Deal-Day One

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Sophia's POV:

Y/N agreed. To be honest, I don't expect them to. It's not like I feel sorry about it, but I know I haven't been the nicest to Y/N.

But I just couldn't wait to see if the bullying would eventually make Y/N leave. I really can't wait that long.

It doesn't matter, though. I think it helped me lay the groundwork for making Y/N want to leave.

Today is the first day of me giving Y/N a ride. We both agreed to skip the ride home yesterday. Neither of us wanted to be seen with the other.

I'm almost mad that Y/N is punctual because it gives me one less reason to be annoyed by them. But I'm sure I'll find another one instead. After all, we're going to spend a few minutes together in the small space that is my car.

"Hi", Y/N greets me while putting on their seatbelt. 

I just nod and start driving. The ride is silent but I swear I can see Y/N sneaking glances at me from my peripheral vision. Well fine then, they can look at me all they want. I don't care; they will be gone soon anyway.

I stop in a small street very close to my school. We agreed that that's where I'll be dropping off and picking up Y/N. The chances that anyone will see us here are very slim.

"See you", Y/N mutters and quickly leaves the car. Once they're gone it feels like I can finally let go of a breath I've been holding for way too long. Y/N would probably not believe me, but I don't like this any more than they do.

Y/N's POV:

Of course, I tell Laura about the deal as soon as I spot her in the hallway before class. I'm so eager to vent to her that I don't even ask her if she's feeling better. I notice too late but I'll make up for that later. Luckily, Laura doesn't seem to notice either. She's just as agitated by the news as I have been since yesterday.

"And can you believe her arrogance?! As if she had any right to expel me from this city!", I finish off my little rant.

Laura nods eagerly. "Yeah, that's true! It's so unlike her as well. I've never heard of Sophia doing anything like that."

"But just why? Why would she want me to leave so bad?", I voice the question that's been floating around in my head ever since last afternoon.

Laura's clueless expression kind off takes the wind out of my sails. If not even Laura, who has known or at least observed Sophia for quite some time, has any idea, my chances of finding out are rather slim. Short of asking Sophia or her sidekicks, I can't think of any way to find out.

Laura's next words are quiet and serious and catch me off guard: "But like ... didn't you agree? To leave?"

I slow down and whip my head over to look at her. "What do you mean?"

"I'm just saying, you agreed to her deal. So, are you going to leave?"

For some reason, I get a familiar sinking feeling in my stomach.

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