Would you like some chocolate?

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Sophia's POV:

It's after about two months of dating that I realize what I am feeling for Y/N might actually be real love. We've been spending so much time together and are basically joined at the hip that I've gotten to know them so well - and inevitably completely fallen for them. And yet, we're still not officially a couple. I know, that probably doesn't matter because it's pretty obvious that we like each other a lot without fitting our relationship into a concrete category, and it's essentially just formalities - but I still want to ask Y/N. And that's going to happen today.

"Are you nervous?"

Laura's come over in case I needed a pep talk. She's the only one who knows that I'm going to ask Y/N whether they want to officially be my partner. 

I shake my head. "Actually, no." I thought I'd be at least a tiny bit nervous but it turns out I'm not. Just like everything else in my relationship with Y/N - after we've gotten over the whole I-hate-your-guts-part -, this feels so natural. 

Laura chuckles and says in a light tone: "Then I'm basically useless here."

I furrow my brows. "No, of course you're not! I still like hanging out with you a lot, you know."

"Oh, you're afraid I'm gonna feel like the third wheel?", Laura realizes with wide eyes. But soon enough that slightly baffled look on her face is swiped away by a smile. "Don't worry, I'm friends with you both. And besides, I've maybe also got someone on my mind."

Now it's my turn to make a shocked face. "You do?! Why didn't I know?!"

Laura shrugs sheepishly. "I didn't want to tell you until there's actually something I can tell. "

"So ... that you're telling me now means ...?"

"Yeah. I've been talking to him", Laura admits with a smile and blushing cheeks.

"Oh my god! That's so great! I really, really hope it works out!", I exclaim while hugging her tightly. I can't wait to see Laura happily in love as well.


"What's all this?" Y/N points at the snacks and the bottles definitely not containing water I've laid out on the counter that separates the kitchen area and the living room.

"What? Don't you like snacks anymore?", I kind of dodge the question.

Y/N grabs my cheeks and swiftly pecks my lips. "I'm sorry Sophia-Boo, of course I like your snacks." Then they add with a smirk. "Even though just you would've been enough already."

"You can have both, Y/N-Boo, no problem! Plus, my parents aren't home anyway."

"My, my, what a valuable piece of information."

Indeed, it is.

After a bit of further playful bantering we end up on the cozy couch in my living room.

"Why don't you get the box of chocolates? You're closer!", I ask Y/N.

They roll their eyes but do as I asked. 

I smile sweetly. "Can you select one for me? I never know which one to pick. Oh, and look at the little booklet in the box, it tells you the different flavors."

Again, Y/N rolls their eyes but immediately complies. "My pleasure, you big baby." And then they look at the little booklet. They take a good look at it.

I lean back, and I can't help it, now, I am feeling a little nervous and my heart is beating a little faster. But I don't let any of that show, instead I just put on a smug smile. "Can't decide either? Why don't you read it? Maybe that'll help."

Y/N swallows hard and their eyes flick up to mine but quickly drop down to the booklet between their fingers again. "Will you be my partner?"

I squeal excitedly. "Oh, Y/N, that's so sweet of you! Of course, I will! I'll gladly be your girlfriend!"

Y/N's eyes find mine again. "You sly thing!" They emphasize every syllable but I can tell that they're not really mad. Looks like my elaborate plan wasn't so silly after all.

"But it did work, didn't it?"

"Of course it did, you idiot." Y/N drops the booklet and puts the box of chocolates on the nearby coffee table, so they can close the last bit of space between us and kiss me. "I'll gladly be yours too, by the way. Thanks for asking", they murmur against my lips while taking a breather. 

"You're welcome!"

"Stop looking so smug!"

"Never. I just got the most gorgeous person in the world to officially be mine - so why would I?"

"Oh, stop it!"

This time, I do stop. But it's true! How could I not be smug about Y/N being my significant other? They're everything I've ever dreamed of and I didn't even realize it at first. Good thing my stupid past self is gone.

Y/N closes the gap between us again until the both of us become one unity moving in unison. And this time, neither of us even thinks of stopping.

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