y/N?"

I shrug. "You told me to skip the small talk."

"I meant cut it out!"

"Well, that's a bummer." And that's that. 

Sophia's POV:

I can't focus. It's almost lunch and I have no idea what happened in any of my classes. But it's not my fault, really. It's Y/N that keeps sneaking back into my thoughts.

Today has been the fourth time that Y/N tried to talk to me. And for some reason, I'm not as mad as I want to be. The car rides with them haven't been as bad as I thought they'd be in general. Y/N is a lot less obnoxious when ... well when I'm not giving them a reason to be. But that still doesn't mean that I'll start tolerating them! Actually, I'm just ceasing to despise Y/N.

It's not getting any better after lunch, and that is why I decide to respond to Y/N's continued efforts to strike up a conversation in the afternoon on a whim. They look just as flabbergasted as I feel when I do. But of course I don't let any of that show on my face. Instead, I flatly repeat a bit louder:

"Math, my last class was math."

Y/N quickly recovers. "Oh, and how was it?"

"It's math, take a guess."

From my peripheral vision, I see Y/N nodding almost sympathetically. "Any other subjects you don't like?"

I don't have to think for long before I reply: "Physics. That's literally hell on earth!"

Y/N nods along. "And when'd you have that today?"

I cringe a bit. "Right before math."

"Now that's a killer combination." I can't tell whether Y/N is sarcastic or seriously delighted. I don't know them well enough for that. Usually, I'd say the former because it's obvious that they don't like me, but after the last few car rides ... I'm not so sure anymore.

"Yeah, it is", I hum.

"So, I take it you don't like sciences?"

I nod lightly. "I guess you could say that."

"What's your favorite subject then?"

And just like that, the conversation flows until we reach our street. Y/N gets ready to leave the car, and that's when it gets awkward. There's a moment of silence in which we both realize what has just happened. But one of us clearly looks more delighted - almost triumphant - than the other.

"See you on Monday, Sophia", Y/N says while opening the car door. And it's the first time my name doesn't sound like an insult in Y/N's mouth.

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